bifocals [ˌbaɪˈfəʊklz]  [ˌbaɪˈfoʊklz] 


bifocals 基本解释

名词 双重焦点透镜,双光眼镜( bifocal的名词复数 )

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bifocals 网络解释

1. bifocals什么意思

1. 双光眼镜 双焦镜片 双筒望远镜玻璃:bifocallens 双焦点透镜 双焦镜 双焦透镜 | bifocals 双光眼镜 双焦镜片 双筒望远镜玻璃 | bifocalsegment 双焦面

2. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

2. 双光眼镜:nowadays 现在 | bifocals 双光眼镜 | develop 研制

3. 双焦点; 双光眼镜 (名):bifocal 双焦点的 (形) | bifocals 双焦点; 双光眼镜 (名) | biforate 有双孔的 (形)

bifocals 双语例句

1. The most common way is to change glasses with magnifying lenses and stronger bifocals.

2. Occasionally, children who have crossed eyes may need to have bifocals to help control the crossing.

3. Nowadays, these glasses are known as bifocals.

4. I rang the bell, and a geeky, middle-aged man in bifocals stuck his head around the door.

5. No history of spectacles would be complete without some mention of Benjamin Franklin, who invented bifocals in the 1780s.
    如果沒有 Benjamin Frankin 在1780年代發明的遠近視兩用眼鏡,那么這個歷史的奇跡也將不能畫上圓滿的句號。

6. Calculation of minimum central thickness of fused - bifocals

bifocals 词典解释

The form bifocal is used as a modifier. bifocal 用作修饰语。

1. 双光眼镜;远近两用眼镜
    Bifocals are glasses with lenses made in two halves. The top part is for looking at things some distance away, and the bottom part is for reading and looking at things that are close.

    e.g. Mrs Bierce wears thick bifocal lenses.

bifocals 英英释义



1. eyeglasses having two focal lengths, one for near vision and the other for far vision


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