absolve [əbˈzɒlv]  [əbˈzɑ:lv] 


absolve 基本解释


及物动词 宣告…无罪,赦免…的罪行,宽恕…的罪行; 不受责难,免除责任 [义务] ,开脱(罪责)

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absolve 相关例句


1. absolve

1. I was absolved of blame in the matter.

2. absolve

2. The police absolved the suspect.

3. They absolved her from the promise.

4. absolve的意思

4. They agree to absolve us from our obligation.

absolve 网络解释

1. 免除,赦免,解除:absolute 纯粹,完全,绝对的 | absolve 免除,赦免,解除 | absorb 吸收

2. 宣布免除:absolvable 可赦免的 | absolve 宣布免除 | absolvent 赦免的

3. 豁免;免除:absolute warranty of sea-worthiness 绝对适航保证 | absolve 豁免;免除 | absorbed costs 归入成本;已分摊成本

4. 赦免:exonerate,使免罪 | absolve赦免 | exculpate 使无罪

absolve 双语例句

1. In the construction of highway in mountain area, the types of highway construction site and sub-grades are the first problem need to absolve.

2. It doesn't absolve them of liability, he said.


3. No one can absolve from my sins...for this forbidden love...

4. Of course, I say that also to absolve itself from, because if each enterprises are really willing to spend money on our own Web site, I can not with the cats at one of Mr.

5. I means to excuse a person from the things they have done against you, to absolve them from any punishment.

6. Note that this doesn't absolve the rejecter from the obligation to be as kind as possible.

7. absolve

7. I absolve you, on the ground of invincible ignorance.

8. This cannot absolve you from all responsibility.

9. absolve的反义词

9. Forgive my past sins by Thy mercy, and absolve me from all I have confessed in Thy presence

10. absolve

10. Forgive my past sins by Thy mercy, and absolve me from all I have confessed in Thy presence, for Thou art good and the Lover of men.

11. Huang and Lu could perhaps absolve themselves, but Gu who for the past dozen years or more had trodden the roads from one end of China to the other in quest of likely talent for the Resistance, Gu with his vast knowledge of men―how had he failed to see these spurious boatmen for what they really were?

12. No one can absolve him from his sins, for his forbidden love is

13. But this is not Chinese traffic carrying trade the reason that is him absolve, because in.

14. Yes, child, tell me what you do, God will absolve you.

15. absolve的近义词

15. They agree to absolve us from our obligation.

16. 911查询·英语单词

16. Just because one uses JDBC, it does not absolve you from having to layer code correctly.

17. None of this is to absolve governments and regulators of responsibility for the crash.

18. But I can't absolve your despair.

19. Alerting your boss to a problem via email doesn't absolve you of all responsibility for it.

20. Co-operation, integration, call it what you will, does not absolve individual governments of responsibility.

absolve 词典解释

1. 免除…的过失;解除…的责任
    If a report or investigation absolves someone from blame or responsibility, it formally states that he or she is not guilty or is not to blame.

    e.g. A police investigation yesterday absolved the police of all blame in the incident.
    e.g. ...the inquiry which absolved the soldiers.

absolve 单语例句


1. But that does not absolve the developed world from its historic responsibility.

2. Parents who let their children participate in such shows can hardly absolve themselves from blame if in the process their children become precocious.

3. Planning a romantic Christmas Eve will not absolve you of the responsibility to repeat the exercise all over again when Feb 14 rolls around.

4. A legal document being put in place to absolve innovators from punishment is undoubtedly a legislative progress.

5. Saying that the number of these unfortunate ones will be low does not absolve the unjust nature of the scheme.

6. Later he referred specifically to Quayle's selection, although he was careful to absolve the former vice president himself of any blame.

7. Australia Associated Press reported that the Federal government has paid an undisclosed amount to Habib to absolve it of legal liability in the case.

8. The husband repeatedly filed for divorce, but the court refused to absolve the marriage.

9. The amnesty would not absolve those who have killed Iraqis or American coalition troops.

10. But that doesn't absolve the local supervision departments of the blame, says an article in China Youth Daily.

absolve 英英释义


1. let off the hook

    e.g. I absolve you from this responsibility

    Synonym: justify free

2. grant remission of a sin to

    e.g. The priest absolved him and told him to say ten Hail Mary's

    Synonym: shrive


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