conjure [ˈkʌndʒə(r)]  [ˈkɑndʒɚ, kənˈdʒʊr] 


conjure 基本解释

及物动词 用魔术变出; 祈求,恳求

不及物动词 变戏法; 施魔法; 以咒文召唤

conjure 相关词组

1. conjure up : 用魔法使出现;

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conjure 相关例句


1. The magician conjured a bowl of fish out of his hat.

2. The magician conjured a rabbit out of his hat.

3. conjure的解释

3. I conjure you not to betray me.


1. He conjured with everything.

conjure 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 以咒召魂,变魔术,恳求:conjunction 结合,连结 | conjure 以咒召魂,变魔术,恳求 | connect 连接

conjure 双语例句

1. conjure的翻译

1. Desmone's work on monkeys suggests that the activity in the prefrontal and visual cortex which creates the image of keys also inhibits other neuronal connections that would conjure up distracting images.

2. Desmone's work on monkeys suggests that the activity in the prefrontal and visual cortex which creates the image of keys also inhibits other neuronal connections that would conjure up11 distracting images.

3. Conjure Flame: no longer removes Enchantments.

4. I can conjure ectoplasm, the substance by which the dead manifest themselves.

5. conjure

5. If I have the ability, I would be so willing to conjure up the apocalyptic vision of their future, also, I am eagerly looking forward to seeing their recovery in the fairly immediate future, and I earnestly hope this painful chapter could be buried deeply into the calender of his life.

6. This set of variations conjure up the inner struggle of a young man caught up in a tragedy of passion (picture Anthony Perkins as Hippolytus to Melina Mercouri`s Phaedra; the step-son having an affair with the step-mother that each is powerless to break off and which ultimately ends in tragedy).

7. conjure的意思

7. And, the claim that a machine can be an end in itself, without purpose or utilitarian function for humans whatsoever, is dubious at best, since I cannot conjure up even a single example of any such machine.

8. After Zi Li drove off Zi Lai`s family members out of the room, he turned to leaned against wall and said, I don`t know what the great Creator would conjure you into in the next turn.

9. After Zi Li drove off Zi Lai`s family members out of the room, he turned to lean against the wall and said, I don`t know what the great Creator would conjure you into in the next turn.

10. conjure

10. Cauldron of Major Frost Protection 需要等级 60 Use: Creates a cauldron that raid members can use to conjure a Major Frost Protection Potion. Cauldron has 25 uses and lasts for 5 min.

11. Cannot be expressed in OO, because there is no way to pass in the same dicionary for two elements, or for a returning value to conjure up a dictionary out of thin air.

12. conjure的意思

12. I can conjure something that will help you with this, if you.

13. I conjure you not to betray me.

14. conjure

14. I conjure you not to betray your country.

15. I conjure you up in my mind.

16. I can conjure up the spirits of the dead.

17. How came you to conjure out that I should be in London today?

18. conjure什么意思

18. The startling numbers conjure up images of mass migrations and the trebling or quadrupling in size of big cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.

19. Drawing heavily on the local fresh and seafood, the Irufushi Chefs are ready to conjure up succulent and tempting cuisine from around the world, be it romantic, 6-course fine dining or leisurely alfresco lunch on the beach.
      餐饮 Irufushi的厨师利用当地新鲜的海产品,世界上优秀的烹饪方法为您准备浪漫美好的6款晚餐和沙滩上惬意的露天午餐。

20. conjure

20. The people who are good musicians have the ability to conjure up more of that vapor than others.

conjure 词典解释

1. 变魔术般地创造出
    If you conjure something out of nothing, you make it appear as if by magic.

    e.g. Thirteen years ago she found herself having to conjure a career from thin air...
    e.g. They managed to conjure a victory.

2. 重要人物(或组织)的名字;有影响力的名字
    If you say that the name of a particular person or organization is a name to conjure with, you mean that that person or organization is very important and influential in the field you are discussing.

    e.g. By 1920, Fox and Universal were already names to conjure with.

相关词组:conjure up

conjure 单语例句

1. Splice finds its chilling moments in ideas and the questions Elsa and Clive's behavior conjure.

2. Obviously it is too early for them to conjure up this scenario.

3. The purpose of the ritual is not to attract those ghost kings but to conjure away household ghosts to those ghost kings.

4. Before I ever made my way to the Middle Kingdom, just hearing the name China would conjure up powerful pictures in my mind.

5. Yet it must be noted that when people use the sayings today they no longer conjure up the province.

6. Whatever image you conjure up with it, it reflects or reinforces your existing view of China.

7. But mind you, these terms for clusters of population may conjure up different images in each language.

8. You only have to say the word " Tibet ", and many Westerners conjure up negative images about the Chinese government's role in the region.

9. Imagine a cooking robot, able to conjure up the tastiest traditional Chinese recipes in a couple of minutes.

10. If you were not the patient, this could be the funniest scene you can conjure up.

conjure 英英释义


1. engage in plotting or enter into a conspiracy, swear together

    e.g. They conspired to overthrow the government

    Synonym: conspire cabal complot machinate

2. ask for or request earnestly

    e.g. The prophet bid all people to become good persons

    Synonym: bid beseech entreat adjure press

3. summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic

    e.g. raise the specter of unemployment
           he conjured wild birds in the air
           call down the spirits from the mountain

    Synonym: raise conjure up invoke evoke stir call down arouse bring up put forward call forth


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