Hannibal [ˈhænibəl]  [ˈhænəbəl] 

Hannibal 基本解释


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Hannibal 网络解释

1. Hannibal的解释

1. 沉默的杀机:如2000年荷李活巨星安东尼鹤健士(Anthony Hopkins)拍摄电影<<沉默的杀机>>(Hannibal)时,就在此住上6个星期. 心思思想体验昔日皇室人员的生活,晋身上流社会,又或想试试有无机会碰上明星,现在只需花费2,514港元起,

2. 人魔:盖瑞欧德曼曾经演出<<第五元素>>(The Fifth Element)、<<终极追杀令>>(Leon)、<<人魔>> (Hannibal)等,多以诠释各种黑暗角色而知名

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 汉尼拔:沉默的羔羊续集:2001 Hearts in Atlantis - 飘流之心 | 2001 Hannibal - 汉尼拔,沉默的羔羊续集 | 2000 Mission: Impossible II - 碟中谍II

Hannibal 双语例句

1. Next was unfolded a fantastic story of how the Roman women went to Capua and attended on Hannibal, his officers, and his phalanxes of mercenaries.

2. Rehearsals are under way for a new production of Chalumeau's Hannibal.
    这边来 正如你们所见,我们正在彩排这是新戏汉尼拔

3. Reviewers evoked Anthony Hopkins'Hannibal Lecter — the same mock-ingratiating tone, same sadistic ingenuity — but this Joker is the bigger, gaudier showman, with a sick kid's need to watch the damage he's caused.

4. HANNIBAL: May I get them for you?

5. Hannibal Lecter: But you could and you did, didn't you?

6. Hannibal

6. Hannibal knew how to gain a victory, but not how to use it.

7. Hannibal的意思

7. You look like your uncle, Hannibal.

8. Hannibal Lecter: What did you do?

9. He was a constant thorn in Hannibal's Side.

10. You don't want Hannibal Lecter inside your head.

11. Hannibal的翻译

11. This uncle passed away, so she`s left alone, and the young Hannibal comes to look for her.

12. Hannibal是什么意思

12. I make this motion: That ambassadors be sent at once to Rome, to give satisfaction to the senate; other envoys to announce to Hannibal that he withdraw his army from Saguntum, and to hand Hannibal himself over to the Romans in pursuance of the treaty; I move a third embassy to restore their property to the Saguntines.

13. Hannibal的解释

13. The Storm: Hannibal Crossing the Alps and his Army of Snow Storm (1812)(snow-man looked Hannibal and his Army: line, Alps 1812)- most early career, the most sophisticated and most important work in one year, the exhibition catalogue, from oneself, not complete poem the hope of a few lines of falsehood pulled to increase this painting, literature and history in his fearsome galvanism scenes with water and the mountains like natural forces extremely exuberant imagination, result, this painting will to people's emotion scenery formed lofty feeling and history of painting, a combination of thought.
      暴风雪:汉尼拔和他的军队穿越阿尔卑斯雪山》(1812)(Snow Storm:Hannibal and his Army Crossing the Alps 1812)——透纳艺术生涯早期最具气势,最精良也是最重要的作品之一,在当年的展览目录上,透纳从自己不完整的诗作《希望的谬误》里抽出几行来增加这幅画的文学和历史成分,再加之以他那令人生畏的场景和风与水那排山倒海般自然力量的极其旺盛的想象,结果便是,这幅画将风景对人的情感形成的崇高感和历史画的道德、思想关怀结合了起来。

14. Luck was on Hannibal's side and when the Foragers returned Minucius was forced to retreat.

15. To appear and to reign, to march and to triumph, to have for halting-places all capitals, to take his grenadiers and to make kings of them, to decree the falls of dynasties, and to transfigure Europe at the pace of a charge; to make you feel that when you threaten you lay your hand on the hilt of the sword of God; to follow in a single man, Hannibal, Caesar, Charlemagne; to be the people of some one who mingles with your dawns the startling announcement of a battle won, to have the cannon of the Invalides to rouse you in the morning, to hurl into abysses of light prodigious words which flame forever, Marengo, Arcola, Austerlitz, Jena, Wagram!

16. Hannibal

16. He was brought up in Hannibal, Missouri, along the Mississipi River.

17. Hannibal的反义词

17. Hannibal Lecter:Then how did you catch me?

18. It is commonly believed that because he never won a major battle against Hannibal, he must be a bad General.

19. Hannibal

19. Criminal charges against Muammar Gadhafi's son, Hannibal and his pregnant daughter-in-law were dropped after the two abused domestic servants reached an out-of court settlement and withdrew their complaint.

20. Hannibal的解释

20. Dressed throughout the movie like a mixture of chimpira and Malcom McLaren circa 1978, the bleach blond Asano injects into his role a curious blend of bored stoner and homicidal maniac—equal parts Jeff Spicoli and Hannibal Lecter—all played behind a leer similar to that of his boyhood idol, Sid Vicious.
      浅野在影片中的穿着就像是日本黑帮里的小卒加1978年左右的Malcom Mclaren(sex pistol乐队经理)——把头发漂成金色的浅野为角色注入了无聊的孤独者与杀人疯子的奇特组合,像极了Jeff Spicoli 和汉尼拔的结合体,再经由一种与他儿时偶像Sid Vicious相似的恶意的眼神表现出来。

Hannibal 单语例句

1. Her rise is due to her growing popularity in Hollywood after starring in Miami Vice and Hannibal Rising.

2. Hannibal Gaddafi and his wife Aline were arrested in their luxury lakeside hotel suite on July 15 after staff alerted police to repeated arguments.

3. " I'm using the analogy of Hannibal taking elephants over the Alps, " Perkins said.

4. All we get from it is that Hannibal is a quick study, especially when Lady Murasaki educates him in samurai lore.

5. Liam - who plays John'Hannibal'Smith in the film - admits he would love to work on a sequel if the opportunity arose.

6. Hannibal Rising isn't a terrible movie, but it is unnecessary.

7. Her rise in social influence is due to her growing spotlight in Hollywood after starring in " Miami Vice " and " Hannibal Rising " in 2007.

8. Algeria's Foreign Ministry said Gadhafi's wife Safia, his daughter Aisha and his sons Hannibal and Mohammed had entered Algeria on Monday morning.


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