brawl [brɔ:l]  [brɔl] 


brawl 基本解释

名词 吵架; 打架; 喧闹的舞会; 乱哄哄的拳赛

不及物动词 争吵; 打架; 互骂; (流水)哗哗地响

及物动词 大声喊出; 为…争吵

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brawl 相关例句


1. The officers were brawling commands.


1. Usually you could see them, playing or brawling on the street.

2. The river brawled over the rapids.


1. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

1. Whatever brawls disturb the street, there should be peace at home.

2. We could hear the loud brawl of a brook behind the house.

brawl 网络解释

1. 争吵:装灰的盘子是烟灰缸(ashtray) 家有提篮(hamper)他篡改(tamper),篡改无人是纵容(tamp),纵容加花是踩实(tramp) 弟弟慢说(drawl)不争吵(brawl),专家平躺(sprawl)他拖网(trawl) -ulate 系列: 成年之后才谄媚(adulate),

2. 轰天雷:参赛者只要在一分三十秒内将 Leader Class 轰天雷 (Brawl) 或 麦加登 (Megatron) 完全变形,即可抽神秘礼品一份. 如在一分钟内完全变形,即可获变形金刚大电影门票两张.

brawl 双语例句

1. The problem with Establishment Republicans is they abhor the unseemliness of a political brawl.

2. From the jiuzhaigou, ShuNa bamboo piece round to the media, tothe military prosperous brawl of toupai events.

3. In 1606 he killed a young man in a brawl and fled from Rome with a price on his head.

4. In Thanh Hoa Province in June, a drunk Chinese worker from a cement plant traded blows with the husband of a Vietnamese shopkeeper. The Chinese man then returned with 200 co-workers, igniting a brawl, according to Vietnamese news reports.华商博客vO5l1uP5k, g

5. brawl

5. Description: Shrek superslam - Slam, smash, beat and brawl your friends in Shrek SuperSlam - the most twisted fighting game ever!
    描述 :怪物史莱克superslam -大满贯,粉碎,殴打和斗殴您的朋友怪物史莱克S uperSlam-最扭曲的战斗游戏!

6. HOCKEY BRAWL 斗殴 HOCKEY BRAWL: San Jose Shark`s Douglas Murray fought with Anaheim Ducks` George Parros in the first-round NHL hockey playoff game in Anaheim, Calif., Tuesday.


7. Demonstrated by outpointing Luciano Cuello in a bloody brawl Saturday that he's a solid fighter who is ready to take the next step.

8. Demonstrated by outpointing Luciano Cuello in a bloody brawl Saturday that he''s a solid fighter who is ready to take the next step.

9. He is a timid boy; it's impossible for him to brawl with anyone.

10. This is my wedding, not some public brawl.

11. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

11. Super Smash Brothers Brawl is close, but it is...

12. They most just brawl in people's backyards...

13. Combine 70 time, 80 time and the brawl between 90 time at the same time.

14. brawl的意思

14. Although I can not hear the voice of that brawl, but I feel the excitement.

15. I think it's necessary for me to leave here for a little while since such unpleasant brawl happened

16. brawl的反义词

16. Some would say that the water - inexhaustible, we tap a screw, tap water to flow out of the brawl, why should cherish it?

17. brawl的解释

17. Happen to unhappy brawl after I need to leave period of time for a while.

18. 911查询·英语单词

18. Then, on the beach, I'd provoked a brawl with Raymond's enemies, in the course of which Raymond was wounded.


19. To leave the home for years, and every time to see the river flowing elsewhere brawl, I think of home in front of stream.

20. In Thanh Hoa Province in June, a drunk Chinese worker from a cement plant traded blows with the husband of a Vietnamese shopkeeper. The Chinese man then returned with 200 co-workers, igniting a brawl, according to Vietnamese news reports.华商博客J'JWh'h6j

brawl 词典解释

1. 打架;斗殴
    A brawl is a rough or violent fight.


    e.g. He had been in a drunken street brawl.

2. 打架;斗殴
    If someone brawls, they fight in a very rough or violent way.

    e.g. He was suspended for a year from University after brawling with police over a speeding ticket...
    e.g. Two gangs of youths brawled on the dance floor of the ferry.

The brawling between the England fans and locals last night went on for several hours.

brawl 单语例句

1. Stern said he expects talks with the union to rise above the negative publicity generated by the brawl.

2. Three German and three English fans were taken in after a brawl close to the city's central station.

3. Federal Home Affairs Minister Bob Debus said airport security would be reviewed following Sunday's brawl.

4. But there was no evidence of any direct link between the brawl and the clashes in China's northwestern region of Xinjiang.

5. Apparently the prisoners set up a brawl in their cells which distracted two of the guards.

6. As a member of the Indiana Pacers, he was the central figure in the 2004 brawl with Detroit Pistons fans.

7. Ben Wallace was back in the lineup after his suspension for his role in last month's brawl with the Indiana Pacers and fans.

8. The brawl in Yiwu was not the only time crowd violence has put the CBA in the spotlight this season.

9. In total, five Pacers and eight fans have been charged in the brawl.

10. The victim was allegedly involved in a brawl with the owner of the restaurant.

brawl 英英释义



1. a noisy fight in a crowd

    Synonym: free-for-all

2. an uproarious party

    Synonym: bash do


1. to quarrel noisily, angrily or disruptively

    e.g. The bar keeper threw them out, but they continued to wrangle on down the street

    Synonym: wrangle


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