Jewish [ˈdʒu:ɪʃ]  [ˈdʒuɪʃ] 

Jewish 基本解释

形容词 犹太人的,犹太教徒的; 犹太人作风的


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Jewish 网络解释

1. 犹太教:其它还有道教(Taoist)、Tenrikyo教、犹太教(Jewish)、回教(Muslim)等寺庙教堂. 最早的夏威夷居民相信有灵魂存在,献给神的祭品就是祈祷和收获. 后来到了公元1778年,英国探险队的船长詹姆士库克(James Cook)首先发现欧胡岛、库伊岛和尼豪岛(Niihau).

2. Jewish

2. 犹太人:然而,在这种音乐中,你却能找到这些祖先们的足迹:犹太人(Jewish)、阿拉伯人( Arabic)、 卡斯蒂利雅人(Castillian)、古安达卢西亚人( ancient Andalusian) 和吉普赛(gypsy),即所有曾到达过安达卢西亚的民族.

3. 犹太:以色列国民的「国籍」分为犹太(Jewish)、阿拉伯(Arab)、其他族裔(如英格兰). 以色列(Israel)仅为国名,而非国籍. 此与一般 不以种族区分权利与义务的国家相异,例如美国国民即是美国人,加拿大国民即是加拿大人.

4. 犹太人的:Jewish Christian 犹太基督教 | Jewish 犹太人的 | Jewry 犹太人区

Jewish 双语例句

1. A black man shouted an ethnic slur while trying to steal a 16-year-old Jewish school girl's purse in Crown Heights yesterday, police reported.

2. In a way it's about anti-Semitism, in another way about Jewish anti-Semitism.

3. It has been found that his creation on novels often outpours his betray and evasion to his Jewish identity in most of his early novels.

4. Religion More than 95% Roman Catholic; other religions include Polish Autocephalous Orthodox, Russian and Greek Orthodox, Protestant, Jewish and Muslim.

5. Wicked Local Plymouth - I ll never forget the variety of Jewish breadstuffs and the extravaganza of smoked fish.
    十恶当地茅斯-我镑忘记品种犹太b readstuffs和龙腾的熏鱼。

6. The Prairie Schooner Anthology of Contemporary Jewish American Writing, ed.

7. Jewish

7. It's as if a Jewish-street-fighting-silver-tongued- Forrest Gump- with- a -Midas-touch- and- a- gift- for- gab...
    它犹如一个犹太人街头战斗银舌,阿甘与- 1 -米达斯接触和- 1 -礼品换瞎扯。。。

8. But Raymond Jayson, a voter in Jewish West Jerusalem says the stakes are too high for him to stay home.

9. The Palestinian Authority infuriated him because it would not control the intifada and was allowing Palestinians (though, he stressed, they had every reason to rebel) to commit random violence against Jewish civilians.

10. The sacking of the Temple (pictured above in an 1867 painting by Francesco Hayez) was the biggest milestone, though not the only dramatic moment, in a series of military engagements between the Jews and Romans. These ranged from the conquests of Pompey, who about 130 years earlier had turned Judea into a vassal kingdom, to the final Jewish revolts that broke out at the start of the second century.

11. Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, leader of the Chabad, Lubavitch worldwide Jewish movement, stated that the observance of Noahide Laws by all humankind will be a principle force bring about universal peace and the Messianic Redemption.

12. In 2005, the Chinese government declared 70 acres of the Jewish ghetto a conservation zone.

13. Because of their premillennial eschatology fundamentalist evangelicals have been particularly supportive of the restoration of the Jewish people to Israel and of Israel itself in the twentieth century.

14. Jewish在线翻译

14. He is a betrayer of Jewish culture.

15. Jewish

15. Because you were born of a Jewish father and a Catholic mother, we consider you to be an ideal link between two very important peoples in the history of the world.

16. We do not gather from the Epistle that the Galatians were naturally attracted to Jewish ceremonies.

17. Traditional Jewish literature, especially the nonlegal part of the Talmud.

18. In fact, it was the Jewish tradition which gave birth to Christianity.

19. Jewish

19. And I would like to consider joining the Jewish...

20. Jewish的意思

20. B: Actually, I'm Jewish.

Jewish 词典解释

1. 犹太教的;犹太人的
    Jewish means belonging or relating to the religion of Judaism or to Jews.

    e.g. ...the Jewish festival of the Passover.

Jewish 单语例句

1. The strike was launched just hours before the start of Yom Kippur, the holiest day on the Jewish calendar.

2. The Israeli army said it was targeting militants responsible for " ceaseless mortar attacks " on nearby Jewish settlements.

3. At the same time, the Jewish New Year will also be celebrated.

4. Jewish settler leaders had long hoped the charismatic Netanyahu would quit the government and lead their struggle against the Gaza pullout.

5. Its charter calls for the destruction of the Jewish state and the establishment of a Palestine on land today incorporated in modern Israel.

6. The grandson of the philosopher Moses Mendelssohn, he was born into a notable Jewish family which later converted to Christianity.

7. In order to vent off tensions in the area, police officials are in talks with Jewish and Muslim community leaders to prevent additional escalation.

8. The cleric had also said in his lectures that democracy would bring a Jewish leader to power in Yemen.

9. He said these should include an end to all Jewish settlements except a cluster near Jerusalem and demilitarization of the Palestinian state that emerges.

10. Four decades after an underdog Israeli military campaign that captured the world's imagination, the Jewish state is still struggling to come to terms with it.

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