Yale [jeil]  [jel] 

Yale 基本解释

名词 耶鲁

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Yale 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. (美国)耶鲁大学:0.06 美国哥伦比亚大学医学院病理系 客座副教授 1990.06~1994.06 美国康奈尔大学医学院 博士、博士后研究员 1994.06~1997.12 美国耶鲁大学(YaLe)医学院 博士后研究员 1998.01~至今 郑州大学基础医学院院长助理、副院长、院长,

2. Yale的解释

2. 耶鲁大学:|敬请核实|哈佛大学(Harvard) 耶鲁大学(Yale) 宾夕法尼亚大学(Pennsylvania) 哥伦比亚大学(Columbia) 康奈尔大学(Cornell) 斯坦福大学(Stanford)|敬请核实|ECU国际MBA: 埃迪斯.科文大学(ECU)国际MBA项目是全球第一批同时提供英文和中文双语教学课程的项目之一,

3. 耶尔:在耶尔(Yale),河流偏离沿海山脉,河谷加宽. 从霍普(Hope)起进入三角洲,一般流量为8,490立方公尺/秒(300,000立方呎/秒),3月份枯水期只有700立方公尺(25,000立方呎/秒). 三角洲长160公里(100哩). 河口处至少有3条主要入海河道.

Yale 双语例句

1. 好好学单词·英语单词

1. With his more flashily gifted Yale chum, Brit Hadden, he founded Time magazine.

2. I am a graduate of yale university, I have a bachelor of arts degree.

3. Yale的意思

3. I am a graduate of Yale University. I have a Bachelor of Arts degree.

4. Yale什么意思

4. In the year to June 2009, the value of the assets held in the Harvard and Yale endowment funds fell by over 25 per cent.

5. Now he's law review at Yale and about to clerk for the supreme court.

6. Now he's law review at Yale and about to clerk for the Supreme Court. Grandfather can be very persuasive.

7. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

7. Two important exceptions to this short-lived rule are The North American Review, which was founded in 1815, and The Yale Review, founded in 1819, both of which are still in print.

8. Rodham then entered Yale Law School, where she served on the editorial board of the Yale Review of Law and Social Action.

9. Yale

9. The North American Review is the oldest American literary magazine, but publication was suspended during World War II whereas the Yale Review was not, making the Yale journal the oldest literary magazine in continuous publication.

10. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

10. This is the website for The Department of Neurosurgery, Yale University.

11. The other authors on the papers are Ling Li, Gang Wang, Tingting Feng, Ying Cui, Yingying Lian, and Guangfeng Zhang, and Xu Song, who are in the laboratory established by Xu Song at Sichuan University in China after he left Yale.

12. In the 1990s Truman Bewley of Yale University interviewed hundreds of employers and discovered that, faced with a slump in demand, they would rather lay some workers off than cut the pay or hours of everybody.

13. Respect principal, ladies, gentlemen, teachers, the schoolmates, first I thanks Principal Rawin's invitation, enable me to have the opportunity to arrive this world first-class famous school - Yale University, and teachers gathers with the youth friends in the same place.

14. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

14. Rick Levin: Yale has a sort of special emphasis on community, I think one of the great features of Yale undergraduate education in particular is a strong sense of affiliation that students have with the institution.

15. Don't think this Catch-22only traps those shelling out big bucks for schools like Harvard or Yale.

16. Measured that way, stock prices are below-average today, but they only just have fallen below average after being above-average for 18 years, according to data tracked by Yale professor Robert Shiller.

17. When Liang came to Yale in 1947, he brought the photographic prints, the superb drawings, and the text of his Pictorial History in the expectation of finding a publisher.
      当两在 1947 年来耶鲁的时候,他给照相的版,超级的图画和他的绘画历史的本文带来发现一个出版者的期待。

18. Yale是什么意思

18. Readers who are interested in further explorations of the many dimensions of this text may also consult the anthology A Companion to Heidegger`s Introduction to Metaphysics, which is being published by Yale University Press as a sequel to this volume.
      愿意进一步对这个文本进行多维度深察的读者可参考论文集《与海德格尔之〈形而上学导论〉同行》( A Companion to Heidegger`s Introduction to Metaphysics ),作为这个译本的后续成果将由耶鲁大学出版社出版。

19. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

19. No, I'm not talking about Yale.

20. Yale是什么意思

20. But I do think that I'm a better man because of Yale.

Yale 单语例句


1. The courses cannot be counted toward a Yale degree, and educators say they are no substitute for actual teaching.

2. Yale graduate Pamela Haag wrote an article in The Chronicle Review on Oct 30, asking whether elite colleges are worth it.

3. Peru has taken Yale University to court over Incan artifacts taken a century ago from the mountain citadel of Machu Picchu.

4. Wong attended Yale University and the Yale School of Drama and is currently an adjunct faculty member at Seattle University.

5. " The changes suggest the brain is particularly vulnerable to the effects of nicotine during adolescence, " research leader Leslie Jacobsen of Yale University School of Medicine said.

6. The Chinese government and Yale are sharing the cost of the trip.

7. She says life at Yale was anything but cushy and she took several jobs to get by.

8. Le began attending Yale as a graduate pharmacology student in 2007 and was on track to earn her doctorate in 2013.

9. She was working on research with enzymes that Yale said could help with treating cancer, diabetes and muscular dystrophy.

10. When students arrive at Yale University in the United States, they probably never imagine they will enrol in a class half a world away.


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