cooperation [kəʊˌɒpəˈreɪʃn]  [koˌɑpəˈreʃən] 


cooperation 基本解释


名词 合作; 协作; 配合; 协助


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cooperation 相关例句


1. The success of the project relies on the cooperation of all involved parties.

2. The prime minister's visit further promoted the cooperation between the two countries.

3. cooperation是什么意思

3. Thank you for your cooperation.

cooperation 网络解释


1. 协作:使企业内部人员方便快捷地共享信息,高效地协同工作;改变过去复杂、低效的手工办公方式,实现迅速、全方位的信息采集、信息处理,为企业的管理和决策提供科学的依据,提高企业内人员之间沟通(Communication)、 协作(Cooperation)和控制(Control) 水平,

2. 協力:生活费减少,常为由协力(Cooperation)的影响所产生的结果. 资本家每依建立慈善院或雇佣比成人生活费较少的妇幼劳工以图此利益. 妇幼离开家庭,那一切家事乃至煮饭洗衣等等,都留给男子去做. 但若有维持女工工银与男工相等的方法或限制妇幼劳工的法律,

cooperation 双语例句

1. cooperation是什么意思

1. Pursue an independent foreign relations, the non-aligned foreign policy, with the development of friendly relations and cooperation.

2. To provide timely, quality products, continuous research and development of new products, good after-sales service, in close cooperation with the users of products to solve the relevant technical problems, so that new products Refractories bring economic benefits to users, the enterprise has always been the operating principle of, Is also the purpose of business.

3. cooperation

3. I would like to discuss with you issues concerning Asia's regional cooperation and development in the new century.

4. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

4. It is to want to strengthen international communication and cooperation further.

5. cooperation

5. Being the main channel of XAC`S foreign economic and trade cooperation, the company is mainly engaged in the import and export business of aircraft avionics and equipment, mechanical equipment, architectural material, light and chemical industrial product, apparatus and instrument, plywood, textile, antenna etc., undertakes the science and technology advisory, know-how transfer, project contracting, labor cooperation, investment and development, cooperative production., joint production business, and trade in China etc.

6. And dye. The results from the whole experiments and sensitometric results from these emulsions showed: 1 that sensitization of Zn-EDTA or Cd-EDTA on silver bromide emulsion was affirmed; 2 That a cooperation sensitization of Zn-EDTA or Cd-EDTA, sulfur plus gold, and dye could be carried out to make a higher level of sensitization; 3 That a cooperation sensitization of Zn-EDTA or Cd-EDTA, on the basis of and dye, with oxalate-doped was carried out to make a higher level of sensitization without any increase in the level of fog.

7. Feiyu relies on the technology resources of GUET to develop itself. With the cooperation from Guangxi Normal University, it even built an experimental center of information engineering for its basic research and development. Series Products based on inertial measurement technologysuch as AHRS, UAV Autopilot and Aeromodelling Flight Stabilization System were introduced successively.
    公司依托桂林电子科技大学的科研力量谋求发展,并与广西师范大学联合创建信息工程实验中心,凭借着一流的科技人才、雄厚的技术积累和强大的研发能力,成功研制出惯性姿态方位参考系统,成功推出了基于惯性测量技术的惯性测量仪、小型电动无人飞行器自动驾驶仪,以及 FY 系列航模平衡仪等系列产品。

8. Since its establishment in 2002, it has been the constant and the only cooperation partner of DYK in its KD and A/S export.

9. Science and technology are making daily advance, regional cooperation is deepening and there is increasing interdependence among nations.

10. cooperation是什么意思

10. Global cooperation, North America, Europe, Asia and other places where there are so many our cooperative companions. As long as you think of all the PLC products which we can help you find.

11. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

11. The multi-party cooperation under the leadership of C. P. C. is a political party system in keeping with China's conditions.

12. With rich experience in domestic and international business cooperation projects.

13. The company looks forward to foreign enterprises Qiadan cooperation projects and expand the international market.

14. D Report of experiences of cooperation with foreign enterprises or relevant certificates

15. Company's products not only for the city of business services, and also sold to Shanghai, Jiangsu, Shandong and other provinces and cities, welcomed by the majority of users, units for the purpose of customer satisfaction, quality of the first goal, and strive to provide quality products, Welcomed the large businessman calls, 来人cooperation.

16. cooperation的翻译

16. China pays great attention to turning international judicial cooperation into concrete operational rules by way of domestic legislation.

17. Friendly cooperation between China and Japan has great potential, especially in the fields of economic cooperation and trade.

18. History of the ancient capital of the south city of Nanjing, east scenic city of Yangzhou, located in Shanghai, China's most dynamic economic areas of cooperation, a good economic environment for development, the factory mainly produces armoured thermocouple cables, armoured thermoelectric Dual, armored, platinum and rhodium - platinum thermocouple, armoured thermal resistance lead, armored, heat resistance, armoured compensation wire, armored, heaters, armoured cables for the protection of metal pipe, for inorganic The various temperature insulation materials and components and industrial temperature thermocouple and industrial thermal resistance eight series, more than 2, 000 varieties.

19. cooperation的近义词

19. It was the first movie made in cooperation between American and Chinese movie companies.

20. The success of external fixation depends on the patient`s cooperation, and it is technically demanding.

cooperation 单语例句


1. Ye Dong graduated from the University of International Business and Economics where he majored in economic cooperation and received a bachelor's degree in economics.

2. Green and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee wrote letters to the conference, expressing their wish for more Texas - Africa business cooperation.

3. The China Business News report said a difference in patterns of cooperation also plays a role.

4. His trip will buttress China's relations with these countries and strengthen its robust cooperation with the European Union at large.

5. The company announced on Wednesday it had stopped cooperation with and canceled a deal to buy into Bear Stearns.

6. China also offers Indonesia preferential buyer's credit for their cooperation in infrastructure.

7. They signed cooperation agreements on plant and animal quarantine, and an agreement on China to provide favorable loan and export buyer's credit to Vietnam.

8. Both countries are engaged in close economic and trade cooperation, with their interdependence increasing day by day.

9. Puma will further this cooperation with CSM by organizing another design competition for the Beijing Olympics in 2008.

10. The fourth aspect includes further strengthening cooperation in infrastructure construction by means of investing and contracting.

cooperation 英英释义



1. the practice of cooperating

    e.g. economic cooperation
           they agreed on a policy of cooperation

2. joint operation or action

    e.g. their cooperation with us was essential for the success of our mission


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