barter [ˈbɑ:tə(r)]  [ˈbɑ:rtə(r)] 


barter 基本解释

及物/不及物动词 作物物交换,以货换货; 拿…进行易货贸易

名词 易货贸易; 换货,实物交易; 交易品,互换品; [数]换算法

不及物动词 进行易货贸易; [贸易]作物物交换; 讨价还价

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barter 相关例句


1. barter

1. We will never barter away principles.

2. We will never barter away our honor.

3. barter

3. They barter grains for cloth.


1. They used to barter for horses with salt.

2. barter

2. We bartered for furs with tobacco and rubber.

barter 网络解释

1. barter

1. 易货:这种贸易方式所适用的合同有易货(Barter)、反购或复出(Re-eXport)和补偿贸易合同. 一般来说,按事先规定的章程和交易条件采用公开竞争的方式--招标--进行交易,称公开竞争贸易方式(OpenCompetitiveTradeForm).

2. 易货交易:除货币交易之处,国际贸易中还有对等贸易(Counter Trade)或易货交易(Barter). 有些国家以本国产品换取进口产品,并不发生货币交易. 例如,百事集团曾经在波兰就以百事可乐饮料换取可用在美国必胜客餐厅的木椅.

3. barter的翻译

3. 易货贸易:易货贸易(Barter)是一种古老的贸易方式. 它是指单纯的货物交换,不使用货币支付,也不涉及第三者. 其基本做法是双方签订易货合同,规定双方交换的货物和时间. 每一方既是自己出口货物的出口人,又是对方出口货物的进口人. 双方交换的货物,

4. 交易:RA: 我是Ra, 你可以摄取一些物质促使肉体载具经验更多能量的变貌, 这些物质是粗糙的, 它们相当粗鲁地(roughly)作用于身体复合体之上, 增加肾上腺素的流动.RA: 我是Ra, 有一些较佳的材质, 在你们的交易(barter)系统中是相当昂贵的.

barter 双语例句

1. For those wishing to barter for goods, the following chart can be used to determine the value of common items in the Seven Kingdoms.

2. barter的意思

2. Of course it is necessary to only pursuer barter opportunities that are of value in terms of use.

3. barter的意思

3. In addition, China has already promoted buyer`s credit, barter trade and so on.

4. In fact, in a barter economy that had only 100 goods, there would be 4, 950 prices without money.

5. This creates a barter economy for setting policies.

6. Since time and effort are scarce resources, a barter economy is wasteful.
    Since时间他们能制做的 bater中是非常昂贵和努力公亩稀少资源,一易货贸易经济是浪费。4。

7. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

7. Consider a barter economy in which a potter wants to buy a pizza.

8. In the absence of barter economy, the economy might have ground to a complete halt and deteriorated to subsistence agriculture.

9. Previously, anthropologists have already done lots of relevant researches about the exchange and the market, but limited systematic research on barter in market economy.

10. barter什么意思

10. In a barter economy, goods are exchanged for goods directly without using money.

11. barter

11. If you agree to the suggestions of barter trade, we will exchange our paper with your wood.

12. If you want to trade business services and products, join a local barter exchange.

13. If you agree on our suggestion of barter, we will exchange your wood with our paper.

14. If you agree the suggestion of barter business, we will exchange paper for your timber.

15. barter什么意思

15. If you agree on our advice to do barter exchange, we will trade paper for your wood.

16. If you agree our proposition of barter trade, we will exchange paper with your timber.

17. barter的反义词

17. If you agree our proposal of conducting barter trade, we will use paper to exchange log with you.

18. barter的解释

18. Gross barter terms of trade is the quantity of imports divided by the quantity of exports.

19. Perfectly original garaged specimens Always accepted in barter!

20. A typical PC owner might see the system as a barter economy in which he gets free services, such as file backup and Web hosting, in exchange for the use of his otherwise idle processor time and disk space.

barter 词典解释

1. 以物易物;交换(货物)
    If you barter goods, you exchange them for other goods, rather than selling them for money.

    e.g. They have been bartering wheat for cotton and timber...
    e.g. The market-place and street were crowded with those who'd come to barter...

barter 单语例句

1. They still engaged in barter trade but were shy traders, often watching their produces displayed at the local fairs from afar.

2. Known as " Nordic Gold ", it was used as payment in barter trade for a long time.

3. In years past Yanjing residents would take salt to cities in Yunnan and Sichuan and barter it for production tools and daily necessities.

4. Perhaps it is time to revisit that period, and neighboring countries could think of restarting barter trade to achieve their common goals.

5. Cash trade took the place in 1996, and coordinated barter trade was also introduced by certain enterprises of the two countries.

6. If permitted under the regulations, it is good for universities to barter intangible resources like college names for capital.

7. She also welcomes any customers to trade in their luxury goods for either barter or sale.

8. There was a time when merchants were engaged in barter trade, which brought countries and people together.

9. We invented paper money as a medium of exchange to make the barter of these materials and services easier.

10. In a typical barter, an old mobile phone could go for 25 kilograms of rapeseed oil.

barter 英英释义


1. an equal exchange

    e.g. we had no money so we had to live by barter

    Synonym: swap swop trade



1. exchange goods without involving money


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