circuitous [səˈkju:ɪtəs]  [sərˈkju:ɪtəs] 

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circuitous 网络解释

1. 间接,迂回的:circuit 环行,周围 | circuitous 间接,迂回的 | exit 出口,离去

2. 迂回线路的:circuit 电路 | circuitous 迂回线路的 | circuitously 曲折地

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 迂回到:clout权力,影响n | circuitous迂回到a. | circular圆形的,a

4. circuitous

4. 旁路的迂回线路的:circuiting 电路 | circuitous 旁路的迂回线路的 | circuitron 双面印刷电路

circuitous 双语例句

1. I have illustrated some of the circuitous routes we have taken to arrive at our present caiman nomenclature.

2. Dongting Lake vast circuitous, mountain awkward, its greatest feature is the lake, there is a lake, Lake in the mountains, fish fan the small Huye Qingqing, Shuitianyise, Oulu Xiang Fei.

3. We had to take a circuitous route because of an accident on the turnpike.

4. Today`s information packets take a circuitous route to get to their final destinations.

5. circuitous的近义词

5. Luckily for me, most of them got into their field by a circuitous route, to their surprise, after many detours.

6. In about ten minutes they returned to the house by a circuitous route, entering at the rear

7. circuitous的近义词

7. Lastly, it addresses the circuitous and equivocal use of aesthetic language in _Letters_, taking the text's emotional intensity and rhetorical hesitancy as exempla of a modern individual's struggle towards self-attunement in the face of a rationalized modernity.

8. circuitous

8. The river`s circuitous course.

9. There is considerable differences in the length of these nerves; notice especially the circuitous course of the recurrent nerve which is more than three times conduction time of impulses does not merely depend upon the distance of peripheral nerve that must be traversed but also upon the diameter of the nerve fibers the smaller the fiber.

10. The second river, Gihon, is the Nile in its circuitous course around Ethiopia, connecting with the Gulf of Aden.

11. How to stepping off a coincidence rural credit cooperative reality and realizing whose road of harmonizing sustainable reformation all round developing under the route in circuitous development course, complicated real difficult problem and quit difficult to being dependent on, is that one needs the key subjects probing unceasingly all the time.

12. Li Ka-shing, the use of tactical, not only攻其不备is surrounded circuitous.

13. circuitous的意思

13. Chinese real estate market rectifies is moving towards mature and reason after having experienced a circuitous history developing process.

14. circuitous的意思

14. Commercial airliners around the world follow circuitous flight paths, waste time in holding patterns before landing and burn precious fuel taxiing.

15. The military controls most of China's airspace: Only 30% is available for civil aviation, forcing flights to take circuitous routes when flight corridors fill up.


16. Often meanders A circuitous journey or excursion ramble.

17. Often meanders A circuitous journey or excursion; ramble.
      常作 meanders 漫步,闲逛:迂回的行程或旅行

18. 好好学单词·英语单词

18. And T. Davy, family grocers, 1 Charlemont Mall, Grand Canal, for circulation on the waters of civic finance, for possible, circuitous or direct, return.

19. Meanders Circuitous windings or sinuosities, as of a stream or path.
      meanders 曲流:河流道路的迂回处或弯曲

20. circuitous的反义词

20. It's like the shortcut to reading a book - to first read the index at the back of the book. It will be circuitous to start from the first page of the text.

circuitous 词典解释

1. (线路)迂回的,绕行的
    A circuitous route is long and complicated rather than simple and direct.

    e.g. The cabdriver took them on a circuitous route to the police station...
    e.g. Stuart came into film-making via a circuitous route.

circuitous 单语例句


1. For those seeking authentic reflections of the city's life and landscapes, the search can be circuitous.

2. History has proved again and again that new trends would always survive and thrive no matter how circuitous the process is.

3. All nine walkers were tracked with GPS and their routes - straight, circuitous or otherwise - were digitally mapped.

4. A direct flight from that city to Urumqi takes more than five hours, but it took about two days to get there by Su's circuitous route.

5. That does not mean he cannot use symbols or other circuitous means, but that should be his own choice.

6. It took a circuitous route and many a year but Indian Kitchen has finally found its way to Beijing.

7. The rise of carbon dioxide concentration is smooth, whereas the ascent of global temperature is circuitous and cyclic.

circuitous 英英释义


1. deviating from a straight course

    e.g. a scenic but devious route
           a long and circuitous journey by train and boat
           a roundabout route avoided rush-hour traffic

    Synonym: devious roundabout

2. marked by obliqueness or indirection in speech or conduct

    e.g. the explanation was circuitous and puzzling
           a roundabout paragraph
           hear in a roundabout way that her ex-husband was marrying her best friend

    Synonym: roundabout


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