classroom [ˈklɑ:sru:m]  [ˈklæsru:m] 


classroom 基本解释

名词 教室,课堂; 教学活动,教学方法

classroom 相关例句


1. There are twenty four pupils in the classroom.


classroom 情景对话

Skin somebody alive-(活剥某人的皮)

A:What happened to Pat this morning? I saw him leave the classroom soon after the exam began.

B:He was found cheating and was driven out.

A:If the principal caught him cheating, he would skin him alive.

classroom 网络解释

1. 课堂:学习环境包括教师(teacher),课堂(classroom)及其所处之社会(community). 

classroom 双语例句

1. Remember this is a classroom, not a bear garden.

2. My work is to clean the classroom.

3. Every classroom will have one foreign teacher and one local teacher.
      师资 每一个校室将会有一个外籍教师以及一位中籍教师。

4. This classroom is like a bear garden when the teacher is away.

5. Leaves seat in classroom or in other situations where remaining seated is expected.

6. Please speak aloud, so the students in the classroom can hear what you say

classroom 词典解释

1. 教室
    A classroom is a room in a school where lessons take place.

classroom 单语例句

1. Why were campus police so sure the threat was contained in one dormitory, when most of the killings occurred two hours later in a classroom building?

2. Carol's having a hard time keeping a straight face in her classroom this semester, what with Hotmail sitting in the front row.

3. Mei is still determined to help the villagers become literate and fashioned her home into a classroom after the actual school building collapsed.

4. Student Chelsea Wilson said she was in the classroom when the gunman came in and told the students to line up facing the chalkboard.

5. Solar panels are fixed on flat roofs and two wind turbines create a haunting whine that mingles with the chatter of children from a classroom.

6. One student is seen walking to the front of the classroom and pulling the teacher's cap off to the cheers of other students.

7. Students of Yiwu Industrial and Commercial College pack parcels in a classroom.

8. It is not unusual in such schools that students are crammed into a rented shabby classroom and two students have to share one desk.

9. Too much time in the classroom without any experience in the real world can produce rote learners unprepared for problem solving after graduation.

10. Surveys revealed that foreign professors feel the greatest frustration from students'generally low English ability, which hampers effective classroom operation.

classroom 英英释义


1. a room in a school where lessons take place

    Synonym: schoolroom


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