breastfeed [ˈbrestfi:d] [ˈbrestfi:d]

breastfeed 基本解释


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breastfeed 网络解释

1. 以母奶养育的:breastbonesternum 胸骨 | breastfeed 以母奶养育的 | breastmilklacto 乳

breastfeed 双语例句

1. Hazem Jamed, 44, bloodied and exhausted from the carnage, told how he had roused from the explosion at the foreign ministry to find his shellshocked daughter trying to breastfeed her dead son, whom she had hauled from the rubble. Nobody was behaving normally in the minutes afterwards.
    从这场大屠杀里幸存下来的44岁的Hazem Jamed满身是血,疲惫不堪,他告诉我们当他在外交部被爆炸声惊醒时,发现他患有炮弹休克症的女儿正试图给她死去的,被她从瓦砾堆里拉出来的儿子喂奶时是什么感觉:在之后的几分钟里,没有人的行为时正常的。

2. 好好学单词·英语单词

2. Sept. 21, 2001 -- Although mothers unable to breastfeed their firstborn may not even attempt it with their second baby, they should be encouraged to do so.

3. By Laurie Barclay, MDReviewed by Gary D. Vogin, MDSept. 21, 2001 -- Although mothers unable to breastfeed their firstborn may not even attempt it with their second baby, they should be encouraged to do so.

4. Front-opening or Nursing Nightdresses or Pyjamas can make it easier to breastfeed at night.

5. My mother was one of the people that was not thrilled with my decision to breastfeed.

6. breastfeed

6. I have type 1 diabetes. Will I be able to breastfeed?

7. breastfeed

7. If possible, I would like to breastfeed the baby immediately after the birth.

8. There are several reasons some mothers may not be able to breastfeed.

9. She was beginning to breastfeed and this book has great information about nursing babies. This is the best book I have read because it encompasses so many different areas of importance and gives down to earth advice.

10. This type of treatment normally continues for seven to ten days, and will not affect your baby if you continue to breastfeed.

11. A relatively large number of primipara who breastfed exclusively one month postpartum rooming-in, intended to breastfeed one to two years postpartum, utilized breastfeeding exclusively, achieved greater breastfeeding self-efficacy, and received higher breastfeeding social support of the father, friends and family. Exclusive breastfeeding rates declined from 42.0% in hospital to 35.9% at one month postpartum.

12. Mastitis is perhaps the most distressing problem you may encounter when attempting to breastfeed.

13. This may be the reason that mothers who smoke choose not to breastfeed at all or breastfeed for a shorter time.

14. Because breastfeeding rates are low in the socially deprived sections of our population, there should be special programs to encourage mothers of low socioeconomic status to breastfeed their infants not only for the established benefits of breastfeeding for the mother and infant but also to reduce the risk of SIDS in their infants.

15. Yet, once you make a commitment to continuing to breastfeed, you'll find a way to do it.

16. breastfeed

16. But on many message boards, there was debate about whether it's OK to breastfeed beyond babyhood.

17. Beliefs in the superiority of human milk substitutes can become pervasive, resulting in mothers finding little or no support for their desire to breastfeed.

18. breastfeed什么意思

18. When you pump milk for your baby or breastfeed him, you secrete hormones that enhance the bonding process.

19. This instalment highlights the importance of immunizations in the first year of life, of continuing to breastfeed-and to introduce solid foods-when babies reach six months.

20. But in regions where mothers cannot afford the cost of infant formula or where water is contaminated, the WHO recommends mothers should exclusively breastfeed their babies up to six months of age.

breastfeed 单语例句

1. The Food and Health Bureau responded by saying the Department of Health has an internal policy that encourages and supports mothers to breastfeed their babies.

2. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that mothers exclusively breastfeed for six months and continue breastfeeding as foods are introduced until at least 12 months.

3. Experts said health education about breastfeeding should be intensified among the public, while workplaces should provide friendly environments for new mothers to breastfeed babies.

4. Ma had to breastfeed her daughter with one breast for a month, as the other was infected after the improper treatment.

5. The statistics show a huge increase in the number of new mothers who start out with the intention to breastfeed over the last two decades.

6. Zhang continued to breastfeed her baby after he reached his first birthday, a time when most Chinese mothers wean their children.

7. She often browses online parenting forums, encouraging other parents to breastfeed and even swaps tips with other mothers.

8. Yunnan Wildlife Park in Kunming wants a nanny for two tiger cubs, after the mother gave birth but refused to breastfeed.

9. " There are 101 good reasons to breastfeed, " said Sears.

10. These are specialists who help new mothers breastfeed their infants better with massage and breastfeeding instructions.

breastfeed 英英释义


1. give suck to

    e.g. The wetnurse suckled the infant
           You cannot nurse your baby in public in some places

    Synonym: suckle suck nurse wet-nurse lactate give suck


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