brotherhood [ˈbrʌðəhʊd]  [ˈbrʌðərhʊd] 


brotherhood 基本解释

名词 兄弟会; 手足情谊; 兄弟关系; (总称)同行

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brotherhood 相关例句


1. brotherhood

1. Soldiers who are fighting together often have a strong feeling of brotherhood.

brotherhood 网络解释

1. 手足情谊:我的朋友, 你们或许会认为不属于爱及手足情谊(brotherhood)的思维就不是出自于造物者. 这是不可能的, 朋友, 所有产生的思想都是出自造物者. 所有产生的东西都出自造物者. 祂是所有事物, 存在所有地方, 祂是所有意识, 所有存在的思想,

brotherhood 双语例句

1. He was all for changing and beautifying the world, and was working ardently for the brotherhood of man.

2. Every religion teaches the universal link among all human beings – the brotherhood of men under the fatherhood of God.

3. I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave-owner will be to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.

4. I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave-owner will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.

5. brotherhood在线翻译

5. I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves the sons of former slave-owner will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.

6. brotherhood的近义词

6. I know it is an attack within christendom, but if you feature Bahaism, at least show that the goal of Masonry has always been the unity of the world, under the enlightened brotherhood of man in the restored word that was lost at the fall, the supposedly underlying principles of all religion.

7. I have a dream that one day in one post, the publisher and the replier will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.

8. I have a dream, that one day, on the rad hill of J##, the son of formal slaves and the son of formal slaveowners, will seat together...
    of brotherhood 我高中背过的,现在只记得这么多了,不过很感动的


9. Is provided by the Capitoline brotherhood of millers.

10. I and those with me greet all the brotherhood with you in Christ.

11. brotherhood的解释

11. What`s the force causes us to stretch a hand of brotherhood when the crisis comes. The radiance of art shocks our heart and calls for selfless love.

12. I believe that the feelings between people is the highest state of brotherhood and friendship.

13. brotherhood在线翻译

13. We place our faith in the brotherhood of man under the fatherhood of God.

14. brotherhood的反义词

14. Where can I watch The Brotherhood movie online free full stream?

15. 911查询·英语单词

15. Henry Stimpson was the secretary of war in the early 1900`s and was also a member of the brotherhood of death, later known as skull and bones.

16. brotherhood的反义词

16. The brotherhood is concentrated in the lands of Westfall, making their base of operations in the abandoned mines and buildings of the decaying region.

17. The Defias brotherhood is a shadowy organization consisting of cuthroats, mercenaries, and bandits.

18. There will no doubt be numerous large quests that involve rooting out the Defias brotherhood, as well as smaller incidental quests such as rescuing NPC travelers from these bandits.

19. There is no brotherhood that binds people closer than the brotherhood that`s born in the lines, and a shared greatcoat is one of its symbols.

20. It illustrates that they all are equal and in a brotherhood under God which binds them together and that the essence of life is not what you possess, but the condition of one's heart and soul.

brotherhood 词典解释

1. 兄弟情谊;手足之情
    Brotherhood is the affection and loyalty that you feel for people who you have something in common with.

    e.g. People threw flowers into the river between the two countries as a symbolic act of brotherhood...
    e.g. He believed in socialism and the brotherhood of man.

2. 兄弟会,同志会,同业工会(成员具有共同的政见、信仰或相同的职业)
    A brotherhood is an organization whose members all have the same political aims and beliefs or the same job or profession.

    e.g. ...the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers.
    e.g. ...a secret international brotherhood.

brotherhood 单语例句

1. The ferment has also awoken the Muslim Brotherhood, the sleeping Islamist giant of Egyptian politics.

2. According to Zhao, there was a code of brotherhood in the early Tianqiao.

3. Syria broke diplomatic ties with Iraq in 1982, accusing Iraq of inciting riots by the banned Muslim Brotherhood in Syria.

4. He did not provide evidence, and the Brotherhood denied the claim.

5. He was accused of secretly fomenting attacks on Israelis while proclaiming brotherhood and claiming to have put terrorism aside.

6. US officials have also avoided meeting members of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, which has been banned since 1954 but is the country's most powerful opposition movement.

7. Habib said the number of Brotherhood members in custody had reached 960 in a crackdown which began in March.

8. The conditions rule out a challenge by the Muslim Brotherhood, which is the largest opposition group but which the government refuses to recognize.

9. Police and Brotherhood supporters exchanged accusations over who started the melees, which also involved supporters of President Hosni Mubarak's ruling National Democratic Party.

10. Mubarak cooperated closely with Israel on security and suppressed Islamist movements such as Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood whose leaders often voiced hostility toward the Jewish state.

brotherhood 英英释义


1. the feeling that men should treat one another like brothers

2. people engaged in a particular occupation

    e.g. the medical fraternity

    Synonym: fraternity sodality

3. an organization of employees formed to bargain with the employer

    e.g. you have to join the union in order to get a job

    Synonym: union labor union trade union trades union

4. the kinship relation between a male offspring and the siblings


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