blaze a trail [bleiz ei treil]  [blez e trel] 

blaze a trail 基本解释

动词 开路; 开辟道路,在树上作记号指路


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blaze a trail 网络解释

1. 开辟道路:blatter 滔滔不绝 | blaze a trail 开辟道路 | blaze a way in 开辟道路

2. 走出......道路:关注和解决问题 address and resolve problems | 走出......道路 blaze a trail | 能源节约 energy conservation

3. 开拓道路:blame for 责怪 | blaze a trail 开拓道路 | blend with 和......交融在一起

4. 开辟道路, 在树上作记号指路:blaze a new path || 开辟一条新路 | blaze a trail || 开辟道路, 在树上作记号指路 | blaze a way in || 开辟道路,引路

blaze a trail 双语例句

1. Clone combat engineers would blaze a stable trail over unsteady terrain and construct a makeshift bridge that would accommodate the heavier walkers further down the battle line.

2. blaze a trail

2. Take energy problem for example, China will make one new environment road(blaze a trail in a new resource efficient road/path), which has China's concrete reality.

3. In the process of doing so, you will blaze a new trail of optimism in your mental setup.

4. He was determined to blaze a new trail in life, relying solely on his own will-power, courage and accomplishments.

5. For example, to solve energy problem, China wil blaze a trail in a new way of conservation, which is with chinese charactistics.

6. They should raise the pensionable age, tackle public sector pension arrangements, and blaze a trail towards higher labour force participation and phased retirement patterns.

7. You shouldn't look down on — for being young — a blaze that feeds on many things, a flame with its blackened trail.

8. blaze a trail的解释

8. If this way won`t work, we have to blaze a new trail.

9. Do not ask whether we should backtrack, ask how we can blaze a new trail.

10. EXAMPLE: Thomas Edison was able to blaze a trail in many areas of electronics.

11. 好好学单词·英语单词

11. It is what led generations of pioneers to blaze a westward trail.

12. blaze a trail

12. He was deterimined to blaze a new trail in life, relying solely on his own will-power, courage

13. blaze a trail的翻译

13. I will work hard to blaze a trail in this new company.

14. Thomas Edison was able to blaze a trail in many areas of electronics.

15. It only takes one person to blaze a trail.

16. We have to blaze a trail and create a new model of relationship.

17. We're doing this one-off event because it's something we'd want to go to ourselves, and we want to blaze a trail for people who are planning similar events in the future.

18. For instance (Similarily), over the matter of transfer of superfluous rural labor force, we (find out the way towards *) will blaze a trail in urbanization road stamped with chinese characteristics.

19. 911查询·英语单词

19. Application of the Chinese characters graphical element in the modern interior design is of significance, diversity and innovation. It is necessary to draw artistic inspiration from Chinese characters graphical elements to blaze a trail of design with a sense of modernity and ethnic characteristics.

20. If this way won't work, we have to blaze a new trail.

blaze a trail 单语例句

1. For the rich it was not a problem as they had either servants to blaze a trail or portable lanterns to light the road.

2. He pledged to blaze a trail of civilized development characterized by improved industries growth, affluent life and a sound ecological environment.

3. This independent university is meant to blaze a new trail in the country's higher education.

4. Their smooth communication and broad consensus on a wide range of issues will enable Beijing and Moscow to blaze a new trail for their cooperation.

5. He does not expect to push the history, it is history that brings him to blaze a potentially right trail.

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