aloof [əˈlu:f]  [əˈluf] 

aloof 基本解释

形容词 冷淡的; 疏远的; 远离的

副词 分开地; 避开地

aloof 同义词

aloof 反义词

形容词 familiar close

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aloof 相关例句


1. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

1. She always stands aloof from those people.


1. Later on, he became aloof and silent.

2. She held herself aloof from the others.

3. His manner was aloof.

aloof 网络解释

1. 冷漠的:保守的conservative | 冷漠的aloof | 严肃的sober

2. 避开:alongside 在旁 | aloof 避开 | alopecia 秃头症

3. 离开:alongst 沿中流顺泊沿着长度方向沿边 | aloof 离开 | alow and aloft 从上到下

4. 避开 清高的:allocation分配 04 | aloof 避开 清高的 6 | alter 修改 00

aloof 双语例句

1. In the bright sunshine, these sunflowers seemed to erect in an endless field against the greenblack wall, pleasing to eyes but aloof.

2. Yuan want to use bank loans to the housing dream, but it kept aloof.

3. Like the actors on stage who are acting in the same play, but interpreting the script and character of their individual hearts, aloof and with ease.

4. She used to be aloof and stand - offish with us, but we are now on first - name terms.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. But from him who brings harm to his friend all will stand aloof who hear of it.

6. She doesn't enjoy parties, and tends to stand aloof.

7. This tends to make the Great Pyrenees slightly aloof around strangers and out of the ordinary situations.

8. The haughty, aloof upper class became increasingly callous and cruel towards their fellow night elves.

9. Those who love me and those who are my friends stand aloof from my plague, And my relatives stand far away.
    38:11 我的爱友良朋,因我的灾病,都躲在旁边站着;我的亲属也远远的站立。

10. An ambitious person, he was aloof and arrogant, unconventional and unsociable.

11. He is inherently aloof with strangers and can be somewhat reserved in new situations.

12. aloof的意思

12. She went on as companionable, as adaptable, as aloof and heart-whole as ever

13. Until you get to the outer extreme, the higher pack drive dog is easier to train in obedience than the more aloof dog.

14. 好好学单词·英语单词

14. In the third part, the aloof cabinet storm and the course of Song Jiaoren rebuilding the liability cabinet are described.

15. I hope you use aloof attitude to listen to a greater ability to accept the things I mentioned.

16. Birthday Number 5, the most know how to go with the tide and they can keep aloof attitude.

17. For those German men who fetishize beer drinking and boorishness, Ballack is too aloof, too pretty, and there is too much of the metrosexual about him.

18. At the stand of prince, Guang longfen and Bigan considered themselves aloof and regarded Jie and Zhou as an unworthy men. Surly the princes could not endure their doing for fame.


19. Buddha, though, will go into the Suishun the good and evil aspects of religion, but in the Tang Dynasty, more performance as a Kuangda the aloof and unable to resolve Gaiyi reality, such a self-comfort and often only Ben Competing dissuasive form of expression.

20. aloof的意思

20. They may spend their whole lives aliens among their kindred and remain aloof among the only scenes they have ever known.

aloof 词典解释

1. 冷漠的;离群的
    Someone who is aloof is not very friendly and does not like to spend time with other people.

    e.g. He seemed aloof and detached.

He had an air of aloofness about him.

2. 置身事外的
    If someone stays aloof from something, they do not become involved with it.


    e.g. The Government is keeping aloof from the controversy...
    e.g. I will hold myself aloof from wrong and corruption.

aloof 单语例句

1. " I am aloof to the outside world, " says Anni.

2. Some officials often hold themselves aloof and sound superior in their speeches thereby making the public feel an aversion for them.

3. The irony was that McLaren started the season determined to shrug off its grey, aloof image and replace it with something livelier.

4. The irony was that McLaren started the season determined to shrug off their grey, aloof image and replace it with something livelier.

5. Experts may be overly optimistic in assuming that the courts are aloof from local interests and therefore can guarantee justice.

6. Ferguson has made a career of portraying Wenger as aloof, a guy who declines a drink with him after a match.

7. In a time of revolution, who would appear so aloof as to sit in a quiet place sipping tea?

8. Ms Megawati was viewed as being aloof and surrounded by many untrustworthy politicians, despite a campaign to alter her image.

9. You may feel a bit aloof today, but spend the day with your family and provide them with a nurturing environment.

10. BEIJING - Hideki Ozawa is not the traditional Japanese businessman often regarded as aloof, shy and reticent in front of the public.

aloof 英英释义


1. remote in manner

    e.g. stood apart with aloof dignity
           a distant smile
           he was upstage with strangers

    Synonym: distant upstage


1. in an aloof manner

    e.g. the local gentry and professional classes had held aloof for the school had accepted their sons readily enough


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