English book

English book 双语例句

1. I wanted to buy a book Campus English.

2. I want to learn about your new English book.

3. This is the London eye. We have just learnt about it in our English book.

English book 单语例句

1. The English version of the book by the President of World New Economics Research Institute was published recently.

2. The grandfather wants to motivate his grandson to learn English by buying him the book, a desire shared by most parents in the queue.

3. It is a cafe library and book shop all in one, with walls of towering shelves stuffed with books both in English and Chinese.

4. It's free and you can use the reading rooms and call up any kind of English language book you desire.

5. The book will no doubt come in handy to those restaurants that depend on translation software for the English names of dishes.

6. The first edition of the comic book is in English, but Mandela's foundation plans to translate it into all 11 of South Africa's official languages.

7. Wolf Totem is due to be published in English next March by Penguin Group, which set a Chinese record for the book's foreign publication rights in 2005.

8. The English heartthrob gets another advance for his book " My Side " and other sundry payments round out the total figure.

9. The book's English version has hit major bookstores in the country.

10. Jin said his company will soon release an English version of the book and make it available online.

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