believe [bɪˈli:v]  [bɪˈliv] 


believe 基本解释

动词 信任; 料想; 笃信宗教

及物动词 相信; 信任; 以为,认为; 对…信以为真

believe 相关词组

1. make believe : 假装;

2. believe in : 信任, 信仰, 相信;

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believe 相关例句


1. I don't believe you.

2. I believe him to be honest.

3. believe

3. We believe Mr.Smith to be innocent.


1. The manager believes in him.

believe 情景对话


A:Quit lying to me!

B:Trust me. / Believe me.


A:I don‘t believe we‘ve met.


B:No, I don‘t think we have.

A:My name is Chen Sung-lim.

B:How do you do? My name is Fred Smith.



A:Thank you for bringing me. This is great!

B:Rose, do you see? Herb and Don are over there.


A:Uh huh. I can't believe it! You're trying to set up Herb and me.

B:Let's sit with them.

A:Ms. Matchmaker, Herb and I just aren't written in the stars.

B:Who knows? Come on!

believe 网络解释

1. 信赖:别因小事而对情人和朋友产生怀疑,人与人之间的关系是建基於信任,Trust(信任)这个词语说出口很简单,但有多少能做到,至於信赖(Believe)是比信任更高一层次.

believe 双语例句

1. I believe you will certainly be able to do.......

2. believe的意思

2. We do not have extra time to waste, and please believe me, I always undying love you.

3. Some peo- 6546456呵5468呵79879不785★要★★复4564制556哦464pie believe that students value their education more if they work for it.

4. I inclin to believe that he is innocent.

5. believe

5. But plant physiologist Wendy - Bowes and from North Carolina State University microbiologist Amy - Grant firmly believe that they can produce in such a harsh environment for plants to survive.

6. We always believe that good quality and satisfactory service will bring valuable customers.


7. Do you believe that life on earth is merely preparation for life after death?

8. believe

8. James: no, i believe you.

9. I don't believe in anti-Semitism.

10. believe的意思

10. I believe I owe that boy a great big sloppy kiss when I see him.

11. believe是什么意思

11. Wow, I believe this is a good idea to rent one after I leave.

12. believe是什么意思

12. I believe next time you can do it well.

13. Unlike the Soviets Union, who didn't engage in the kind of super-Neo-Capital is m that China does, I don't believe that China will collapse under the weight of itself.

14. Unlike the Soviets Union, who didn't engage in the kind of super-Neo-Capitalism that China does, I don't believe that China will collapse under the weight of itself.

15. believe

15. Unlike the Soviets Union, who didnt engage in the kind of super-Neo-Capitalism that China does, I dont believe that China will collapse under the weight of itself.

16. Believe me, I will certainly do that.

17. However, under fellow Chinese players'effort, the national team is slowly developing to become a strong team. I believe the future of China NT is beyond imagination.

18. believe的意思

18. Much rat MRI is smooth as a result sweep show observation group to see thicker loud signal hypodermically adipose layer, tumor interior or outside face see stain shape believe a bad dead band higher.

19. The intelligence automobile and the intelligence brain technical development, I believe our life will become more fine, laster long.


20. I life in have you of the day, when and all and you together at, as long as your happiness I would also lead of happiness of, I would effort, for oneself also for believe me encouragement my each person to encourage!

believe 词典解释

1. 相信;认为
    If you believe that something is true, you think that it is true, but you are not sure.

    e.g. Experts believe that the coming drought will be extensive...
    e.g. I believe you have something of mine...

2. 相信(某人或某人的话)
    If you believe someone or if you believe what they say or write, you accept that they are telling the truth.

    e.g. He did not sound as if he believed her...
    e.g. Never believe anything a married man says about his wife...

3. 相信有…;认为…存在
    If you believe in fairies, ghosts, or miracles, you are sure that they exist or happen. If you believe in a god, you are sure of the existence of that god.


    e.g. I don't believe in ghosts...
    e.g. Do you believe in magic?

