conquest [ˈkɒŋkwest]  [ˈkɑ:ŋkwest] 


conquest 基本解释


名词 征服,击败; 战利品; (尤指)爱情的俘虏; 赢得(物)

conquest 反义词


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conquest 相关例句


1. Her beauty won her many conquests.

2. The basic aim of this institution is the conquest of disease.

3. conquest

3. This land is ours by right of conquest.

4. The Romans extended their conquests to Britain.

5. conquest在线翻译

5. The rich and handsome young man made a conquest of Jeanne.

conquest 网络解释

1. 胜利:conqueror 征服者 | conquest 胜利 | conscience 良心

2. 攻取,克服,征服:conqueror,n,征服者 | conquest,攻取,克服,征服 | conquistador, 另外一个征服者

conquest 双语例句

1. Women do not care about too much, only in the wind and rain comes, he can cover for you the rain, that is good man, you are operating a family, in the conquest of a man, living out your style of bar.

2. Similarly, the man is a male symbol of conquest, a master, like the nearby Guangdong Danxiashan Yang Yuan Shiyi stand between heaven and earth, life itself is a tension masculine declaration is a forceful conquest of nature display.

3. conquest

3. But with the massacre of Scottish clansmen at Colloden in 1746, the conquest of Scotland was complete.

4. In 223 BC Qin chased down the remnants of the Chu regime, which had fled eastwards, as part of Qin's bid for the conquest of all China.

5. 好好学单词·英语单词

5. When Ericas Dadang Dale you want to kill her to silence, when, Erica came to realize that aliens have infiltrated into the human and important business of government will soon undertake a thorough conquest of human action.
    当Erica的搭挡Dale(Alan Tudyk扮演)想要杀她灭口的时候,Erica才明白外星人已经渗透进人类的政府和重要商业领域,即将展开全面征服人类的行动。

6. The sequel of the campaign of 1812—from Borodino to the final expulsion of the French—has proved that victories are not always a cause nor even an invariable sign of conquest; it has proved that the force that decides the fate of peoples does not lie in military leaders, nor even in armies and battles, but in something else.

7. conquest的解释

7. Lowis, The Educational Conquest of the Far EastN.

8. They need it to bring an end to the series of imperialist wars of conquest and occupation.

9. conquest的近义词

9. On the other hand, must realize that he is the representative of the landlord class, the plundering of the Huns back is necessary, because of his greatness and success, in order to win public大宛horse, several other countries to launch on the conquest大宛, spent a great deal of the financial and material resources to the pursuit of his later years Then decadent life of luxury, extravagance, to the people a heavy burden.

10. conquest的近义词

10. The next goal was the khanate of Khiva after the Russian conquest of the khanate of Bokhara.

11. conquest

11. The hydrologic cycle, a major topic in this science, is the complete cycle of phenomena passes, through as which water beginning atmospheric discernible break between Jewish law of the sovereign state of ancient Israel and of the Diaspora (the dispersion of Jewish people after the conquest of Israel) the spirit of the legal matter in, later parts of the Old Testament is very close to that of the Talmud, one of the primary codifications of Jewish law in the Diaspora.

12. The World Stone, corrupted by Baal in his conquest of the Barbarian Highlands, was shattered by the Archangel Tyrael after a champion slayed the last living Prime Evil.

13. conquest什么意思

13. These petty arguments turned to armed conflict, and then to war as the need for conquest burned hot in out blood.

14. Napoleon, confident of a quick victory, predicted the conquest of Russia in five weeks.

15. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

15. The spirit of feudal system formed after the Conquest was the contract relationship between the seigneurs and vassals, of which the taxation relationship between them was the important part.

16. Her new boyfriend is quite a conquest—he's both rich and handsome.

17. The conquest of as vast a country as China could be achieved only by incorporating millions of Chinese supporters into the Manchu ranks, and by relying on Chinese administrators to rule in the Manchus'name.

18. conquest的反义词

18. This march savored of an attack, and certainly of a desire for conquest.

19. If you made all your money as a government administrator, through military conquest, or by extracting tribute, you were admired.


20. Raelag must destroy their armies, which threaten his conquest of the Soulscar.

conquest 词典解释

1. 征服;占领
    Conquest is the act of conquering a country or group of people.

    e.g. He had led the conquest of southern Poland in 1939...
    e.g. After the Norman Conquest the forest became a royal hunting preserve...

2. (战争中)征服的土地,占领地
    Conquests are lands that have been conquered in war.

    e.g. He had realized that Britain could not have peace unless she returned at least some of her former conquests.

3. (爱情或性关系方面的)俘虏,征服
    If someone makes a conquest, they succeed in attracting and usually sleeping with another person. You usually use conquest when you want to indicate that this relationship is not important to the person concerned.

    e.g. Despite his conquests, he remains lonely and isolated.
    e.g. who boast about their sexual conquests to all their friends.

4. (爱情或性关系方面)被俘虏者
    You can refer to the person that someone has succeeded in attracting as their conquest.

    e.g. Pushkin was a womaniser whose conquests included everyone from prostitutes to princesses.

5. 克服;攻克
    The conquest of something such as a problem is success in ending it or dealing with it.

    e.g. The conquest of inflation has been the Government's overriding economic priority for nearly 15 years.
    e.g. ...the conquest of cancer.

conquest 单语例句

1. Although European colonial powers receive their share of censure, the main goal is keeping memories of Japanese conquest fresh.

2. From history's perspective, it is a tale of colonial conquest.

3. He was considered one of the greatest conquerors of the world, whose spirit of conquest is reflected today in the watches of Cyrus.

4. His four visits since taking office in 2001 have outraged Asian countries that suffered during Japan's brutal conquest of the region.

5. This represented another major conquest for a man who continues to scale the heights in every facet of his life uninhibited.

6. The gathering is expected to focus primarily on Japan's 1931 invasion of China and the devastating war of conquest that followed.

7. They were fighting for aggression and conquest of other people, and robbing others'land and resources.

8. Koizumi's visits there have outraged China and other Asian countries that suffered during Japan's brutal conquest of the region.

9. Military analysts said the capture of the base in Mannar district would mark an important conquest for the government.

10. The Chinese history of resisting conquest, starting revolutions and achieving victory was accompanied by the creation of these " red songs ".

conquest 英英释义


1. success in mastering something difficult

    e.g. the conquest of space

2. the act of conquering

    Synonym: conquering subjection subjugation

3. an act of winning the love or sexual favor of someone

    Synonym: seduction


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