administer [ədˈmɪnɪstə(r)]  [ædˈmɪnɪstɚ] 


administer 基本解释

及物动词 管理; 执行; 给予; 治理(国家)

不及物动词 执行遗产管理人的职责; 给予帮助; 担当管理人

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administer 相关例句


1. The oath was administered to him.

2. She was so kind that she came to administer the medicine to the lonely old sick woman.

3. The nurse administered the medicine to the sick child.

4. administer的近义词

4. It takes brains to administer a large corporation.


1. Physical exercise administers to the circulation of the blood.

administer 网络解释


1. 处理:全面质量管理(TQM)的四个发展阶段全面质量管理(TQM)在国外的实施现状全面质量管理(TQM)在我国的发展全面质量管理(TQM)在国外的实施现状全面质量管理(TQM)在我国的发展◆P:计划(Plan)◆C:检查(Check)◆A:处理(Administer)

2. 执行:对Dicey而言,非依法律,没有人应受惩罚;法律面将人人平等(意指所有阶层的人均受法律约束法律须由普通法院执行(administer). 他的核心观念是:法律应同样适用于官员和公民;更偏向于权利的特别保护而不是笼统的权利宣告.

3. 管理者:Adjourning 解散期 解散阶段 | Administer 管理者 | Administrative Level 管理层次

administer 双语例句

1. Fixes a date finish sale job reporting and contract administer with should receive account money dun

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. Fixes a date finish sale job reporting and contract administer with should receive account money dun; Riches carve out spirit, There is perseverance, Style toughness.

3. administer什么意思

3. Fixes a date finish sale job reporting and contract administer with should receive ac money dun; Riches carve out spirit, There is perseverance, Style toughness.

4. A person appointed by a testator (that is, a person who has made a will) to administer the testator's estate after his death; his authority must be confirmed by letters probate issued by a Surrogate Court.

5. administer的意思

5. Whole town shows administer 13 administrative village, area population 40 thousand person, have farmland area 4673hm~2, whole 1997 town realizes a gross output value of industry and agriculture 901 million yuan, finance income amounts to 5.16 million yuan, net income of farmer average per capita amounts to 2718 yuan.

6. In this program- Medical Office Assistant Diploma, students will learn how to organize a medical office, as well as be trained to prepare and administer basic me...

7. In this program - Medical Office Assistant Diploma Program, students learn how to organize a medical office and are trained to prepare and administer basic medic...

8. In this program- Medical Office Assistant Diploma, students will learn how to organize a medical office, as well as be trained to prepare and administer basic medical office tests.

9. Some questions to administer ASME Certificates of Authorization have been answered in this paper.

10. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

10. When 16 years old, after trapping to kill the auxiliary minister, who were domineering and unwilling to return to complement policy power, he began to administer the country himself, and succeeded in achieving four military tasks for consolidating his regime.

11. When 16 years old, after trapping to kill the auxiliary minister, who were domineering and un willing to return to complement policy power, he hegan to administer the country himself, and succeeded in achieving four military tasks for consolidating his regime.

12. A Notary Public is a public officer appointed under authority of state law with power to administer oaths, certify affidavits, take acknowledgements and

13. Issues that could get in the way involve the complex ownership situation affecting Chrysler, with Chrysler's debtholders involved in difficult negotiations on how to administer the company.

14. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

14. 8 Years related working experience, international company working experience is preferred · Define administrative service regulation and process on shuttle bus, cleaning, canteen, stationary and so on · Supervise and administer the canteen service and shuttle bus service · Implement...
      职位描述:职位描述:1、负责卖场订单发货操作、结算核对及开票、应收帐款、定期对帐等日常商务运作; 2、配合各地卖场业务人员作好公司的库存核对、样机管理、进退货手续; 3、做好对卖场各项费用确认的出具、记录及相关凭证文件的归类存档工作,并定期及时向上游供应商催收代垫费用款项; 4、准确记录对应卖场的进销存、应收帐款。。。

15. To administer centrally the operations of related institutions and related social groups and organizations.

16. administer

16. Sepsis model was produced by cecal ligation and puncture. In SO group, the abdomen was opened without any other treatment. In DADLE group, DADLE(0.5 mg/ml) was administer at a dose of 5 ml/kg by intravenous injection after CLP.
      采用改良盲肠结扎穿孔方法建立大鼠脓毒症模型,SO组除不结扎刺穿盲肠外,其余操作同SEP组,DADLE组模型建立后立即按5 ml/kg剂量静脉注射浓度为0.5 mg/ml的DADLE。

17. And also that he should administer to others.


18. However, there are software fixes that administrators administer to their systems to reduce the damage that is done by DOS Attacks.

19. She was so kind that she came to administer the medicine to the lonely old sick woman.

20. XStarter Web Pilot is a version of xStarter that is specifically designed to administer large numbers of remote computers.

administer 词典解释

1. 治理,管理(国家等);施行,实施(法律、考核等)
    If someone administers something such as a country, the law, or a test, they take responsibility for organizing and supervising it.

    e.g. The plan calls for the UN to administer the country until elections can be held...
    e.g. We hope that they're going to administer justice impartially...

2. 给予(病人药物)
    If a doctor or a nurse administers a drug, they give it to a patient.


    e.g. Paramedics are trained to administer certain drugs.

3. 给以(一拳或一脚)
    If someone administers a punch or a kick, they punch or kick someone.

    e.g. He is shown in the tape of the beating as administering most of the blows.

administer 单语例句

1. " Chunyun " is actually a test of the government's ability to administer society.

2. He promised to administer by laws and unite different social estates in order to the promote living standards of the citizens of Macao.

3. Hospital doctors would not administer the drug infliximab for treating ankylosing spondylitis as it could harm or even kill a tuberculosis carrier.

4. The'Sister Act'star is so scared of getting on a plane she enlisted a medical professional to administer a sedative in case she panicked.

5. Commission officials have said the " bill and keep " model would free operators and national regulators from the bureaucracy needed to administer termination rates.

6. A doctor would administer the drug when Jackson went to sleep, then would stop the IV drip when the singer needed to wake up.

7. Supervisory organs of the State administer punishment to those violating government discipline, and transfer those suspected of having committed crimes to judicial organs.

8. When Li hired him in early 2003, he allegedly set up a management system to administer the gay prostitutes.

9. Most Tibetans enjoy the right to administer their own affairs in the region and have an equal political position with people of other ethnic groups.

10. But those plans didn't include Tyson taking the kind of beating that McBride was beginning to administer to him in the fifth and sixth rounds.

administer 英英释义


1. give or apply (medications)

    Synonym: dispense

2. administer or bestow, as in small portions

    e.g. administer critical remarks to everyone present
           dole out some money
           shell out pocket money for the children
           deal a blow to someone
           the machine dispenses soft drinks

    Synonym: distribute mete out deal parcel out lot dispense shell out deal out dish out allot dole out

3. perform (a church sacrament) ritually

    e.g. administer the last unction

4. work in an administrative capacity
    supervise or be in charge of

    e.g. administer a program
           she administers the funds

    Synonym: administrate

5. direct the taking of

    e.g. administer an exam
           administer an oath


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