Walkman [ˈwɔ:kmən]  [ˈwɔkˌmæn, -mən] 


Walkman 基本解释


Walkman 网络解释

1. 随声听:在便携音乐产品领域,索尼可以说是当之无愧的先驱,早在1979年,索尼推出的便携式卡式磁带播放器-随声听(Walkman)曾经引领了一代人的时尚追求,然而进入数字时代后的今天,索尼数字音乐播放器却不得不生存在苹果iPod的巨大阴影之下.

Walkman 双语例句

1. She traded her roller-skates for his walkman.

2. It was behind the CD Walkman.


3. Where`s your CD Walkman, Su Yang?

4. They are the next step on from the Walkman, Discman and MD player.

5. Because the Walkman comes in six colors, you can chose colors appropriate with you wardrobe.

Walkman 单语例句

1. Sony has sold 220m cassette Walkman players globally since the product's July 1979 debut that changed lifestyles by popularizing music on the go.

2. But none of the success of Apple's portable music players would have ever happened without the cassette Walkman.

3. SAN FRANCISCO - Sony Corp once set the standard for inventing products people never knew they wanted - from the Walkman to the game console.

4. The Walkman didn't disappear so much as it was improved upon.

5. He is deft with tools and can even repair his alarm clock and Walkman.

6. A big reason there's so much nostalgia for the Walkman today is because it eliminated any separation from music.

7. You will need to rip apart an old Walkman audiocassette tape player.

8. The star made the announcement yesterday in Beijing, during a promotion of Sony Ericsson's latest walkman cell phone.

9. Bertolucci treated her to dinner and gave her a Sony Walkman, which at the time was a luxury item.

10. He lost not just his old clothes, but also his cherished Walkman.


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