ate [et]  [et] 


ate 基本解释

abbr.Automatic Test Equipment 自动试验设备

动词 吃(过去式)

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ate 网络解释

1. 自动测试设备:MAX9951/MAX9952 双路参数测量单元(PMU) 具有小封 装尺寸、宽加载和测量范围以及较高的精度,适用于自 动测试设备(ATE) 和其它每个引脚或测试点都需要PMU 的仪器.

2. 吃:惊慌,恐惧,担忧----阿乐(al)拿起武器(arm)万分惊恐alliance结盟;联盟,同盟;联姻---所有(all)在岛(i)上学美术(ance)的都结成了联盟allocate分派;分配---分派阿乐(al)把10只(lo)猫(c)吃(ate)完.

3. ate的反义词

3. 自动检测设备:以适应Internet应用对带宽的更大需求,如数据通讯和网络. 2、 通信:接口器件、连结方案,应用于远程办公设备. 3、 自动检测设备(ATE) Clare公司生产的产品通过直销人员、销售代表和分销商销售到北美、欧洲及远东地区.

4. ate:automation testing equipment; 自动测试设备

5. ate:automatic testing equipment; 自动检测设备

6. ate的翻译

6. ate:automatic test equipment; 自动测试系统

7. ate:autormated test equipment; 成为自动测试设备

ate 双语例句

1. On the other hand, if women ate at least one serving of high-fat dairy food a day, they reduced their risk of anovulatory infertility by more than a quarter (27%) compared to women who consumed one or fewer high-fat dairy serving a week.
    在另一方面,如果妇女吃了至少一名在职的高脂肪食物奶牛每天,他们减少了它们的风险,无排卵性不孕症的四分之一以上( 27 %)相比,女性消费的一个或更少高脂肪奶制品服务一个星期。

2. ate的近义词

2. Our customers include local and global OEMs and worldwide auto-parts providers. ATE has gained the high reputation in automotive industry.

3. At that time, I ate the pregnancy葆婴multidimensional and algae oil still Amway iron folic acid tablets and calcium and magnesium tablets.

4. I ate day and night. now i am cutting down on suger and carb.

5. ate什么意思

5. This method required that collectors figure out which plants butterflies ate.

6. I ate a slice of pizza and i was no longer hungry.

7. ate在线翻译

7. A study from the university of Nottingham found that people who ate more than five apples a week had improved lung function, less wheeziness and fewer asthma-like symptoms.

8. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

8. Well, I went to a seafood restaurant last night and I ate lots of oysters.

9. 好好学单词·英语单词

9. Patient: Well, I went to a seafood restaurant last night and I ate lots of oysters.

10. I ate five apples at a time.

11. I ate the left-overs for two days.

12. I ate left-overs for two days.

13. ate的翻译

13. Oh, Guess what? I ate a big bowl of curry rice ye!!!!

14. The food at the restaurant was delicious, and we ate rice at last.

15. And it turns out he's a clas**ate of Philip's.

16. ate的近义词

16. She ate a light lunch so that she would be able to dine later.

17. They ate with their heads down and were always the first to clamor for a second helping.

18. ate在线翻译

18. The explorers ate coarse food and put up with worse things in the course of their long march.

19. ate什么意思

19. Different consumption pattern was found among treatment; fish fed thrice daily ate more in the morning than in the afternoon.

20. I would like to know if he ate you how much time these drugs in AA?

ate 词典解释


ate 单语例句

1. He was kissed by George Clooney on the lips in a scene out of The Descendants and even ate a tainted pie from The Help.

2. The number of children hospitalized after they ate meals provided by a kindergarten in Wuwei City had risen to 307 by Friday night.

3. According to The Telegraph, the boy ate scraps of food foraged by the animals.

4. They took blood samples from both groups two and six hours after they ate the chocolate and bread to measure their platelet activation.

5. He said the workers fell ill after they ate pot herbs they had mistaken for celery.

6. He said the workers fell ill after they ate potherbs they had mistaken for celery.

7. The index was even lower for girls who said they ate cereal for breakfast, according to findings of the study conducted by the Maryland Medical Research Institute.

8. Joey Chestnut ate 173 wings to take the title and top prize, a 2006 Suzuki Grand Vitara.

9. And he ate coarse meals like the migrant workers from the countryside.

10. The men who ate more cocoa products could have shared other qualities that made them healthier.

ate 英英释义


1. goddess of criminal rashness and its punishment


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