Latin [ˈlætɪn]  [ˈlætn] 


Latin 基本解释

名词 拉丁文; 拉丁语,拉丁文学; 拉丁美洲人; 拉丁姆人

形容词 拉丁美洲的; 拉丁的,拉丁语的; 古罗马的; 拉丁姆的

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Latin 网络解释

1. 拉丁语:而属印欧语系的主要是凯尔特语(Celtic) 、***耳曼语( Germanic) 、罗曼语( Romance) 、拉丁语(Latin) 和希腊语( Greek) 等. 凯尔特语. 凯尔特人从公元前500 年就移居到不列颠岛,后来在罗马人和盎格鲁- 撒克逊人的两次入侵下逃往苏格兰、爱尔兰和威尔士一些地区,

2. 拉丁:Lulu Dance开设肚皮舞 椅子舞 萨尔萨(SALSA) 拉丁(LATIN) 少儿舞蹈 等课程,同时也提供VIP课、企业包班课、庆典演出、婚礼舞蹈等定制课程服务.

3. 拉丁文:在所有礼祭中,以拉丁文(Latin)替代希腊文,为罗马天主教的正统语言. 2. 重订礼乐用的曲词(Text),又将之简化(Simple Scheme)并将每曲分成八节(Stanza),每节只有四行诗,又多以一字一音方式唱(Syllabic Style),兼有固定的拍子.

4. 拉丁区:Anyway,索邦大学拉丁区(Latin),巴黎圣母院Notre-Dome,塞纳河(La Seine),一一体会后的特别悸动. 特别是雨果的巴黎圣母院,在里面蹭听一个英国过来的导游介绍,然后坐下来细细感受一番,一种虚伪的满足感. 要问我对巴黎的印象,

Latin 双语例句

1. Ethnic slur; offensive terms for persons of Latin American descent.

2. For a long period of time Latin was the literary language of Italy.

3. English is a modern language and Latin is an old language.

4. Latin在线翻译

4. Over 50% of English language, in common use, is taken, directly or indirectly, from the Latin language.
    超过50 %的英语,在共同使用,是采取直接或间接从拉丁语。

5. Some of the Latin language people from Europe are an example.

6. Western way of thinking and language mainly from Latin to native culture of ancient Rome, which is based on actual experience and the system.

7. From a Vulgar Latin diminutive, .can o cula, of canis, .dog.
    毛虫。(来自民间拉丁语小词缀,canicula,源自 canis ,是。

8. N., sense 3 and adj., from New Latin porta hepatis
    名词释义3和形容词,源自现代拉丁语 porta hepatis

9. Sony was a combination of sonus – the Latin word for `sound` - and Sonny - a mainstream American nickname.

10. For instance, a manipulative or autocratic style would be best suited for cultures with high power distance, such as Arab, Far Eastern, and Latin countries.

11. Latin的近义词

11. This kind of ink binders mainly chloridizing polypropylene resin, which is on the cards and membership cards make Latin American, aucilisty, NY, and so on book adhesive force.

12. At the dawn of the new millennium, Enrique Iglesias was the best-selling Latin recording artist in the world.

13. We live in Guangzhou and we now met people from Mexico located in Middle Latin America. And they were exactly the ones who danced in that big event!

14. In the world, formal name must refer in particular to the current Latin name on international.

15. As for rant and rhetoric, they could enter easily into any contest with their Latin preceptor.

16. My Canadian friend, hk friends, malaysia friends, kroean friends, German friends, my latin friends, my Jiaotong university classmates........


17. Hung Chi-ching County water, and Latin America to play pool at the county.

18. U. S. officials had said before the meeting that they hoped the Cuba issue wouldn't dominate, but it took center stage from the opening ceremony, where the first three Latin American leaders to speak all called on the U. S. to lift its trade embargo on the island.

19. 好好学单词·英语单词

19. There's a high correlation between high-growth countries and IPO issuance. So we should see more volume out of China, India and Latin America, especially from Brazil, in 2010, 'said Matt Johnson, global head of equity syndicate at Barclays Capital.
      巴克莱集团旗下子公司Barclays Capital全球股市负责人约翰逊说,高增长国家和IPO发售之间有着高度的相关性,所以2010年我们应该会看到中国、印度和拉美地区更多的IPO,特别是巴西。

20. 911查询·英语单词

20. Consider those that came from Colombia, Brazil and other coffee growing countries within Latin America.

Latin 词典解释

1. 拉丁语
    Latin is the language which the ancient Romans used to speak.

2. (国家)操拉丁系语言的;拉丁语系国家的
    Latin countries are countries where Spanish, or perhaps Portuguese, Italian, or French, is spoken. You can also use Latin to refer to things and people that come from these countries.

    e.g. Cuba was one of the least Catholic of the Latin countries...
    e.g. The enthusiasm for Latin music is worldwide.

3. 拉丁语系国家公民
    Latins are people who come from countries where Spanish, or perhaps Portuguese, Italian, or French, are spoken or whose families come from one of these countries.

    e.g. They are role models for thousands of young Latins.

Latin 单语例句

1. Then Salsa Cabana hired a Colombian band and maintained its strong Latin content.

2. Latin America has been able to canalize its natural resources toward a Chinese economy that seems insatiable.

3. She added Latin America needs a large amount of capital to build infrastructure and develop mining and manufacturing companies.

4. The US also demanded Latin American countries open the goods and capital market, loosen foreign exchange controls and practice a free market economy.

5. Santander is the largest bank in the Eurozone by market capitalization, the biggest banking franchise in Latin America and seventh in the world by profit.

6. Brazil will replace Costa Rica in the Latin America and Caribbean category.

7. Wen appreciated Costa Rica's active role in supporting China's dialogue and cooperation with the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States.

8. China will hold its maiden dialogue with foreign ministers of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States Troika in September.

9. This could be the case to some extent for US banks in Latin America, for instance.

10. The route is set up to cater for Expo visitors from Mexico and neighboring Latin American countries.


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