beard [bɪəd]  [bɪrd] 


beard 基本解释

名词 胡须; [虫]口鬃,[动]颌毛; (牡蛎等的)鳃; [植]芒

及物动词 使有胡须(颌毛,芒刺); 抓(捋)住…的胡子,拔…的胡子; 公然反对,勇敢地对抗

beard 相关词组

1. laugh in one's beard : 偷笑;

2. speak in one's beard : 含混地说;

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beard 相关例句


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. He didn't dare to beard his superior.

1. beard的翻译

1. Chins are wagging.

2. Jaws are wagging.


1. The man with a beard looks familiar.

beard 情景对话


A:I’ve got good news for you!


B:Yes, what is it?

A:I’m going to set you up on a blind date!


B:Oh, I don’t know about that. Blind dates can be awful.

A:Have you ever been on one?


A:Well, then, why don’t you just give it a try?

B:Ok, what does she look like?

A:Well, she’s got a lovely figure.


B:Is she overweight?


A:No, she’s actually quite slim. She has curly brown hair and green eyes..

B:What did you tell her about me?

A:I told her that you were tall and well-built.

B:Did you tell her that I’m bald?

A:No, but she won’t care. Some women find bald men attractive, you know.

B:Hmm, she sounds alright.

A:Just one thing. When you meet her, I think you should try to look a little less scruffy. Maybe you could shave your beard and put on a nice suit.

B:No, I think I’ll go looking like myself. If she doesn’t like who I am, then she’s not the right woman for me!


A:Suit yourself! Here’s her number.

beard 网络解释

1. 胡须:此外,scar (伤疤)、beauty spots (美人痣)、dimples (酒窝)在不同年龄的人脸上可能都会有;而男性脸上更还有一大特征:胡子,包括唇上的八字须(moustache)、颏上的胡须(beard)、络腮胡子(whi

2. 比尔德:后来在1938年,当F.罗杰斯(Rogers)和A.比尔德(Beard)共著的<<玻璃五千年>>中也引述了这段故事, 足见普林尼在<<自然史>>中的叙述的故事并非虚构,纯属事实.

3. beard在线翻译

3. 须:例如人的嘴巴(mouth)与鸟的嘴巴(beak),人的鼻子(nose)大象的鼻子(trunk),人嘴唇上面的胡须(mustache)和人嘴唇下面的胡须(beard)等等. 利用这样的策略记忆英语词汇时最好跟上面的事物反射记忆法联合运用,效果会更好.

beard 双语例句

1. It has a pair of jiongjiongweishen eyes and lips are aligned several long beard, a cute little tail sway, at that time, I like it.

2. The Buddha of a beard, real lively performance.

3. I don't know, I would be an ugly kitten, I have a beard, I am hairy...

4. May (fortyish, trim beard, ex-physicist) holds up a $9.95 digital audio tape, or DAT.

5. Teach the profession's electronics classroom, and management engine room as if management teacher to electronics teacher, and this is the PC network management, namely on-line management, for example early the machine of many sets proceed together the OS to install, application the procedure install, hardware management, usage supervise and control and report to the police the etc. to manage the function, and aim at the engine room PC, specialized development engine room to manage the software, and realize to management engine room PC; (3) easily use the as if simpleton PC of sex request, engine room PC, and carry to not need to install, establish in the customer, only the beard open the machine, and satisfy to easily use the sex request; (4) health request:The static electricity, electromagnetism radiates the index sign, display to defend, keyboard the rat mark the anti- virus the design and match the human body 公 to learn the design.
    机房应用除了对性能有特殊要求之外,其它的需求概括起来有4点:(1)PC的稳定性,机房用的PC基本上是每天24小时处于开机及运行状态,对PC的稳定性有更加严格的要求,即对PC 随时高低温启动、节能管理、电源管理、内存管理以及持续工作不死机的要求非常严格,这并非是DIY所能做到的,这些因素必须是在产品系统设计中考虑的因素,同时在机器生产时采用48小时动态考机才能发现潜在的影响系统稳定性的因素;(2)PC的可管理性,机房如同教育行业的电子教室,对机房的管理如同对教师对电子教师的管理,这就是PC的网络管理,即在线管理,例如初始化多台机器并行OS安装、应用程序安装、硬件管理、使用监控以及报警等管理功能,针对机房PC,专门开发机房管理软件,实现对机房PC的管理;(3)易用性要求,机房PC如同傻瓜PC,在客户端不需要安装、设置,只须开机,满足易用性要求;(4)健康要求:静电、电磁辐射指标、显示器防眩、键盘鼠标抗菌设计及符合人体公学设计。

6. 4 Groan in silence, make no lament for the dead, bind on your turban, put your sandals on your feet, do not cover your beard, and do not eat the customary bread.

