congratulation [kənˌgrætʃuˈleɪʃn]  [kənˌɡrætʃəˈleʃən, -ˌɡrædʒ-, kəŋ-] 


congratulation 基本解释


名词 贺词; 祝贺,恭喜

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congratulation 相关例句


1. congratulation的意思

1. Congratulations on your happy marriage!

congratulation 网络解释

1. 恭喜:我特地将演唱会的内容写在日记(diary)里,因为大家都说我指甲彩绘造型超时尚(fashionable),舞也跳得很棒(excellent),好多人都来向我说恭喜(congratulation)呢!

2. congratulation的意思

2. 恭喜了:3. Certainly! 当然了! | 4. Congratulation! 恭喜了! | 5. Fantastic! 妙极了!

congratulation 双语例句

1. Product leaders do not stop for self-congratulation. They are too busy raising the bar.

2. congratulation的翻译

2. He made a quick phone call to pass on his congratulation.


3. Black humour and self-deprecation replaced the self-congratulation of past years.

4. On July 13, 2001, beijing Shen Ao is successful, huhhot people government gives out message of congratulation to Beijing, message of congratulation emphasized those who cheat an ox aiding abstruse acceptance, the following day broadcasting station of central people broadcast broadcasts this one message of congratulation.

5. congratulation的翻译

5. First and foremost, on behalf of Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board, it gives me great honor to record my deepest appreciation and congratulation to Global Tavel Magazine for their anniversary and success.

6. Let me again send you my love, my congratulation and my best wishes for the coming New Year.

7. Here is a congratulation card for you.

8. This is a matter for congratulation.

9. congratulation的反义词

9. Please accept my heartiest congratulation and best wishes for the future.

10. It`s matter for congratulation.

11. congratulation

11. It is a matter for congratulation that young man's physique has very much improved.

12. congratulation的翻译

12. But congratulation for a job well done is not the subject of my speech today.

13. He received as many as a hundred letters of congratulation on that single day.

14. Four decades-worth of extraordinary financial innovation were, until recently, regarded as cause for congratulation among Anglophone policymakers and bankers.

15. congratulation

15. Led the midnight, each just taste the at full cock meal, mutual congratulation New Year's Day.

16. Governor of Califonia, has sent a congratulation letter to the Chinese Consulate-General in Los Angeles ahead of the 60th anniversry of the founding of the People's Republic of China. News Service reported Saturday.

17. congratulation在线翻译

17. I heard that you are going to get marry, congratulation!

18. T ` _; h9 Y: s; W m Congratulation n.

19. E6 R#{$ r$ m* Congratulation n.

20. It is my great pleasure to say a word of hearty congratulation to Mr.

congratulation 单语例句


1. Then Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda sent a letter of congratulation to last year's forum.

2. President Hu Jintao and his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev made that announcement in mutual telegrams of congratulation heralding the coming of the New Year.

3. Three minutes later he got out of the cabin and was presented flowers and ribbons of congratulation in the golden sunlight.

4. Senior Party leaders Li Changchun and Liu Yunshan sent congratulation letters to praise the publisher's achievements and said that they have high expectations.

5. When Chiao first heard of Yang Liwei's flight into space, he sent a letter of congratulation and a photo of himself.

6. Three minutes later he got out of the vehicle and was presented flowers and ribbons of congratulation.

7. US congressman Al Green extended congratulation on the opening of the Chinese book fair in Houston.

8. Hu extended his congratulation to Putin for the successful celebration for Victory Day.

congratulation 英英释义


1. the act of acknowledging that someone has an occasion for celebration

    Synonym: felicitation

2. (usually plural) an expression of pleasure at the success or good fortune of another

    e.g. I sent them my sincere congratulations on their marriage

    Synonym: felicitation


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