bawl [bɔ:l]  [bɔl] 


bawl 基本解释


不及物动词 嚎啕大哭; 大叫,大喊

及物动词 大声叫出; 大声宣布; 叫卖(货物)

名词 哭声; 叫喊声

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bawl 相关例句


1. He bawled at me.

2. The sergeant bawled commands.


1. She bawled to me across the street.


1. A good bawl made her feel better.

bawl 网络解释

1. 大叫:那这个人是什么人呢?哦,是遗照的继承人(heir)aunt ant 姑妈(aunt)的身上爬满的蚂蚁(ant)那这两个词怎么来记忆呢?同意(assent)攀爬(ascent)ball bawl 一个球(ball)大叫(bawl)bare bear 一个裸露的(bare)熊(bear)

2. 叫骂声 <单词词性>大叫:stagnation pressureprobe 滞点压力传感器 | bawl 叫骂声 <单词词性>大叫 | hilding 卑贱的人, 懦夫 <单词词性>卑贱的

3. 大喊;大叫:vernal 春天的, 春天发生的, 和煦的, 青春的 | bawl 大喊;大叫 | brawl vi.争吵, 怒骂

4. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

4. 叫骂声:bawdyhouse 妓院 | bawl 叫骂声 | bay leaf 月桂树叶

bawl 双语例句

1. bawl的近义词

1. If his servants did anything he didn't like, he would bawl them out and beat them.

2. 好好学单词·英语单词

2. Your father is going to bawl you out, so just be careful.

3. Tom: Yeah, I could never bawl out my kid like that.

4. One man for the rest of my life? I'd bawl my bloody eyes out.

5. When I bawl him out and he forgives me and laughs it off, I'm in his debt.

6. bawl的近义词

6. He got a bad grade. His father will bawl out.

7. He got a bad gr ade. His father will bawl out.

8. Call on the carpet, take to task, rebuke, rag, trounce, reproof, lecture, reprimand, jaw, dress down, call down, scold, chide, berate, bawl out, remonstrate, chew out, chew up, have words, lambaste, lambast

9. A good bawl usually makes her feel better.

10. You needn't bawl; I'm not going to hurt you.

11. You know how I hate people who bawl all the time.

12. You know how i hate people who bawl all the time

13. bawl什么意思

13. If you're down and depressed, the simplest answer is to go out and have a bawl, according to Shukan Taishu, a vigorously male-oriented magazine that almost blushes as it gives the advice.

14. My throat wants to bawl out, my tongue barely resists.

15. bawl的解释

15. Anna and I both wanted to bawl out - it was pretty much the final scene we did of the whole film and he was like, Um...

16. bawl

16. Prissy began to bawl suddenly, loudly, the sound adding to scarlett's own uneasiness.

17. If she thought of these things, she'd begin to scream and bawl like prissy.

18. bawl在线翻译

18. Do you think I'm just going to bawl you out and that'll be an end of it?

19. 好好学单词·英语单词

19. Don't bawl out like that. I can hear you.

20. Oh, hush! You know how I hate people who bawl all the time.

bawl 词典解释

1. 大叫大喊;大声叫嚷
    If you bawl, you shout in a very loud voice, for example because you are angry or you want people to hear you.

    e.g. When I came back to the hotel Laura and Peter were shouting and bawling at each other...
    e.g. Then a voice bawled: 'Lay off! I'll kill you, you little rascal!'...

2. 号哭;号啕大哭
    If you say that a child is bawling, you are annoyed because it is crying loudly.


    e.g. One of the toddlers was bawling, and the other had a runny nose.
    e.g. ...a bawling baby.

相关词组:bawl out

bawl 英英释义



1. cry loudly

    e.g. Don't bawl in public!

2. make a raucous noise

    Synonym: yawp

3. shout loudly and without restraint

    Synonym: bellow


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