baked [beɪkt]  [beɪkt] 


baked 基本解释

烘烤制作的,[俚语] 喝醉的,酒醉的;烘焙;烤( bake的过去式和过去分词 );烤硬;灼热;

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baked 网络解释

1. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

1. 烘烤:离它十几米开外的蛋糕店必胜客却一派平和气氛,来这里的大多是为了各式各样丰富的蛋糕,cheese分原味和烘烤的两种,烘烤(baked)比较入味,原味里加了巧克力有点甜,吃了几块蛋糕就有点佩服法国人吃甜品的劲道了,实在是甜的可以,

2. 烘的:grilled 铁扒烤的 | baked 烘的 | braised 焖,(用文火)炖

3. 烘过的:baked test 烘烤试验 | baked 烘过的 | baked-on resin coating 焙干树脂涂层

baked 双语例句


1. While pancake baked, Fang Xian-fu cloth, to rush towards a go.

2. baked的解释

2. Lutathione-S-Transferases is a common family of metabolism enzymes. GSTs have the function of detoxification for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon and mixed cyclic chemical carcinogen or cocarcinogen of organochloride and from the fried, smoked or baked food. It was reported that the GSTM1 null and GSTT1 null genotypes could decrease the activity of the corresponding enzyme.
    STs是目前研究得较多的一个代谢酶系,GSTs在体内对有机氯、炸烤熏制食物等含有的多环芳烃、杂环类化学致癌/促癌剂具有解毒功能,有报道GST Mu酶和GST Theta(GSTT1)基因缺失会导致相应酶活性的降低。

3. baked的近义词

3. Limit consumption of store-bought baked goods such as doughnuts, cookies, cakes and crackers.

4. Okay. That's the chicken with a baked potato, and a glass of milk.

5. In the winter, it's good with my special baked potatoes.

6. I'll have New York steak with the baked potato, and that will perfect.

7. baked的反义词

7. We love this baked tomato with stuffing very much...

8. baked是什么意思

8. Later we went to dinner, I ordered a plate of baked potato with barbecue.

9. They're like bread, baked and sprinkled with salt on top.


10. Since the dough they had brought out of Egypt was not leavened, they baked it into unleavened loaves.

11. And they baked the meal, which a little before they had brought out of Egypt, in dough: and they made earth cakes unleavened: for it could not be leavened, the Egyptians pressing them to depart, and not suffering them to make any stay: neither did they think of preparing any meat.

12. News-Review - A $10 Umpqua Valley-style smoked salmon and pork barbecue meal includes baked beans, garlic bread, green salad, fresh corn on the cob and watermelon.
      新闻回顾-1 0元无照谷式熏鲑鱼和猪肉的烧烤餐包括烤豆子,大蒜面包,绿色沙拉,新鲜玉米对芯和西瓜。

13. baked

13. When baked and cooled, roll in powdered sugar.

14. Spring lockwashers should be baked after plating to prevent what?

15. Point there is a well-known dishes: chicken cooked in soy and vinegar snakes, Long Hudou, Kaoru Zhu, the East River salt baked chicken, five snake soup, boiled Jiwei Xia, goose, oyster sauce beef, Cantonese-style mooncakes, Shahe Fen, such as Ting Zizhou.

16. He's a man of family. How can you have such a half-baked idea of marrying him?

17. This unique alternative to flowers has over the counter sales and delivered gourmet gift baskets of freshly baked cookies that provide a tasty treat every time.

18. 911查询·英语单词

18. Yeah, bare on top, not well baked, no good at all

19. baked的意思

19. We'll try this one, with the Salt-Baked Chicken, the Soft-Boiled Chicken and the Steamed Mandarin Fish to follow.

20. On one occasion, I went to school duty, coke burning sun baked the earth, I shot you blind eyes, is to see a cleaner in cleaning the school health aunt, she picked up a broom, you sweep you up, dust themselves Yang into her eyes, her eyes knead continue to sweep up, drop by drop of sweat Jingying from the upper reaches down to her cheek, sweat soaked through her clothes, she did not care, I was touched by this spirit, has been reluctant to leave alone.

baked 单语例句

1. The investigation includes not just peanut butter, but baked goods and other products that contain peanuts and are sold directly to consumers.

2. A buttery sweet dish was the flaky baked cod fish with mushroom sauce.

3. Stir gently and pour into a greased and floured cake pan, ideally the kind that unfastens to let the baked cake out.

4. The actor was arrested earlier this week and questioned by police after a photographer accused him of attacking him with a tub of baked beans.

5. He painted with pigments he mixed himself on thin ceramic boards, and had the paintings baked in the oven.

6. If it isn't " baked " into significant color change, no problem.

7. The highly porous quality of baked purple sand clay is what makes it an excellent material to make teapots from.

8. The cod is pan fried on one side then baked the rest of the way, allowing juices to remain contained.

9. The delicacy truly baked itself into the national conscience in the working class communities of the north of England.

10. The baked stuff does not form the same kind of slippery, sticky skin as the cornstarch kind.

baked 英英释义



1. (bread and pastries) cooked by dry heat (as in an oven)

    e.g. baked goods

2. dried out by heat or excessive exposure to sunlight

    e.g. a vast desert all adust
           land lying baked in the heat
           parched soil
           the earth was scorched and bare
           sunbaked salt flats

    Synonym: adust parched scorched sunbaked


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