bark [bɑ:k]  [bɑ:rk] 


bark 基本解释

不及物动词 吠叫; 厉声说话

及物动词 大声喊出; 厉声说出

名词 树皮; 犬吠声; 似吠声

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bark 相关例句


1. bark是什么意思

1. He fell down the steps and barked his shins.


1. bark

1. He barked at his secretary.

2. Then he sits and barks until someone lets him out.

3. bark的意思

3. Dogs always bark at strangers.


1. The dog gave several fierce barks.

bark 网络解释

1. (吠叫):实施时,使用镊子去夹脚趾,假如仍有正常的深层痛觉,会有行为上的反应,例如:吠叫(Bark)或大声叫喊(Cry),要注意如果只是脚的回缩,那并不是深层痛觉之反应,只是一种局部的反射而已.(3).

2. 叫声:都以 bark() 命名,我们就可将程式设计成让 fido 做出两种行为. 在 DogChorus 中,对 fido 和 spot 我们调用不同的 bark 行为. 注意 fido 在他听到 spot 的叫声(bark)后,改动了自己的叫声(bark).

bark 双语例句

1. bark

1. Large family of bark boring or wood boring short beaked beetles very destructive to forest and trees.

2. To make the tea, steep three teaspoons of the bark in one cup of cold water for two to five hours, boil for one minute, and strain.

3. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

3. Configuration feature: For lofty deciduous leaf arbor, the bark of grown tree has the phellem layer that develop.

4. There are many excellent herbal laxative teas available, which contain ingredients such as senna and cascara sagrada bark.

5. bark的意思

5. A buckthorn native to northwest North America, the bark of which is the source of cascara sagrada.

6. All my friends were terrified by my landlord, but I knew her bark was worse than her bite.

7. If they are bored, they will bark more.

8. We have better things now. And we don`t need to stuff pieces of bark in bottles.

9. They generally do not bark at all.

10. bark

10. It will increase your dog`s ability to communicate with you if they learn to bark at the proper time.

11. A rat-sized animal with a chubby face and dark chocolate-brown fur, the water vole is a good swimmer and lives beside ponds, rivers and ditches, where it digs burrows in the banks and feeds on juicy vegetation, roots and bark.

12. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

12. Several Strains glandulosa graceful and elegant, he was thoughtful, approached a glandulosa, the following paragraph shoots off from above, slowly twisting, even for a moment, a section of white Sang Sang's willow bark extract from the verdant, a willow flute screw better.

13. bark

13. In 2007 he released The Three Trees series where the bark of the trees was removed to reveal naked white trunks.

14. bark的翻译

14. This is naked cadaver walks on a trace without the garment already, also do not have any things buried with the dead, the body is wrapping its unique part with two big bark, and never had seen what wrap cadaver with bark bury a method in the past.

15. bark

15. Second, tree holes for long-term fix should not healing tree holes, we can surface at the hole for fixing lath to putty knife and Ma Gray closed (can also be used to install glass used in putty And白灰Apply latex, pigments Noodles, Finally at the top pressure for fixing a piece of bark patterns or really bark, so that more natural appearance.

16. Objective: To explore the effects of slenderstyle acanthopanax root-bark on cyclooxygenase in vivo and in vitro.

17. And when he open his mouth, let no dogs bark.

18. Small slow-growing upland pine of western United States having dense branches with fissured rust-brown bark and short needles in bunches of 5 and thorn-tipped cone scales; among the oldest living things some over 4500 years old
      另外的两种狐尾松分布于美国西部多山的地区:洛基山狐尾松( rocky mountain bristlecone pine )是一种生长在美国科罗拉多州、新墨西哥州和亚利桑那州的树木,。。。

19. This process produced paper from cloth, straw, wood or the bark of trees.

20. 911查询·英语单词

20. Experts figured that this artifact, which is more than 1, 000 years old, was made of mulberry-bark paper.

bark 词典解释

1. (犬)吠,狺狺
    When a dog barks, it makes a short, loud noise, once or several times.


    e.g. Don't let the dogs bark...
    e.g. A small dog barked at a seagull he was chasing.

2. 大声嚷;吼叫;厉声叫喊
    If you bark at someone, you shout at them aggressively in a loud, rough voice.

    e.g. I didn't mean to bark at you...
    e.g. A policeman held his gun in both hands and barked an order.

3. 树皮
    Bark is the tough material that covers the outside of a tree.

4. 刀子嘴,豆腐心;冷面孔,菩萨心
    If you say that someone's bark is worse than their bite, you mean that they seem much more unpleasant or hostile than they really are.


    e.g. She can be a bit tetchy but her bark is worse than her bite.

5. to be barking up the wrong tree -> see tree

bark 单语例句

1. Prosecutors said Smith let his unmuzzled black Belgian shepherd Marco bark and lunge at several prisoners for his own amusement.

2. Magnolia bark extract has long been a staple of traditional Chinese medicine.

3. They can also bark orders to change games or mute the volume.

4. In some areas, vests are delicately woven with rattan and coconut bark.

5. Daniel Bark appeared Monday in state Superior Court on charges of reckless driving and leaving the scene of an accident.

6. " A major symptom of the disease is red dots on the bark, " he added.

7. The chickens would crow at all hours of the morning and the dogs would bark repeatedly as the old couple entered and exited their home.

8. Dubbed the " living fossil of garments ", bark cloth is back in the spotlight.

9. So the watchdog does not only bark - it bites as well.

10. Keep your eyes open and collect things such as tree bark and small branches.

bark 英英释义


1. a sailing ship with 3 (or more) masts

    Synonym: barque

2. the sound made by a dog

3. a noise resembling the bark of a dog

4. tough protective covering of the woody stems and roots of trees and other woody plants


1. tan (a skin) with bark tannins

2. speak in an unfriendly tone

    e.g. She barked into the dictaphone

3. make barking sounds

    e.g. The dogs barked at the stranger

4. remove the bark of a tree

    Synonym: skin

5. cover with bark


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