burn out [bə:n aut]  [bɚn aʊt] 

burn out 基本解释

动词 燃尽; 烧坏,烧掉,烧尽

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burn out 网络解释

1. 烧光,烧毁...的内部;熄灭:build up 逐渐积聚,集结;逐步建立;增进,增强 | burn out 烧光,烧毁...的内部;熄灭 | burn up 烧掉,烧毁;烧起来,旺起来;(使)发怒

2. 烧坏;烧尽,筋疲力尽:burn oneself out (因过劳而)筋疲力尽 | burn out 烧坏;烧尽,筋疲力尽 | burn up (炉火等)烧旺起来

3. 烧光;熄灭;疲乏:burn down 烧毁;烧掉 | burn out 烧光;熄灭;疲乏 | burn up烧尽;烧旺

burn out 双语例句

1. I'm praying that you don't burn out, Or fade away.

2. burn out在线翻译


3. I don't have the passion anymore and so remember, its better to burn out than to fade away.

4. It can burn so much that you have to rinse out your mouth after brushing.

5. He decided to send the Magic Goose who could breathe out flames to burn up the world on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

6. These symbolic offerings are to remind followers that just as the beautiful flowers would wither away after a short while and the candles and joss-sticks would soon burn out, so too is life subject to decay and destruction.

7. burn out

7. If not, even China`s fire could burn out.

8. 好好学单词·英语单词

8. I would rather that my spark should burn out

9. During 20minutes needles retaining, do moxibustiton above the route of LI20-DU23 until erubescence in the forehead and ignite two moxa sticks about 1cm to apply above double St36 until it burn out, As for the patient of deficiency of kidney-yang, do warm moxibustion on CV4 for 30 minutes, once every two day, 15 times a course.
    留针时以药艾条重灸迎香-上星处,以患者前头部温热,局部皮肤潮红为度;足三里待针刺得气后,用长约1cm的艾条点燃后插于针尾处,燃尽为止。肾阳虚者,加艾条温和灸关元30 min。针灸隔日一次,15次一疗程。

10. Objective: To find out the causes of extravasation in fluid infusion of large area burn and the method of prevention.

11. By the calculation the tolerance range with full-penetration and burn-through under different conditions is given out.

12. It's a rough world out there. Step outside and you could break a leg slipping on your doormat. Light up the stove and you could burn down the house.

13. burn out的意思

13. So, to burn the flab, plan on working out at least 40 minutes.

14. Do not burn out, Star My! Billeting!

15. burn out在线翻译

15. We will bow three times for each of them. We will burn incense and share out thoughts.

16. Malfoy screams as the burn begins, and he looks down to see the Mark rising out of his flesh.

17. Even if they come out as fast as they can, you'll have plenty of time to burn them out.

18. If ever Casio comes out with a HT version of this led/laser tech, they need to do a pre burn-in of their phosphor blue module.......
      如果有人卡西欧出来,以本LED /激光技术羟色胺的版本,他们需要做的预烧机的荧光粉蓝模块。。。。。。。

19. As Carl Pope, director of the Sierra Club(1), a conservation group, points out, many Americans want to burn less fossil fuel for reasons other than climate change, including to clean up the air and cut the country`s dependence on energy imports.

20. burn out什么意思

20. It will be destroyed almost instantly because too much current will pass through and burn it out.

burn out 词典解释

1. 燃尽;烧尽;熄灭
    If a fire burns itself out, it stops burning because there is nothing left to burn.

    e.g. Fire officials let the fire burn itself out.

2. 耗尽体力;筋疲力尽
    If you burn yourself out, you make yourself exhausted or ill by working too hard.

    e.g. He might burn himself out and go to an early grave.

3. see also: burnout;burnt-out

burn out 单语例句

1. The brave amphibian was spotted snacking on the festive bulb but soon spat it out and hopped away after feeling the burn.

2. If they don't burn out through excessive or premature exposure, they tend to lose interest in their prodigious skill and disappear without trace.

3. Having seen so many empires and their rivals burn themselves out in the past, many Chinese certainly don't want this.

4. She walked out into the street and a policeman noticed her burn marks and took her to the hospital.

5. I'm into Pilates and I'm always out with my dogs, so I just burn it all off.

6. " We're letting the product burn itself out, " he said.

7. The had no estimate Wednesday morning when the fire might burn itself out.

8. The train continued burning Saturday morning and officials said they would wait for the " very dangerous " inferno to burn out by itself.

9. He doesn't look like a guy who is going to burn out.

10. Union Pacific officials planned to let the tank burn out and estimated it would take until early Sunday morning.

burn out 英英释义

burn out什么意思


1. melt, break, or become otherwise unusable

    e.g. The lightbulbs blew out
           The fuse blew

    Synonym: blow out blow

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