body language [ˈbɔdi ˈlæŋɡwidʒ]  [ˈbɑdi ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ] 

body language 基本解释


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body language 网络解释

1. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

1. 肢体语言:凱莉-米洛在這個最新專輯<<肢体語言>>(Body Language)里的風格更顯成熟,跟她之前大熱的專輯<>相比,這里面沒有直截了當的流行POP元素.可以說,凱莉-米洛的這第九張專輯跟以前八張的風格迥然不同,是她的全新的專輯.

2. body language的反义词

2. 体态语言:二是在说话时的行动(action)、体态语言 (body language). 三是心理活动. 如在交谈过程中有没有心理变化,有什么情绪起伏等等. 实际上,每个人在交谈过程中,都涉及到了内心过程(metal process). 如两个人打招呼可能是无所谓的(-Hello.

body language 双语例句

1. Take the time to observe the opposing party's body language and gestures.

2. Body language is the quiet, secret and most powerful language of all!

3. You may be misreading body language as well.

4. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

4. The name of second chapter of dissertation is In this chapter, the author analyzed the course of modernization of traditional opera and its body language since the beginning of 20th century, there were several kinds of modals in this course, such as the fashionable dress theatre, the old modal which played the new story, the modern modals of theatre.

5. In this way he can get on well with everyone and ensure the success of communication. Proper use of verbal language and silent language, stressing the emotional effect, preparation and target of verbal language, and body gestures and clothing, all these can help achieve a perfect effect of communication and leave a good ima...

6. body language什么意思

6. She will be the first traditional Chinese therapy (Scalp Acupuncture, Body Acupuncture, Point-injection drugs, the head lesion area closed Massage, TCM) and modern rehabilitation techniques (physical therapy, occupational therapy, language training, psychological treatment and special education, Community rehabilitation), which combines applications in the treatment of cerebral palsy in children and elderly dementia patients, Doctors were to create a new system of comprehensive treatment by the new international search retrieval no relevant reports, treatment is an international initiative, opened a pediatric cerebral palsy and Alzheimers disease can rule precedent cerebral palsy rehabilitation so that the frontier areas of advanced technology and future generations of sustainable development of human sexual self-help project the idea of congestion staying in the forefront of domestic and international counterparts. the medical history of the world integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine treatment of children with cerebral palsy and dementia rehabilitation medicine theory made a breakthrough contribution.

7. This essay aims at analyzing systematically the body language within the ield of western modern dance.

8. Susan Roane, author of the book How to Work a Room...Stand in the periphery, do agreeable body language, smile, nod your head, and when someone looks your way you can step in. But here's the magic of the mingling maven - when you see someone in your periphery when you are in a group, step back.

9. Nonverbal: facial gestures, body language, dress.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. From the above we can learn, the use of body language in English teaching is necessary and practical.

11. First, using body language in English teaching can enhance students` interest in learning.

12. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

12. The first the necessity and importance of using body language in English teaching.

13. The paper will focus on using body language in English teaching in details in different aspects.

14. body language的反义词

14. With older children, a parent can use more body language to express agreement and approval.

15. body language是什么意思

15. They also use body language and use a combination of these things when communicating with `fellow felines`.

16. While there are many different interpretations of our body language, some gestures seem to be universal.

17. Katherine Isbister received her PhD from Stanford in 1998 on the topic of reading body language in onscreen characters.
      Katherin Isbister于1998年获得了斯坦福的博士学位,学位论文题目是从荧屏人物上读出身体语言。

18. Content Description: Beautiful women have to learn how to use body language to show their charm.

19. This includes facial expression_rs, body language, and eye contact, as well as clothing and general appearance.

20. Indicators of autism include oversensitivity or under reactivity to touch, movement, sights, or sounds; physical clumsiness or carelessness; poor body awareness; a tendency to be easily distracted; impulsive physical or verbal behavior; an activity level that is unusually high or low; not unwinding or calming oneself; difficulty learning new movements; difficulty in making transitions from one situation to another; social and/or emotional problems; delays in speech, language or motor skills; specific learning difficulties/delays in academic achievement.

body language 单语例句

1. " Harding has strong stage charisma and superb body language on stage, " says Wang.

2. Relaxing with wife Corinna and friends in the Ferrari motorhome after the race, his obvious happiness was in sharp contrast to the body language at Renault.

3. Steve Reich's music offers the dancers a free space to present aesthetics through their body language.

4. But it wasn't so easy for Chen to choose a story and tell it through body language.

5. Most of the stories are adopted from ancient literature, which are told with witty comments and expressive body language.

6. Hairy monkeys do not have any facial expressions so their messages must rely on their body language and the scenes they are presented in.

7. The vitality of life, longing for love and the conflict of reality are examined through body language.

8. The scenes alternate between daily life and dreams, combining the change of language cadence and misplacement of body movements.

9. Besides using body language and a hearing aid, writing is the best way to express her feelings.

10. It will be a story of Poland and Silesia region translated into a universal language of dance and human body.

body language 英英释义


1. communication via the movements or attitudes of the body

body language是什么意思,body language在线翻译,body language什么意思,body language的意思,body language的翻译,body language的解释,body language的发音,body language的同义词,body language的反义词,body language的例句,body language的相关词组,body language意思是什么,body language怎么翻译,单词body language是什么意思

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