Rome [rəʊm]  [roʊm] 

Rome 基本解释

名词 入乡随俗; 罗马(意大利首都); 罗马不是一天建成的; 伟业非一日之功

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Rome 情景对话



A:Flight BE 407 to Rome is delayed. Will passengers please wait in the lounge?
      飞往罗马的BE407 航班推迟起飞。请乘客在休息室等候。


B:Oh, how annoying!

A:The time of departure will be announced as soon as possible.

B:It’s infuriating! I have to be in Rome by five.
      真气人!我得在5 点以前到达罗马的。

Rome 网络解释

1. 罗马 羅馬:罗马 罗马(Rome)是历史上大帝国的都城,想象起来,总是气象万千似的. 现在它的光 荣虽然早过去了,但是从七零八落的废墟里,后人还可仿佛于百一. 这些废墟,旧有的加上 新发掘的,几乎随处可见,像特意点缀这座古城的一般. 这边几根石柱子,

2. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

2. 罗马的荣耀:剧集的导演一共有5名,也包括了<<兄弟连>>的导演之一托尼.托以及<<罗马的荣耀>>(Rome)和<<欲望都市>>(Sexand City)导演蒂姆.范.帕顿,蒂姆.范.帕顿被认为是目前美国电视制作方面最优秀的两名导演之一,擅长驾驭宏大的战争场面,

3. 意大利-罗马:北京到罗马(Rome)留学生机票,北京飞罗马特价学生机票 罗马学生机票查询 出发地: 亚洲-中国-北京(Beijing) 目的地:欧洲-意大利-罗马(Rome) 具体航程:北京(PEK)到罗马(ROM/FCO)学生机票 单程价格:3800元 往返价格:4500元 航空公司:中国海南航空HU,

Rome 双语例句

1. The Rome official, the Israeli and theChinese who had spoken earlier all lowered their heads in shame, and did notdare to respond.

2. The Rome official, the Israeli and the Chinesewho had spoken earlier all lowered their heads in shame, and did notdare to respond.

3. Rome

3. The Rome official, the Israeli and the Chinese who had spoken earlier all lowered their heads in shame, and did not dare to respond.

4. Rome的翻译

4. Western way of thinking and language mainly from Latin to native culture of ancient Rome, which is based on actual experience and the system.


5. His generals, meanwhile, Statius Priscus, Avidius Cassius, and Martius Verus44 for four years conducted the war until they advanced to Babylon and Media, and recovered Armenia.45 He, however, gained the names Armeniacus, Parthicus, and Medicus; and these were proffered to Marcus also, who was then living at Rome.

6. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

6. Before me the spirit of Egypt, Greece, and Rome, as expressed in their art.

7. For instance, as one more grievance against Rome, he never tires of inveighing against the fact that Pope Marinus I (882-84), John VIII's successor, was translated from another see, instead of being ordained from the Roman clergy.
    例如,作为一个对罗马更加不满,他从来没有对轮胎的inveighing的事实,教宗马里努斯口( 882-84 ),约翰八世的继任者,被翻译从另一个见,而不是祝从罗马神职人员。

8. Scholars have always mourned the loss of works of genius - plays by Sophocles, Sappho`s other poems, epics. These discoveries promise to change the textual map of the golden ages of Greece and Rome.

9. In Paris or Rome, but I wanna go home

10. Is he in Paris, or is he in Rome?

11. Rome

11. Is he in Paris, or is he in Rome.

12. In Paris or Rome...

13. Rome的反义词

13. Another summer day Has come and gone away In Paris or Rome...

14. In either Paris or Rome, and I wanna go home

15. But when he came to Rome, he promptly searched for me and found me.

16. But when he was come to Rome, he carefully sought me, and found me.

17. You shall sojourn at Paris, Rome, and Naples: at Florence, Venice, and Vienna: all the ground I have wandered over shall be re-trodden by you: where I stamped my hoof, your sylph's foot shall step also.

18. Rome的翻译

18. Rome was not buil in one day.

19. Republic of Luo Duiluo horse fills in on the west this one old and of exalted official have feeling greatly to death, from this and associate to ancient Rome administration increasingly weak and degenerate.

20. I found that it is easier to practice when I do as Rome does.

Rome 单语例句

1. Italian police remove bags after they reportedly discovered a weapons cache in Rome allegedly belonging to the Red Brigades.

2. Four of the Italian airline's nine unions agreed on a deal proposed by CAI, the investor group formed to save the Rome - based carrier from collapse.

3. ROME - An Italian man was arrested on Monday for growing cannabis plants in Rome, local media said.

4. It was their first appearance together in Rome in the days before their wedding Saturday, reportedly to be held in a castle overlooking Lake Bracciano.

5. The price of dying is going up in Rome, if a city auction of prime cemetery lots is anything to go by.

6. ROME - Italy on Wednesday cheered German Chancellor Angela Merkel's appreciation of its budget efforts, but the path out of the crisis appears to be still uphill.

7. The Italian Foreign Ministry's Crisis Unit in Rome said it was trying to check out the authenticity of the claim.

8. Because Imperial Rome was built of white travertine stone, the builders of the papal city chose pale renderings to imitate marble.

9. It's a fictional story set in an imaginary castle in Rome, where angels and demons coexist.

10. We are all determined now to get to Rome and win the trophy because we have come close before.


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