Buddhism [ˈbʊdɪzəm]  [ˈbuˌdɪzəm, ˈbʊdˌɪz-] 

Buddhism 基本解释

名词 佛教; 释; 佛门; 释门

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Buddhism 网络解释

1. Buddhism

1. 佛家:依佛家(Buddhism)的看法,俄狄浦斯情绪并不是心理问题的根本始因,它只是一个强而有力的增上因. 根本始因是我执. 心理问题发比一棵大树,心理分析可能砍掉它的一些技桠,它们还会萌生. 佛家却是要将这棵大树连根拔起. (共5页)

2. Buddhism

2. 禅宗心法:提升了 枯荣大师的 禅宗心法 (buddhism)及密宗心法 (lamaism) 等级至800级. 玩家可在枯荣大师处继续学习.

Buddhism 双语例句

1. Buddhism's eight-fold path towards enlightenment focuses on controlled speech, controlled behavior, and abstinence from killing, lies, harsh words, intoxicants, sexual misconducts, stealing and the like.

2. Buddhism的反义词

2. Looking into the history, Northern Part of the Asia including China, Japan and Korea are dominated by Buddhism.

3. The prosperous development of Buddhism and Taoism and their deep influence changed shaman's social existing circumstance a lot.

4. But the heart for saying have the intrinsic differentiation from the heart of the Zen on the content, his heart for saying point isnt means a extramundane Buddhism, but is a realistic ethics; Then its basic operation and the view of value is different from Zen too.

5. Many years later, and the floods are as bad as ever, but volunteers keep coming back to put Buddhism into action.

6. Buddhism是什么意思

6. Buddhism is a always a question of knowing and seeing, and not that of believing.

7. Buddhism is always a question of knowing and seeing, and not that of believing.

8. Buddhism is one of the major world religions. It was founded over 2500 years ago by Buddha Sakyamuni who advocated compassion and wisdom for the benefit of mankind. His teachings have a profound influence on men and society.

9. He Confucian-oriented, and taking Buddhist, a hybrid of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, the three-in-one teaching trend.

10. Bodhidharma, (6th century), semilegendary In- dian Buddhist monk, 28th in the line of transmission from the disciple Kasyapa (a student of the Buddha, the founder of Buddhism) and the founder of the Zen school of Buddhism.
    菩提达摩(约6世纪时人)是一个半传奇式的印度佛教僧人。他是佛弟子(亦即佛教创始人佛陀的学生)迦叶以下的第二十八祖,也是佛教禅宗(日本人称ZEN,中国人称 CHAN)的创宗人。

11. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

11. The Civilian Buddhism described in this book is characterized by miracles and mythologies, achieved in beliefs, rituals, and the symbolic systems.

12. Additionally, it also provides precious data for the studies on Civilian Buddhism in Wei-Jin and the Northern and Southern Dynasties, which is a research field waiting for reclaiming.

13. Buddhism

13. This paper has made an attempt to study the tenets of Buddhism and Christianity revealed in his early works of Mingming Niao, ZuiwangLaozhu, and in his late works Chuntao in order to work out his understanding and interpretation of Buddhism and Christianity, and how he has blended the religious tenets with the noumenon in his texts.

14. Buddhism

14. Although Pratyeka-buddhais is superior to Sravaka, he gains a lower fame in Chinese Buddhism.

15. He isnot the head of Buddhism; he is not even the head of Tibetan Buddhism.

16. Buddhism

16. He graduated from Sichuan Institute of Buddhism, Chinese Academy of Buddhism.

17. Buddhism

17. Thorough purification from heart trouble to remove all the thickness of the contaminated and non-prescribed shelter, so that knowledge of the heart with the clean bright as the scorching sun to disperse the dark clouds, which freed all the suffering, that to reach at a complete self-realization, that is Buddhism core to all Buddhist on increasing certification.

18. Buddhism的意思

18. After the Buddha image making rite, he has buried most of the images into the pagoda so as to succeed the Buddhism. For the rest of the images, he distributed to the people in the area.

19. Buddhism

19. In the all Buddhism's festivals, my mother burns paper's money, too.

20. However, we believe that the success of the ancient Buddhism translation owes much to the harmonious inter-subjectivity such as the original writer, translator interpreter, reader, supervisor, and publisher involved in translation.

Buddhism 词典解释

1. 佛教
    Buddhism is a religion which teaches that the way to end suffering is by overcoming your desires.

Buddhism 单语例句


1. From the fifth to the sixth month in the Tibetan calendar, the disciples of Tibetan Buddhism will pilgrim to the lake.

2. For example, both Buddhism and Taoism believe in universal causation and reincarnation.

3. They believe he was deluded by the Dalai clique and such an action went against doctrines of Tibetan Buddhism.

4. After Buddhism spread to China during the first century AD, the festival was used as commemoration of Gautama Buddha's enlightenment at the age of 35.

5. They say the values and moral principles upheld by Buddhism teach people to turn away from greed and commercialism.

6. It would be quite conceivable to fuse the Santa legend with Buddhism.

7. Seclusion is a training method of Zen Buddhism which focuses on concentration and meditation.

8. They constitute an important part of the treasure house of Tibetan Buddhism.

9. The three countries subsequently decided to convene a trilateral conference of friendly exchanges of Buddhism regularly.

10. Buddhism is so romanticised in the West that even Richard Gere and Steven Segal crow about the benefits of enlightenment.


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