
P.E. 双语例句

1. He was a student of Irving Babbitt at Harvard and an ardent admirer and follower of Babbitt and P. E. More.

2. P.E.的反义词

2. Study of P.E. Motivation, Behavior and Physical Condition of Anshan College Students

3. P.E.

3. On materialization and humanity of school P.E.

4. When every university design the specific curriculum model, they can reference the nine typical curriculum model of 《 P.E. Curriculum Reform in University 》.

5. In the 21 st Century, college P.E.

6. Adopting questionnaire and comparative experiment as methods for study, experimental study was carried out on small group P.E.

7. Present situation and countermeasures for elementary and high school P.E. in poverty-stricken counties of Hubei Province

8. The analysis of similarities and differences between competitive sport and fitness sport in essence, function and judgment was aimed at the illustration of the idea that P.E. teaching must be based on improving health and fulfilling its goals by means of scientific and reasonable exercises.

9. Teachers, there is no difference. About strategy of after class, there is remarkable difference between expert teacher and proficient teacher and novice teacher of other disciplines while for P.E.

10. Study on laws and methods of designing and compiling gymnastics teaching materials for departments and institutes of P.E.

11. Researching on the P.E. Teachers of Ankang Primary and Secondary School

12. On the Knowledge, Capabilities, Teaching Methods and Professional Ethics of P.E. Teachers

13. P.E.的近义词

13. Middle School P.E.: The Relations between Technology teaching and Body Exercising

14. Consideration of several issues on students'studying important ideas of " three represent's " in Institutes of P.E.

15. P.E.

15. This thesis mainly introduces CGM high-strength non-shrinkage grouting material construction technical features and requirements in P.E. Engineering.

16. The construction of campus physical education (P.E.) culture, as an important part composing the whole higher education, holds essential importance for students in edifying their sentiments and morals, consolidating their decisions and moulding the egos.

17. Development of independent study of adult students of correspondence education in Institutes of P.E.

18. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

18. Military P.E. and Construction of National Defense in the Background of Rising in Peace

19. danci.911cha.com

19. A Brief Discourse on the Teaching Methodology and the Organizing Measure in the P.E. Teaching in Higher Adult Education

20. danci.911cha.com

20. P.E. Theory Test Design Based on Examining Item Bank System


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