accost [əˈkɒst]  [əˈkɔ:st] 


accost 基本解释

及物动词 走过去跟…讲话; 跟…搭讪; (乞丐等)上前向…乞讨; (妓女等)勾搭

不及物动词 交接; 贴近地面飞; <古>接界; 邻接

名词 <罕>搭讪,攀谈

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accost 相关例句


1. He was accosted by a beggar.

accost 网络解释

1. 招呼,搭话:accelerate 加快,加速 | accost 招呼,搭话 | account 叙述,说明

2. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

2. 引诱:accordionist 手风琴师 | accost 引诱 | accostable 易接近的

3. 勾引,搭讪:costume 昂贵服装的总称 | accost 勾引,搭讪 | delicate 精美的,灵巧的,淡味的,精细的

4. 勾 搭:调 戏 Philander | 勾 搭 Accost | 勾 上 Get-in

accost 双语例句

1. accost是什么意思

1. This one Wen Yihan, one day mutual accost sits in the door head chat.

2. accost的解释

2. Listen to a friend to say to come through Sina accost Baidu spider is the fastest, try then, probably after 6 hours, as expected the essay that Baidu collected me to be published in Sina completely.

3. If be a small website that does newly, want commonly Baidu spider often comes from personal website, what we should do above all is come over spider accost, how accost?

4. Accost spider basically is the catenary outside leaning of course, go frequency of crawl of a few spiders is tall, the article collects the forum with rapid rate, website to send post a money order receipt to be signed and returned to sender to perhaps send flexible language, do forum autograph to attract a spider effectively, than referring a website to arrive directly Baidu gets much; effectively this


5. After tying up, I am to part to write an article to his sina rich guest, 40 minutes of Baidu are collected, it is OK that 1 hour is controlled in Baidu DOMAIN the; of new domain name to me is in commonly A5 and the 286 articles that publish an accost spider, cannot the accost of substantivity, the article that achieves formerly with bogus takes address toll.

6. First of all, i don't think i should talk to a brazenfaced man by courtesy cause i refused your conversation at begining, maybe your lamb brain can not help you to understand so that i was remorsing on you; second of all, my business has ever gave you a shut and you wouldn't worried about i could find a good man or not. last one, you should hold a correct instance when you want to accost with a lady. unfortunately, my mood was getting up on the wrong side of the bed!
    (首先,我不认为同一个厚脸皮的人讲话需要礼貌,因为一开始我已经很明显拒绝了我们之间的谈话,也许你的智商无法理解我婉转的拒绝方式,关于这一点,我对你表示同情;第二,我的事与你无关所以你无须费心我以后能不能有好的归宿;最后,下次和女士搭讪最好能先察言观色以确定是否是适当的时机。很不幸的是,刚巧我今天心情很恶劣) dQ:,pe7A

7. A few lone women are intended accost he, he also is happy such.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. He walked to the door and opened it, prepared to accost an intruder with righteous indignation.

9. Jean Valjean, who, an instant previously, in his then state of mind, would not have spoken to or even answered any one, felt irresistibly impelled to accost that child.

10. If they were resolute to accost her, she laid her finger on the scarlet letter, and passed on.

11. Executive accountability and the rule of law were necessary to accost them, said Githongo.

12. If you assault and accost them, then we have no audience.

13. Give us an accost of what happened.


14. She is too shy to accost to him.

15. accost的意思

15. I had been waiting there some little time, when I was accost ed by a stranger.

16. Ah ah how to go accost spider, I did not say here, the method is too much.

17. accost什么意思

17. Don't accost the user with too many upfront choices in the first place.

18. If they were resolute to accost her, she laid her finger on the scarlet letter and passed on.

19. Where specters in broad day accost the passer-by!

accost 词典解释

1. (唐突地或带有威胁性地)走近跟…攀谈,上前与…搭讪
    If someone accosts another person, especially a stranger, they stop them or go up to them and speak to them in a way that seems rude or threatening.

    e.g. A man had accosted me in the street.

accost 单语例句

1. Fans continued to throw things and verbally accost members of the Pacers.

2. Local touts accost you on arrival at the few shacks stocked with horses that dot the dusty plains.


accost 英英释义



1. approach with an offer of sexual favors

    e.g. he was solicited by a prostitute
           The young man was caught soliciting in the park

    Synonym: hook solicit

2. speak to someone

    Synonym: address come up to


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