Saxon [ˈsæksn]  [ˈsæksən] 


Saxon 基本解释


名词 撒克逊人; 撒克逊语; 英格兰人; 盎格鲁撒克逊人

形容词 撒克逊人的; 撒克逊语的; 英格兰人的; 盎格鲁撒克逊的

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Saxon 网络解释

1. 撒克逊:70年代的摇滚发展出现了两个同样重大的分支:硬摇滚(hard rock)以及重金属(matel),其中的主力乐团有铁娘子(Iron Maiden),威豹(Def Leppard),火车头(Motorhead),撒克逊(Saxon)......几乎同时,该金属风波也引起了美国乐团的反应,

2. 撒克逊 英国 征服他人的持剑者:Sandy 山迪 拉丁 人类的防卫者. | Saxon 撒克逊 英国 征服他人的持剑者. | Scott 史考特 英国 苏格兰人,爱尔兰人.

3. 英国 征服他人的持剑者 (出了名的野蛮民族):Sandy 拉丁 人类的防卫者 | Saxon 英国 征服他人的持剑者 (出了名的野蛮民族) | Scott 英国 苏格兰人,爱尔兰人

Saxon 双语例句

1. Saxon

1. West branch of early Germanic tribe of people (Anglo race, Saxon, Jutes and the Frisian ethnic tribe) emigrated to England, English is the language of the change from their inherited.

2. Saxon在线翻译

2. It is as precious to us as it was to our Saxon and Norman ancestors.

3. Saxon在线翻译

3. From their impressive songwriting with its powerful sounds and ambitioned lyrics about witch hunters, King Richard Lionheart and the attitude of British soldiers towards war, to their striking cover artwork, Saxon unequivocally stand by their origins.

4. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

4. Father Wenzel Link, preacher at Nuremberg, former professor and dean of the theological faculty at Wittenberg, who was elected his successor, cast his lot with Luther, whose views were endorsed at a chapter of the Saxon province held in January, 1522, at Wittenberg.

5. When such poetry was brought to England it was still being handed down orally from one generation to another, and the constant presence of alliterative verse, or consonant rhyme (today's newspaper headlines and marketing abundantly use this technique such as in Big is Better) helped the Anglo-Saxon peoples remember it.

6. Saxon什么意思

6. The name comes from the Saxon wica, meaning wise one.
    名字来自Saxon wica,意味明智一个。

7. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

7. EPAC, Academy of Contemporary Art, Saxon, Switzerland

8. Saxon的反义词

8. Patrizia Abderhalden and Eng-Hiong Low, EPAC, (Academy of Contemporary Art, Saxon, Switzerland), Patrizia Abderhalden

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. Mr. Kemble expressly assigns this character to the Anglo-Saxon bannum or fredum.
    垦布尔先生明白地认为盎格鲁-撒克逊的bannum或 fredum具有这种性质。

10. Saxon的解释

10. He was the last Saxon king of England.

11. For one thing, Saxon produced in England again for the first time in almost 15 years.

12. Saxon的近义词

12. It means we have to cross behind Saxon lines, but that's the one we should take.

13. If it's a death from a Saxon hand that frightens you, stay home.

14. 911查询·英语单词

14. Most are familiar with Saxon, one of the most reputable accredited home schooling programs available today.

15. There are two different models of relationship between tax laws and financial accounting rules in the world: Anglo-Saxon model and Europe Continent model.

16. Now the hour has come when it is necessary to respond to his plot by Jewish-Anglo-Saxon warmongers and the Jewish rulers of Moscow`s Bolshevist headquarters. German people!

17. 911查询·英语单词

17. Now the hour has come when it is necessary to respond to his plot by Jewish-Anglo-Saxon warmongers and the Jewish rulers of Moscow`s Bolshevist headquarters.

18. Saxon

18. Easter Day is named after the Saxon goddess of spring, Eostre, whose feast took place at the spring equinox.

19. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

19. Easter day is named after the Saxon goddess of spring, Eostre, whose feast took place at the spring equinox.

20. By the middle of 9th century, the Viking and the Danes were posing a threat to the Saxon kingdom of Wess e x.

Saxon 词典解释

1. 撒克逊人(早期为西日耳曼部落成员,后一些人定居在不列颠,被称为盎格鲁撒克逊人)
    In former times, Saxons were members of a West Germanic tribe. Some members of this tribe settled in Britain and were known as Anglo-Saxons .

2. 撒克逊人的;盎格鲁撒克逊人的;英国人的
    Something that is Saxon is related to or characteristic of the ancient Saxons, the Anglo-Saxons, or their descendants.

    e.g. ...a seventh-century Saxon church.

Saxon 单语例句

1. Saxon, who leads an independent team of academic scientists overseeing Boston Scientific research.


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