commemorate [kəˈmeməreɪt]  [kəˈmɛməˌret] 


commemorate 基本解释

及物动词 纪念, 庆祝; 成为…的纪念

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commemorate 相关例句


1. commemorate

1. A tablet commemorates his patriotic activities.

2. This monument commemorates our victory.

commemorate 网络解释

1. 纪念:塔普伦寺兴建於 1186 年,是加亚华尔曼七世为了纪念 (commemorate)母亲而建,又称「母庙」. 塔普伦寺内有许多巨大的树木盘结在围墙和庙门上,随处可见坍塌毁坏的巨石,老树妖放肆地横行於古迹间,像是要将石屋吞噬(swallow)一般.

2. commemorate的反义词

2. 庆祝、纪念(动词):This food should appease his hunger. 这些食物应该会让他感到比较不饥饿... | commemorate庆祝、纪念(动词) | On this day we commemorate those soldiers who died during battle. 在这一天,我们纪念那些在战争中捐躯...

3. commemorate什么意思

3. 纪念曲(德尔德拉):07 Magnificat 圣母颂(舒伯特) | 08 Commemorate 纪念曲(德尔德拉) | 09 Morning in Miao Village 苗岭的早晨(陈钢)

4. 庆祝;纪念:colony殖民地;侨民;侨居地 | commemorate庆祝;纪念 | commence开始;着手;得学位

commemorate 双语例句

1. This will be one of the souvenirs the guests will have to commemorate the special wedding day.

2. commemorate

2. Yeah, actually we celebrate it to commemorate the founding of the Choson Kingdom.

3. One of the most popular are to commemorate Qu Yuan said.

4. commemorate的意思

4. This is to commemorate our great patriotic poet Qu Yuan of the festival.

5. commemorate的翻译

5. This is the sea which one i sampled it in my song to commemorate KA KUI.

6. If you die on this quest, I will commemorate your sacrifice in an epic poem.

7. According to archeologists, the King of the Shang Dynasty asked for the Simuwu Rectangle Ding to be made to commemorate his mother.

8. commemorate是什么意思

8. Commemorate the life and work of...

9. commemorate的解释

9. People To commemorate him, and have a Valentine`s Day.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. This time is really special for Christians, and they commemorate the occasion by exchanging gifts.

11. Are there things that you would like to take home with you to remind you of your visit and commemorate the experience?

12. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

12. This month, two centuries after his birth, we commemorate the man and his accomplishments.

13. To commemorate her, the United Kingdom 10 pounds face value of the coins bear the portrait of her.

14. However more blessings and pray the netizen that comes from all one's life of flavour of element of Mr He Zhansheng, the netizen is stuck in king Zhan Sheng go up to leave a message all night for its keep watch at night, commemorate this Baidu forever CFO.

15. Zhuzhu Day to commemorate the Mi Luo Tuo began his grandmother and set up a special traditional holiday.

16. The WFB made the statues to commemorate the birthday of King Bhumibol Adulyadej when he turned 80 years old in December, 2007, and sent them to Buddhist temples and historic sites in 19 countries across Asia and Europe.

17. There are a few people is worthy to commemorate...

18. commemorate在线翻译

18. I just want to be able to through a way to commemorate the memory of the love we have...

19. commemorate的反义词

19. To commemorate my time here. So I hope to see you there.

20. Those who, I would like to commemorate it.

commemorate 词典解释

1. 纪念
    To commemorate an important event or person means to remember them by means of a special action, ceremony, or specially created object.


    e.g. One room contained a gallery of paintings commemorating great moments in baseball history...
    e.g. The 200th anniversary of Mozart's death is being commemorated around the world with concerts featuring his work.

...the 50th Anniversary Commemoration of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.
...a service of commemoration.
...a march in commemoration of Malcolm X.

commemorate 单语例句

1. Kelp soup is consumed by new mothers to replenish their calcium after delivery and to commemorate birthdays.

2. Now you can get your own William and Catherine china, iPad application and even condoms to help commemorate the royal union.

3. The dough was formed into the shape of a stirrup to commemorate a celebrated cavalry charge.

4. Qin and some other villagers recently signed a petition asking for a cemetery to commemorate the soldiers as martyrs be built.

5. It was to be put on display at an international aviation exhibition in Beijing to commemorate the centenary of flight.

6. To commemorate the centenary of Shaoxing Opera, a vocal concert is held at Yifu Stage in Shanghai March 28.

7. A grand gathering was held Saturday to commemorate the centenary of the university.

8. Yunnan New Film Project was first launched in 2005 by the Yunnan Government's Publicity Department to commemorate the Chinese film industry's centenary.

9. He and other senior leaders also watched a modern drama to commemorate the centennial of Chinese modern drama.

10. Many foreigners who want to show their connections with China run more than skin deep think ink when mulling ways to commemorate their time here.

commemorate 英英释义



1. call to remembrance
    keep alive the memory of someone or something, as in a ceremony

    e.g. We remembered the 50th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz
           Remember the dead of the First World War

    Synonym: remember

2. be or provide a memorial to a person or an event

    e.g. This sculpture commemorates the victims of the concentration camps
           We memorialized the Dead

    Synonym: memorialize memorialise immortalize immortalise record

3. mark by some ceremony or observation

    e.g. The citizens mark the anniversary of the revolution with a march and a parade

    Synonym: mark


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