battleship [ˈbætlʃɪp]  [ˈbætl:ˌʃɪp] 


battleship 基本解释


名词 战舰

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battleship 相关例句


1. battleship的翻译

1. A great battleship, forging silent and unlighted through the dark night, loomed close astern.

battleship 网络解释


1. 战船:古代冷兵器时期兵种相克规律:铁剑兵克弓兵、长枪兵,弓兵克长枪兵,长枪兵克骑兵,骑兵克弓兵、铁剑兵;战船(battleship)克三帆船(frigate),三帆船可火攻船(galley),火攻船克战船.

2. battleship的意思

2. 战列舰:由此舰种也开始渐渐起了变化,那些有着三层甚至更多火炮甲板的大型风帆战舰被作为主战舰只而冠以战线舰(BATTLELINESHIP)的名字,后来则被称为战列舰(BATTLESHIP).

battleship 双语例句

1. The problems with the 16-inch guns of the Lion class were also solved more quickly than expected and even they would most likely beat the new super-battleship to the water.

2. battleship的解释

2. Still another battleship appeared to be slightly damaged, and extensive damage had also been inflicted on other types of ships.

3. Apparently no battleship was lost, and probably not much in the way of cruisers or destroyers.

4. May 16, 1850, the first steam-powered battleship as well as the first screw battleship ever built is chartered

5. In fact an illustration that might befit this emotion is that of a pair of docks in that on one dock is a carnival cruise ship, it represents fun, frivolity, absolute joy, where anything is possible and all your needs are met. The other dock has a battleship where it`s about discipline and hard work the protector of the fleet.

6. 17 September 1940: The battleship passes through the Kiel Canal assisted by tugboats.

7. Stealth Bombers have had their role refocused to be anti-battleship role.

8. battleship的翻译

8. That's about as funny as screen door on a battleship.

9. In 1875, a religious element was returned to naval christenings by Princess Alexandra, wife of the Prince of Wales, when she introduced an Anglican choral service in the launching ceremony for battleship Alexandra


10. Now if you've got a battleship in the gulf, you'll do.

11. battleship

11. Software Description: About Battleship, This is a clone of Battleship.
      Battleship 这是战舰游戏的克隆扳本。

12. Stalin wanted a land battleship, and he was going to get one no matter how impractical it was.

13. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

13. In exchange, the British destroyer torpedo attacks on the German battle line hit one German battle cruiser in daylight and one predreadnought battleship at night.

14. Everything is on one level, whether it be the latest fashion for evening gowns, a new battleship, a plague, a high explosive, an astronomic discovery, a bank run, a railroad wreck, a bull market, a hundred to one shot, an execution, a stick up, an assassination, or what.

15. battleship

15. It's more like a giant battleship than a transport craft.

16. battleship在线翻译

16. Its navy cannot combat alone in the ocean, because it does not even have a battleship, let alone the equipment needed to maintain one.

17. battleship

17. Through the corrosion, we could see that it was a battleship.

18. Let's take that Battleship, for example.

19. battleship

19. These guns were needed against a battleship threat because they were the only ones capable of penetrating heavy armor.

20. What Is the Difference Between a Cruiser and a Battleship?

battleship 词典解释

1. 战列舰;主力舰
    A battleship is a very large, heavily armed warship.

battleship 单语例句

1. Rihanna " loved " handling guns on the set of'Battleship'.

2. The Maryland's crew scrambled to prevent their battleship from going down with the USS Oklahoma, which rolled over after being hit by multiple torpedoes.

3. Mister Hearst's newspapers had accused Spain of sinking the American battleship Maine and killing two hundred fifty sailors.

4. The official signing ceremony of the instrument of surrender was held on the American battleship Missouri in Tokyo Bay.

5. As the battleship that came to the fore in World War II, aircraft carriers are no longer novel equipment.

battleship 英英释义



1. large and heavily armoured warship

    Synonym: battlewagon


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