HIV [ˌeɪtʃ aɪ ˈvi:]  [ˌeɪtʃaɪ'vi:] 

HIV 基本解释

hiver (French=winter)冬季;hiver (French=winter) 冬季;

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HIV 网络解释

1. 爱滋病毒:(法新社华盛顿 10日电) 前美国 总统柯林顿(BillClinton)与微软公司 创办人比尔.盖兹(Bill Gates),今天呼吁美国国会议员增加对外援助,协助世界最贫穷国家对抗爱滋病 毒(HIV)/爱滋病(AIDS)和疟疾.

2. HIV的意思

2. 爱滋病病毒:艾滋病(爱滋病)病毒(HIV)是一种能生存于人的血液中并攻击人体免疫系统的病毒. 它把人体免疫系统中最重要的T4淋巴细胞作为攻击目标,大量吞噬、破坏T4淋巴细胞,从而使整个人体免疫系统遭到破坏,最终人体丧失对各种疾病的抵抗能力而导致死亡.

3. hiv:human imuunodificiency virus; 人类免疫缺陷病毒

4. HIV在线翻译

4. hiv:human immundeflciency virus; 艾滋病病毒

5. hiv:hendra ivrus; 亨得拉病毒

6. hiv:hun an immunodeficiency virus; 自人类免疫缺陷病毒

HIV 双语例句

1. To inhibit neurotropic virus as HIV-1 migrating through brain microvascular endothelial cells, which compose the blood-brain barrier.
    抑制HIV -1透过组成血脑屏障大脑的微脉管上皮细胞迁移的向神经病毒。

2. As a inhibitor for neurotropic virus, human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) invades the brain and causes severe neuronal, astrocyte, and myelin damage in AIDS patients.
    作为向神经病毒、人免疫缺陷病毒1类型(HIV -1)侵入大脑,并且在爱滋病病患里引起严厉的神经元、脑和骨髓的星细胞和髓磷脂损害的抑制剂。

3. Within 3 years of the recognition of the first AIDS cases in 1981, the etiologic agent of the syndrome was discovered and causality proven.
    通过对1981年第一例艾滋病近3年的研究认识,综合症的病原学特征基本被弄清楚并得到证实。1985年,第一个 HIV 敏感的专一性抗体检测方法建立。

4. Of the people with HIV in Africa are weman.

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5. Such a vaginal gel containing tenofovir results for microbicide research community is an incentive, which in recent years are facing a series of setbacks, including the use of cellulose sulfate of a microbicide ended in early clinical trials (see Safety concerns led to HIV microbicide trial suspended), as well as scientists announced in February based on seaweed extract of a microbicide gel Carraguard does not prevent the spread of AIDS.

6. Hepacivirus; HIV; Genotype; Superinfection/immunol; use; Polyethylene glycols/ther use; Ribavirin/thercombinationInterferon alfa-2a/theruse; Drug therapy

7. Drug use and prostitution fuel the spread of HIV because of the China-Burma highway which runs through the city.

8. Also, UNAIDS says it now believes the number of new HIV cases per year reached a high in the late nineteen nineties at more than 3 million.

9. Sperm is only through vaginal, cervical, uterine body, the fallopian tubes so the only access to a paragraph in the fallopian tubes and eggs on the combination of pregnancy, and HIV can be through the skin, mucous membrane of any minor abrasions and small enter the human body, easy to make HIV infection.

10. Therefore, Jieshenziai, choose safe sex to prevent HIV infection is the key.

11. HIV在线翻译

11. Sub -Saharan Africa had almost seventy percent of the new cases of H. I. V. reported this year.

12. More than 10 years ago, leaves the dog out and around the village to sell blood, infected with HIV.

13. HIV的翻译

13. To explore the status of HIV anti-body screening lab network in Baotou and evaluate whether it could satisfy the need of AIDS control and prevention, in order to provide basis for AIDS surveillance.

14. MethodsIn the first half year of 2005, the detection of HIV anti-body among former paid blooddonors since 1990 s was developed in Shandong province.

15. HIV

15. In a survey of the country's imams, 27.5% thought that mosquitoes could transmit HIV.

16. It is encouraging that annual spending on HIV/AIDS in poor- and middle-income countries increased six-fold between 2001 and 2007 to approximately $10 billion, but this sum represents less than half the amount that UNAIDS estimates will be needed in 2008 for the expanded response needed to slow the pandemic.
      令人欣慰的是,中低收入国家每年用于 HIV/AIDS 的花费相比2007年达到10,000,000,000美圆,是2001年的6倍,但这笔花销相比联合国艾滋病规划署预计2008年用于减缓流行病蔓延趋势的费用,还不到一半。

17. HIV的解释

17. The city has established an HIV screening and confirmation centers, three voluntary counseling and testing points, two anti-viral treatment sites, two PMTCT designated hospitals, three women's health center, a group activity with men Center, two needle exchange points, two methadone clinics, an infected child care centers, in addition to mobilizing the community health service centers in 21 AIDS cases as a follow-up unit.

18. HIV的反义词

18. Study of HIV-1 Drug Resistance in Patients Receiving Free Antiretroviral Therapy in China Xin-Ping Li; Hui Xing; Zhe Wang; Xue-Feng Si; Lian-En Wang; Hua Cheng; Wei-Guo Cui; Shu-Lin Jiang; Ling-Jie

19. Not turn a hair 面不改色 When the doctor told him that he is a HIV carrier, He did not turn a hair.

20. The prevalence rate of HIV drug resistance strain roise from 13.9% in non-remedial group to 45.4% at the time of 3 months after therapy and 62.7% atthetime of 6 months after therapy.

HIV 单语例句

1. Former British Cabinet minister Chris Smith has been HIV positive for the past 17 years, he has revealed to a newspaper.

2. An HIV carrier in northeast China who gave blood 15 times before he was diagnosed with the virus unknowingly infected at least 21 people.

3. Xu said he knows Xiao Jun isn't the only HIV carrier who has suffered from prejudice.

4. If the transplant results in any of the organ recipients being infected with HIV, those involved in the case will be considered in violation of the law.

5. His death certificate said he died of liver prostration caused by the HIV virus.

6. He and his team believe introducing the gene carrying that single change back into human cells would make those cells resistant to HIV infection.

7. After the lab examination, the sperm is frozen and given a code number while it awaits an HIV check.

8. Zhou found she was HIV positive after taking the compulsory marriage health check in September.

9. Xu admitted that he had been diagnosed as having HIV as early as 2009, and he had asked someone else for him to do the body checkup.

10. Because drug injection is a major means of HIV infection in Yunnan, the center is conducting a clinical study that combines treatment with fighting drug addiction.


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