beefsteak [ˈbi:fsteɪk]  [ˈbifˌstek] 


beefsteak 基本解释

名词 牛排

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beefsteak 网络解释


1. 牛排:他们常吃的肉食是牛排(beefsteak)和猪排(pork chop),一块牛排的重量一般在150克以上,看上去往往是半生不熟的,难以嚼碎,但美国人却以此视为珍馐(dainty).

2. beefsteak在线翻译

2. 焗威灵顿牛排:台塑牛排 Beefsteak | 焗威灵顿牛排 Beefsteak | 奶油培根蛋汁面 Cream Bacon And Egg Sauce Noodle

3. 台塑牛排:纽西兰特选沙朗 Speial Sirloin | 台塑牛排 Beefsteak | 焗威灵顿牛排 Beefsteak

4. beefsteak是什么意思

4. 牛扒:西红柿____tomato_ | 牛扒__beefsteak | 冰激淋_ice ream__

beefsteak 双语例句

1. Mrs Bird:My husband like beefsteak, but he don't like chook.

2. Beefsteak, porter steak, beef steak

3. Here you can still enjoy Chinese and Western buffet in the fresh morning, taste tea in the vernal afternoon and regale special beefsteak in the charming night.

4. You buy a beefsteak and transfer it from the butcher's icebox to your own.

5. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

5. If their cross-border love is like a beautiful fairy tale, unusual and romantic, their subsequent marriage life is a real world, where there are constant conflicts between the civilisation of the Mediterranean and that of the Yellow River, between reason and passion, bread and rice, smelly cheese and strong-smelling bean curd, beefsteak and pig`s feet.

6. Your shop has a good reputation, but the dishes are just so-so: the beefsteak is too hard to eat, the vegetables are over done, the dessert has a mouldy odour

7. Also known in English as perilla, beefsteak plant, chinese basil, purple mint.

8. Stick your fork in the beefsteak to see if it is cooked.

9. beefsteak在线翻译

9. You buy a beefsteak and transfer it from t h e butc h er's icebox to your own.

10. By the middle of the 19th century people in Hamburg, Germany, the busiest port in West Germany today, enjoyed pounded beefsteak in some form.

11. 911查询·英语单词

11. You can see them happily puffing between delicious courses of grilled beefsteak, rich cheeses, gallons of red wine.

12. G:The Grilled Beefsteak?

13. I would like to order a beefsteak and some bread.

14. I would like my beefsteak well done.

15. How would you like to have beefsteak, well-done or rare?

16. B: I will take the beefsteak.

17. And ate a beefsteak and a big apple pie.

18. To sell horse meat as beefsteak is their usual practice.

19. We have special beefsteak, chicken and fish.

20. beefsteak的翻译

20. What is the special food of restaurant? We have special beefsteak, chicken and fish.

beefsteak 词典解释

1. 同 steak
    Beefsteak is steak .

beefsteak 单语例句

1. With such tasty options as the aforementioned beefsteak and steamed fish, there is no real reason to waste valuable stomach space.

2. One of their bestsellers among foreigners is Beefsteak Toasted in the Iron Net.

3. If you are looking for a delicious meal to cook for that special someone, cooking a beefsteak is a good choice.

4. Otherwise you can just ask a waitress to cook your beefsteak or seafood.

5. The restaurant's braised superior beefsteak with Asian sauce is soft and flavorful.

beefsteak 英英释义



1. a beef steak usually cooked by broiling


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