4. 认为…是应该的(或正确的)
    If you believe in a way of life or an idea, you are in favour of it because you think it is good or right.


    e.g. He believed in marital fidelity.
    e.g. ...decent candidates who believed in democracy.

5. 对…有信心;信任;信赖
    If you believe in someone or what they are doing, you have confidence in them and think that they will be successful.

    e.g. If you believe in yourself you can succeed.

Note that when you are using the verb believe with that-clause in order to state a negative opinion or belief, you normally make believe negative, rather than the verb. For instance, it is more usual to say 'He didn't believe she could do it...' than 'He believed she couldn't do it'. The same applies to other verbs with a similar meaning, such as consider, suppose, and think. I don't consider that you kept your promise... I don't suppose he ever saw it... I don't think he saw me.
注意,当 believe 和 that 从句连用陈述否定的观点或看法时,通常对 believe 而不是从句中的动词加以否定。例如,通常说 He didn't believe she could do it(他认为她做不到),而很少说 He believed she couldn't do it。同样的句型结构也适用于 consider, suppose 和 think 等意思相近的动词:I don't consider that you kept your promise(我认为你没有遵守诺言),I don't suppose he ever saw it(我想他从没见过它),I don't think he saw me(我认为他没有看到我)。

6. (表示惊奇)难以置信
    Believe is used in expressions such as I can't believe how or it's hard to believe that in order to express surprise, for example because something bad has happened or something very difficult has been achieved.


    e.g. Many officers I spoke to found it hard to believe what was happening around them...
    e.g. I was a physical and emotional wreck — I still can't believe how I ever got any work done.

7. (表示对所见所闻惊讶不已)相信自己的眼睛/耳朵
    If you say that you cannot believe your eyes or cannot believe your ears, you are emphasizing that you are very surprised about something you have seen or heard.


    e.g. I could not believe my eyes. She was far more beautiful than I had imagined.

8. (强调刚才所述之事令人吃惊)信不信由你
    You can use believe it or not to emphasize that what you have just said is surprising.


    e.g. That's normal, believe it or not.

9. (强调对某事感到惊讶)你会相信吗?
    If you say would you believe it, you are emphasizing your surprise about something.

    e.g. And would you believe it, he's younger than me!

10. (强调所述属实)相信我
      You can use believe you me to emphasize that what you are saying is true.


      e.g. It's absolutely amazing, believe you me.

believe 单语例句

1. " We believe honesty and credibility will sustain our business, " said the man.

2. Insiders also believe foreign investors bring new business methods to China, enhancing the entire industry.

3. I don't believe highly financed business operations will help these directors maintain their status as the best in Chinese film circles.

4. Some people believe the practice challenges the wit of the regulators as well as the conscience of a business person.

5. Guo says they have a gentleman's agreement, while Xu and Wang believe Guo is no gentleman.

6. Some research groups believe foreign banks'ambitions in the small business markets could help optimize China's financing structure.

7. He was referring to the former businesswoman of Xinjiang and current resident of Washington, who many locals believe was behind the Sunday riot.

8. Mornings are the best time to see the market in full bustle, but many believe prices drop towards the end of the day.

9. I believe happiness is not only what we have got, but what we have shared.

10. Police found a butcher knife near the apartment and said they believe it was used in the killings.

believe 英英释义


1. accept as true
    take to be true

    e.g. I believed his report
           We didn't believe his stories from the War
           She believes in spirits

2. credit with veracity

    e.g. You cannot believe this man
           Should we believe a publication like the National Enquirer?

3. follow a credo
    have a faith
    be a believer

    e.g. When you hear his sermons, you will be able to believe, too

4. judge or regard
    look upon

    e.g. I think he is very smart
           I believe her to be very smart
           I think that he is her boyfriend
           The racist conceives such people to be inferior

    Synonym: think consider conceive

5. be confident about something

    e.g. I believe that he will come back from the war

    Synonym: trust


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