7. Results: The ranges of MIC of DNA-2E on trichophyton rubrum and beard-like trichophyton were 0.0625~0.125mg/mL and 0.03125~0.125mg/mL respectively; of which there was no significant difference between the two fungi. Both 2% and 4% DNA-2E had better effects on ringworm of guinea pig in feet and body infected by beard-like trichophyton, which showed significant difference compared to distilled water and no significant difference compared to 1% Zuguang powder. Both 4% and 6% DNA-2E had better Antipruritic effect, which showed no significant difference compared to 2% Zuguang Powder and significant difference compared to distilled water.

8. Caviglia found a number of fragments of the beard and the tip of the uraeus between the paws of the Sphinx, and left other parts of the beard in the sand.

9. beard在线翻译

9. He had long great beard hanging from his chin.

10. Regarding the carnation, Gypsophile, rose, lily, gerbera, snapdragon, eustoma and so on common cutflower the contrast experiment to indicate that: The fhuaxianzi effect in each variety far to surpass Kunming'produce, Holland'produces the fresh flower antistaling agent remarkably, The huaxianzi on common and the unique variety porcelain rose, tiger beard--flower'name, tulip, hydrangea.

11. beard

11. Gui-chuan plastic draw beans are a completely hand-made crafts, and its production process more complicated, more or less have the following links: work design, draw draw at the end of the inscription úú Pressure draw flat-bottomed, beans mothproof ú treatment ú before election beans beans úúbean paste, draw shear Accessories ú Accessories ú Accessories paste, Hwamei beard eyes, framed.

12. Gui-Chuan Dou plastic painting is a completely hand-made arts and crafts, its production process is relatively complicated, there are roughly the following links: Work design, painting at the end of an inscription painted →→ pressure flat painting, bean moth treatment → selection → put beans beans →→ paste bean grinders, painting Accessories → Accessories → paste cut accessories, thrush eyes beard, mount.

13. beard的近义词

13. He was dressed in an old gray uniform, n had a beard, n his eyes were glowing

14. To the great amusement of everybody, the actor`s beard f ell off.

15. I'm a beard in a wig.

16. His beard is gray and comes to the floor, and his hair is gray, too.

17. beard是什么意思

17. Shame and fear sped her homeward and, in her mind, Archie with his patriarch's beard assumed the proportions of an avenging angel straight from the pages of the Old Testament.

18. I grew a beard during the trip, but I shaved it off when I came home.

19. The man with the long beard fixed our attention.

20. beard

20. To capture or hold:吸引, 抓住: The man with the long beard fixed our attention.

beard 词典解释

1. 胡须;胡子
    A man's beard is the hair that grows on his chin and cheeks.


    e.g. He's decided to grow a beard.
    e.g. ...Charlie's bushy black beard.

beard 单语例句

1. The face is finely modeled with curly beard, mustache and brows.

2. After Dragon Beard Ditch was filled in to widen the road, the Tianqiao area was developed into a market in 1好好学.

3. The celebrity quarterback with the celebrity wife sat at a podium afterwards, a few days growth of beard on his face and his hair nowhere near perfect.

4. Beard said none of that came up in deliberations, and the jury tried to focus on financial figures.

5. As he had a full beard, he was able to get away with the impersonation.

6. I bet Confucius will make an appearance, flowing beard and all.

7. Vanessa Hudgens finds Zac Efron's beard too itchy when they kiss.

8. Germany has more clubs affiliated with the World Beard and Mustache Championships than any other nation.

9. Some carried portraits of Hakim, his aquiline face and long gray beard distinct.

10. With a stick in his hand and a bag hanging upon his arm, he had eyes twinkling like stars and graceful beard as white as silver.

beard 英英释义


1. tuft of strong filaments by which e.g. a mussel makes itself fast to a fixed surface

    Synonym: byssus

2. hairy growth on or near the face of certain mammals

3. the hair growing on the lower part of a man's face

    Synonym: face fungus whiskers

4. a person who diverts suspicion from someone (especially a woman who accompanies a male homosexual in order to conceal his homosexuality)

5. a tuft or growth of hairs or bristles on certain plants such as iris or grasses



1. go along the rim, like a beard around the chin

    e.g. Houses bearded the top of the heights


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