commit suicide [kəˈmit ˈsjuisaid]  [kəˈmɪt ˈsuɪˌsaɪd] 

commit suicide 基本解释

自杀; 自寻了断; 抹脖子; 引决自裁

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commit suicide 网络解释

1. 自杀:但此种说法比较牵强,因为kick the bucket一语并不表示自杀(commit suicide). 比较可信的说法来自古时英格兰东部一个地区. 当地习惯把将要宰杀的猪,倒挂在横梁(beam)、木杠(yoke)或巨型的框架(big frame)上.

2. commit suicide

2. 自杀 来源:考试大:commit a guilt/犯罪 | commit suicide/自杀 来源:考试大 | commit a mistake/犯错;

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 自杀 来源:职称英语考试网:commit a guilt/犯罪 | commit suicide/自杀 来源:职称英语考试网 | commit a mistake/犯错;

commit suicide 双语例句

1. commit suicide的解释

1. Six years ago, Zhao胡亥II forced to commit suicide, a separate infant son to Dili.

2. Molly, I promise you I will accept anything so long as you promise never to commit a suicide.

3. commit suicide

3. Love a person is to has no reason of, have no reason of such as 痴 if inebriate, have no reason without restraint crary, there is no reason try to commit suicide find to live, there is no reason lead a happy-go-lucky life, have no reason with no regret of......

4. The best thing to do is to commit suicide.

5. Costume comedy, Wuling fisherman Laotao is the wife Chunhua cuckold, and the lover she suffered daily boss Yuan of bullying, an excuse to go out fishing one day actually wanted to commit suicide when Peach strayed into fairyland, and Chun-Hua Yuan boss and married after the original is not even worth Queshi Bi-off days.


6. Emperor Nero was forced to commit suicide after the four-year Dili (AD 69 years), the second emperor.

7. When Qu Yuan was alive, he met a bad King. So, he had to commit suicide.

8. commit suicide的解释

8. One day, he meets a pretty kindergarten teacher, Nathlada, who just lose her love and almost commit suicide.

9. Obviously, the young girl USA Sergeant Eva Ivory was appeared to have intention to commit suicide, and Mr Mio spying the officer room just planning to made the case upon me in the foreseeable future.

10. Therefore, I cannot understand those who commit suicide.

11. Without my permission, you can not commit suicide in!

12. Why are there so many people who want to commit suicide?

13. People tend to lose interest in life, so there are a lot of people choose to commit suicide.

14. In the end, however, the autonomous being departs to commit suicide after its creator dies of disease.

15. Connect to commit suicide of spread to also call you drinking.

16. commit suicide的意思

16. Single and divorced people are more likely to commit suicide and have liver disease, diabetes or lung cancer.

17. Lady Zhen wasn't forced to commit suicide, she was killed, 'said the old eunuch.

18. I recalled the story of another friend: In utter despair he determined to commit suicide and jumped into a river in the south.

19. In China, the teenager of usage network is more and more, Be roaming about at pleasure at networks social this conjecture spatial of in the meantime, to realistic society of oneself result in some front side with negative of influence, Produce of drop out from school, commit suicide, the body appeared serious disease, crime...

20. 911查询·英语单词

20. The reason why I wanted you to commit suicide that evening at the Cronstadts', when Moldorf became God, was that I was very close to you then.

commit suicide 单语例句

commit suicide的近义词

1. He says there is a mechanism by which defective cells commit suicide for the greater good of the body.

2. " Sadly many people commit suicide on impulse, " Professor Hui adds.

3. It must then by an even bigger sin for this religious leader to defend his authority by encouraging or coercing people to commit suicide.

4. The girl told her parents that she and the other seven students had set a date to take pills to commit group suicide on Sunday.

5. Her mother's cousin tried to commit suicide by swallowing rat poison because her land was requisitioned with what she considered unfair compensation.

6. A woman who set fire to her apartment in a bid to commit suicide was arrested for arson.

7. Encouraging and praising suicide and helping people to commit suicide is tantamount to murder, they said.

8. Then Fan jumped into the river in an attempt to commit suicide.

9. A man was so depressed that his girlfriend left him for another man, he tried to commit suicide by drinking eye drops and a bottle of perfume.

10. The plane made an emergency landing as Wang threatened to detonate the bomb and tried to commit suicide while the crew members struggled with her.

commit suicide 英英释义


1. kill oneself

    e.g. the terminally ill patient committed suicide

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