amazingly [ə'meɪzɪŋlɪ]  [ə'meɪzɪŋlɪ] 

amazingly 基本解释



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amazingly 相关例句


1. The girl was amazingly courageous.

amazingly 网络解释

1. amazingly

1. 可惊地:amazing 惊异的 | amazingly 可惊地 | Amazon 亚马逊河

2. 神奇地:9. anxiously 焦急地,擔憂地 | 10.amazingly 神奇地 | 11.apologize 道歉,辯解

3. 可惊地, 令人惊讶地:amazing || 令人惊异的 | amazingly || 可惊地, 令人惊讶地 | amazon stone || 天河石

4. 令人惊讶地:package holiday 包价假期 | amazingly 令人惊讶地 | broaden one's mind 开阔心智

amazingly 双语例句

1. Portfolio, 25sheets of work and four A-level sketch books with one of my own, that amount of work, really got me something amazingly shocking.
    我被收了,喜吉了,课也不想上了就出去旅游了。是杨瑞说到想要去希腊我就突然开始查Provence 的网页,看得我流口水结果又只跑去了巴黎。

2. After that, few years past the earthquake, our state still suffer from the amazingly increasing disaster, whether man-made or naturally happened. Thus, we started to face several problems that hit the point that our salvage system is totally a mess-up.
    而在 921大地震发生后的几年下来,国内於遭受各种天然灾害或人为灾害上亦如雪花般地有加剧之现象,如地震、火灾以及重大意外事故等频频不断,以致於许多有关防灾、救灾的问题也因此纷纷浮上台面,其中最令人诟病的,即是在於都市救灾体系的絮乱,以致於上下疲於奔命,漏洞百出。

3. The new DreamColor display packs a list of significant advances into one amazingly powerful display, enabling an unprecedented level of color management and fidelity in our production process.

4. But in trying to get the best record they can, they may sometimes seem amazingly cold - blooded.

5. amazingly的反义词

5. Twenty-four hours later she was feeling actively well, had lost half a stone and had amazingly clear skin.

6. Amazingly, at that time, I have no thoughts building a search engine.

7. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

7. Amazingly, the governor of the central bank is not obliged to place his investments in a blind trust before taking office.

8. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

8. Amazingly like Chicago actually except that I smell exhaust fumes.

9. Take control of the exposure and you can produce amazingly different results of the same waterfall.

10. Amazingly, this structural anisotropy corresponds with the mobility anisotropy and it is believed to be consistent with hole carriers owning greater mobility in the regions of high electron density which is parallel to the substrate.

11. The secret of it's amazingly high efficiency lies in it's design.

12. Amazingly, Pinot Noirs from warmer climates – especially Australia – can even go well with Sichuan cuisine.

13. This amazingly Simple Business Building System can put you on the Internet Today!

14. It was of a harmless variety, about eighteen inches long, plump and amazingly supple.

15. Furthermore, the technique of linear progression is also applied in this work. Combined with polyphony and heterophony it created an amazingly rich sonority.

16. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

16. Amazingly, they only started Latin dancing at the age of ten.

17. But you can turn the tables, you can use some comment spam to your advantage, and it's amazingly simple.

18. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

18. They wrote to me and told me so, using amazingly nasty words.

19. Amazingly, this ubiquitous phenomenon does not seem to have been noticed by herdsmen, ranchers, or hunters.

20. Amazingly enough, no one expected him to pitch a perfect game.

amazingly 单语例句

1. Celebrity gossip may be pleasant fodder for lunchtime conversations, but it can turn amazingly ferocious within the cyber world.

2. And more admirable than their voices is what they say - their amazingly wide knowledge.

3. But the resulting pate is indeed amazingly creamy and literally melts in the mouth.

4. Amazingly it's almost light even though the sun hasn't appeared.

5. Some old houses look shabby externally, but amazingly clean and beautifully decorated inside.

6. " But now they are standing here marvelously and amazingly, " she said.

7. Navigating this puzzle can be amazingly hard work, as there is no such thing as simplicity where this intersection is concerned.

8. Amazingly, one in 50 wished they looked like scrawny junkie rocker Pete Doherty.

9. The amazingly nimble senior citizen can still thread a needle and mend clothes.

10. The business in the open market was amazingly good, four to five times of before.

amazingly 英英释义


1. in an amazing manner
    to everyone's surprise

    e.g. amazingly, he finished medical school in three years

    Synonym: surprisingly astonishingly


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