climber [ˈklaɪmə(r)]  [ˈklaɪmɚ] 


climber 基本解释

名词 登山者,攀登者; [植]攀缘植物,[动]攀禽类; 〈比喻〉野心家


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climber 相关例句


1. The climbers had a camp halfway up the mountain.

climber 网络解释


1. 攀登者:绳子两头分别系上保护者(protector)和攀登者(climber). 当climber爬上石墙的时候,protector要把绳索索紧. 当climber失足时,protector可借自己的体重和游绳与环的摩擦力把climber吊在空中,保障安全. 话虽如此,

2. 攀缘植物:climax vegetation 極峰相植被 | climber 攀緣植物 | climbing plant 攀緣植物

3. 攀绿植物:climax vegetation顶极植物 | climber攀绿植物 | climbing plant攀绿植物

climber 双语例句

1. Double-amputee New Zealand climber Mark Inglis passed a dying Briton on his way to Everest's summit but realising nothing could be done to save him kept trekking to the top.
    双腿截肢的新西兰登山者Mark Inglis在他攀登珠穆朗峰的路上,从垂死的英国人身边经过,但他觉得无法即救英国人又能登顶。

2. Weather condition is bad enough to give pause to even the most experienced climber.

3. He is an expert rock and ice climber, having scaled EL Capitan in Yosemite National Park.

4. With the multi-functions of water-resistance, wind-proof, warmth, water vapor permission and durability, PTFE micro-pore membrane laminated fabrics can widely used in rain coat, winter dress, leisure garment, field garment, sports wear, combat dress, fire protection clothes, climber wear, shoes, tent, sleep bag, etc.
    利用聚四氟乙烯塑料树脂的成孔特性,采用拉伸和复合工艺生产的具有防水性、透湿性、防风性、耐洗涤性于一体的 PTFE 薄膜层压面料,可广泛应用于消防服、防寒服、风雨衣、滑雪服、夹克衫、休闲服、登山服、旅游冲锋服、军警作战服装、手套、帐篷、睡袋、运动鞋、休闲鞋、防寒鞋等领域。

5. Campusing on a campus board is one of the most intensely powerful workouts a climber can employ.

6. As the stream flowing with a refreshing sound echoing the valley is transparent to the bottom, a climber passing here may feel like jumping into the clear water.

7. climber的近义词

7. When the climber reaches the top, the belayer will block the rope and let the climber lean back into the rope.

8. 好好学单词·英语单词

8. At this height, a climber can peg out from lack of oxygen.

9. A second climber is still missing and presumed dead.

10. Chilean glory flower is an exotic-looking climber with wiry stems and sparse, dark, evergreen foliage which acts as a perfect backdrop to the bright red, orange or yellow tubular flowers, which appear from early summer into autumn.

11. While Whymper and two of his teammates survived, Croz and three others didn`t: They were dragged to their deaths, roped together but not anchored, high on the peak when one climber slipped while descending.

12. climber

12. The climber's strategy looks chaotic but there's method in their madness.

13. It is true that during their explorations they often faced difficulties and dangers of the most I perilous nature, equipped in a manner which would make a modern climber shudder at the thought, but they did not go out of their way to court such excitement.

14. climber

14. The early climbers were looking for the easiest way to the top, because the summit was the prize they sought, especially if it had never been attained before. t is true that during their explorations they often faced difficulties and dangers of the I most perilous nature, equipped in a manner which would make a modern climber shudder at the thought, but they did not go out of their way to court such excitement.

15. climber是什么意思

15. I am no climber, and have a bad head for heights.

16. Activities in the gym might include the treadmill, stationary bike, elliptical, rowing machine, stair climber, or any number of group classes, such as step aerobics, kickboxing, martial arts, etc.

17. It was his training board, ladder, and many pullups with weights on miniscule holds that made Didier the climber that he is today.

18. climber什么意思

18. Yangshuo has developed over 50 tour routes since 1992. Most of them are concentrated in Butterfly spring and moon Hill rock climbing area Linhan. the president of International Mountaineering Exploration Association and S, Maggrate, the top cliff-climber came Yangshuo in person. They sang high praise of Yangshuo, saying that Yangshuo is the best place for rock climbing.

19. Mantle: Where a climber pulls above a hold, or over a lip, then pushes down on what he/she is holding onto. An extremely committing move since its very difficult to reverse.

20. Antle: Where a climber pulls above a hold, or over a lip, then pushes down on what he/she is holding onto. An extremely committing move since its very difficult to reverse.

climber 词典解释

1. 登山运动员;登山爱好者
    A climber is someone who climbs rocks or mountains as a sport or a hobby.

2. 攀缘植物
    A climber is a plant that grows upwards by attaching itself to other plants or objects.

climber 单语例句


1. The climber that arrives the top first throws four red banners in four directions, and then sets off firecrackers to cheer for his triumph.

2. Japanese climber Ken Noguchi will also take part in the cleaning mission.

3. As an amateur climber, she was witness to two accidents that killed her teammates in 1999 and 2002.

4. Fowler had been a mountain climber for 35 years and was an expert on climbing in southwestern China.

5. He joined the emergency services in 2005 and is now considered to be the best climber in his department.

6. Fowler had been a climber for 35 years and was familiar with the ranges in southwestern China.

7. The climber died due to unspecified reasons two or three days ago, he added.

8. Kohl had become the first Austrian to win the Tour de France polka dot jersey for the best climber.

9. A French urban climber who calls himself Spiderman climbed to the top of the world's tallest building on Saturday - Taipei 101.

10. Climbers feel a strong sense of belonging, and now there is a climber's caf and bar in Yangshuo town.

climber 英英释义



1. an iron spike attached to the shoe to prevent slipping on ice when walking or climbing

    Synonym: crampon crampoon climbing iron

2. someone who climbs as a sport
    especially someone who climbs mountains

    e.g. the lead climber looked strong still but his partner often slumped in his ropes

3. someone who ascends on foot

    e.g. a solitary mounter of the staircase

    Synonym: mounter

4. someone seeking social prominence by obsequious behavior

    Synonym: social climber

5. a vine or climbing plant that readily grows up a support or over other plants


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