BC [ˌbi:'si:]  [ˌbi:'si:] 

BC 基本解释

abbr.before Christ 公元前(基督教会历法用); British Columbia (加拿大)不列颠哥伦比亚省; bachelor of commerce 化学学士

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BC 网络解释

1. 叶酸:泛酸(B5)、叶酸(BC)、烟酸(PP)等缺乏,都会引起相应的疾病 酶类 0.3% 蜂花粉中活性酶类多达80余种 转化酶、淀粉酶、葡萄糖氧化酶等多种酸 葡萄糖酸和柠檬酸,此外还有醋酸、丁酸、苹果酸和琥珀酸等 氨基酸、蜂蜜中含有丙氨酸、精氨酸、谷氨酸、天门冬氨酸、组氨酸、赖氨酸、苯丙氨酸、脯氨酸、丝氨酸等,

2. 战斗巡洋舰:而Class 6最困难,Class 7/8/9则是已知行星系的分级,分别是高安全区(Highsec)、低安全区(Lowsec)和零安全区(Nullsec),玩家Entity利用CCP所提供的资料制作出下图:Class 1:可用重型突击舰(HAC)或战斗巡洋舰(BC)独立完成Class


3. 战列巡洋舰:一般情况下,航空母舰(CV)、战列舰(BB)、战列巡洋舰(BC)以古代开明和较有作为的君主、名将(主要是抵御外辱的名将,如霍去病、卫青、岳飞等)、行省、民族、朝代等命名;巡洋舰(CB/CL)以江河、湖泊、山脉、高峰等命名;驱逐舰(DD)以城市、港口、名镇等命名;

4. BC在线翻译

4. bc:brest carcinoma; 乳腺癌

5. bc:biphase coding; 二相编码

6. BC是什么意思

6. bc:biphase code; 二相码

7. bc:bladder-carcinoma; 膀胱癌

BC 双语例句

1. As early as the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 25), it had become a festival with great significan

2. DMLIS students now score above the provincial average in five of seven core curriculum subjects examined by the BC Ministry of Education.

3. BC什么意思

3. In 221 BC, the Qin to the original nine counties.

4. BC

4. The ancient Panhellenic celebration at Olympia in honor of Zeus; held every 4 years beginning in 472 BC.

5. BC什么意思

5. The ancient Panhellenic celebration at Olympia in honor of Zeus; held every 4 years beginning in 776 BC

6. They were included in the army levied by Fulvia and Lucius Antonius (Antony's wife and brother) to oppose Octavian, but ended by surrendering in Perugia, in the winter of 41 BC.

7. Luai Gong Confucius died in 16 years (479 BC) in April Yi Chou, the capital of North Lu on the funeral.

8. Mosaic is an ancient art form made by pebbles or ceramics which called tesserae and has been used since 2000 BC.

9. It is the oldest known monumental sculpture, and is commonly believed to have been built by ancient Egyptians of Old Kingdom in 2555 BC to 2532 BC.

10. The sterile and fertile plants of BC3 generation, derived from the hybridization between sterile line and restorer line and maintaining line, were detected by GISH-dcFISH. The observations showed that the fertile plants were all the Brassica napus-Xinjiang wild Sinapis arvensis monosomic alien addition lines, and the sterile plants had no Sinapis arvensis chromosome.

11. BC的翻译

11. Qin unified China, established the South China Sea County, the county Xiao Wei checked the Baiyun Mountain and the Pearl River Hill between a negative way the sea area, a Junzhi, erected in 214 BC in Panyu City (Panyu City ruins in the Yuexiu district).

12. Yuexiu District of Guangzhou City, is the oldest city centre, Qin unified China, established the South China Sea County, the county Xiao Wei checked the Baiyun Mountain in the Pearl River Hill between a negative way the sea area, a Junzhi, 214 BC, erected in Panyu City (Panyu City in the Yuexiu district on the site).

13. Now if only Sony will make a new PS3 with Full BC I'd get a new one with the 45nm chip that would save me some real...

14. Spartan commander who defeated the Athenians in the final battle of the Peloponnesian War (d. 395 BC).


15. D. Lower BC's connection setting, As willy222 said, close other programs and just download single task one by one.
      d。把BC的连接设置设得第一点,就像 Willy222所说的,一个任务一个任务地下。

16. All G, BC and D significantly increased TSA50-induced acetyl-histone H3 expression as incubated with A549 cells for 24 h.
      培养24小时,G、BC及D均显著的增加TSA诱发的histone H3蛋白乙醯化作用。

17. SPICE simulation of the circuit indicates that body resistance has obvious influence on the speed of BC D flip-flop circuit.

18. A moderate Anabaptist leader in the Low Countries, Menno Simons, bc 1496, d.

19. BC的近义词

19. Bridget of Sweden bc 1303; d.
      圣布里奇特瑞典(公元前1303年; d。

20. BC, the Qin will be a break from the White Chu.

BC 词典解释

1. 公元前
    You use BC in dates to indicate a number of years or centuries before the year in which Jesus Christ is believed to have been born.

    e.g. The brooch dates back to the fourth century BC.

BC 单语例句


1. The Shu Governor Li Bing decided to harness the Minjiang River and launched the construction of the Dujiangyan Irrigation Project in about 256 BC.

2. The Silk Road is a fretwork of trade routes dating back to 1500 BC.

3. A bronze drum with frog decoration dates back to fifth century BC.

4. Herod became the ruler of the Holy Land under the Romans around 40 BC.

5. The ancient Persian Empire was in its heyday in the sixth century BC.

6. There is extensive textual documentation on salt manufacture in ancient China, with reliable records going back to the fourth century BC.

7. In 375 BC, Zheng was annexed and became part of the adjacent Han State.

8. By 221 BC, he had annexed six rival principalities and established the first unified empire in China.

9. By 211 BC, he annexed six rival principalities and established the first feudal empire in Chinese history.

10. This will annoy the historian who wants truth unvarnished, since the real warriors of 480 BC would have worn fairly extensive body armor.


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