ballpoint [ˈbɔ:lpɔɪnt]  [ˈbɔlˌpɔɪnt] 


ballpoint 基本解释

名词 (笔的)圆珠笔

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ballpoint 网络解释

1. 圆珠笔:本季的边车系列书写工具新增了双色签字笔(Bi-ColourRollerball)和圆珠笔(BallPoint). 采用镀钯表面结合精细金质修饰,极富吸引力;而边车家族的纤细书写笔版本则增添了采用钻石切割镀钯及抛光黑色漆面笔管的设计,镀钯笔帽上镌刻有竖形条纹,

2. ballpoint

2. 滚珠支枢:ballplug 球形塞 | ballpoint 滚珠支枢 | ballpointpen 圆珠笔

ballpoint 双语例句

1. The change of benzyl alcohol or phenoxyethyl alcohol was tested with the writing age. Blue ballpoint inks of different kinds were detected and the repeatability of the experiment was investigated.

2. All 65 blue ballpoint pen and 24 black ballpoint pen samples collected from different factories in china and foreign were distinguished, Based on the retention time the peak of the main component, the ratio of mass and charge of liquid chromatography- mass spectrum, two dimensional diagram and three-dimensional diagram etc, 65 blue ballpoint pen were divided into 10 groups, 24 black ballpoint pen were divided into 6 groups.

3. If you twist the shaft in one way it becomes a ballpoint pen.


4. Thin layer chromatography analysis is the most widely used ballpoint ink formulation comparison technique which is destructive that is, the case sample will be destroyed after the analysis.

5. ballpoint什么意思

5. Fountain pen, pencil, ballpoint pen, wax crayon, chalk, writing brush, painting brush, electroprobe...

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. Because I am good with numbers I had to work out how many ballpoint pens the Army needed.

7. A high performance liquid chromatography method was established to analyze black ballpoint pen inks by using acetonitrile-NH4HCO3(10 mmol/L)(60∶40, by volume) as mobile phase and detecting at 580 nm.
    建立了黑色圆珠笔油墨字迹色痕的高效液相色谱法的分析条件和实验方法,采用乙腈-NH4HCO3溶液(10 mmol/L)(体积60∶40)为流动相,检测波长580 nm,同时利用质谱法作为佐证。


8. As it is a frequently encountered problem in the laboratory of forensic science nowadays to distinguish whether the questioned documents, such as deeds, contracts, and receipts, written in ballpoint pen inks are true or not, and identify the writing age of them, it is very essential to establish a simple, sensitive and accurate method to examine the similarities and differences of the ballpoint pen inks and identify the writing age.

9. Black ballpoint pen inks; high performance liquid chromatography; handwriting; kind

10. ballpoint的翻译

10. Heat up a ballpoint pen, a computer, an office sofa, electric wire, or any other object you might find in a high-rise and there comes a point when you can inhale it.

11. Tom:Yes, it's my ballpoint pen.

12. ballpoint的反义词

12. I would like to buy a ballpoint of this kind.

13. You can try out this ballpoint pen.

14. Parker ballpoint pens; 3 to the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.

15. 911查询·英语单词

15. What do you think of this kind of ballpoint pen?

16. Have you a ballpoint pen about you?

17. She said that she needed a ballpoint pen.

18. On average, 100 people choke to death on ballpoint pens every year.


19. P. s. On average, 100 people choke to death on ballpoint pens every year.

20. I can give you two refills of each color for the ballpoint pen.

ballpoint 词典解释

1. 圆珠笔
    A ballpoint or a ballpoint pen is a pen with a very small metal ball at the end which transfers the ink from the pen onto a surface.


ballpoint 单语例句


1. At first she only used ballpoint pens, but later used colored pens.

2. She cut her scars with ballpoint pens, saying she wanted to " get the dirty stuff out of her blood ".

3. The project was initiated in response to calls in recent years for upgrades in the ability to make ballpoint pens.

ballpoint 英英释义



1. a pen that has a small metal ball as the point of transfer of ink to paper

    Synonym: ballpoint pen ballpen Biro


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