cross-check [krɒs tʃek]  [ ˌkrɔsˈtʃɛk] 


cross-check 基本解释

及物动词 再确认,再次复核

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cross-check 双语例句

1. cross-check的反义词

1. Their Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems, eventually enabled law enforcement officials around the world to cross-check a print with millions of fingerprint records almost instantaneously.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. Clinical manifestations, ultrasonic appearances and operation of all 24 cases with ureterocele were cross-check analyzed.

3. Methods: Carry out clinical cross-check analysis about the treatment and prognosis of 33 cases who accompanied with mycotic infection.

4. We evaluate the treatment and prognosis of 33 cases of the mycotic infection group, and compare with the control group that without mycotic infection by the method of clinical cross-check analysis.

5. Selective coronary angiography and renal angiography were operated in 228 patients after color Doppler flow imaging, by cross-check analysis between the result of color Doppler flow imaging and that of renal angiography, and by multivariate logistic regression analysis between clinic data and renal artery stenosis.

6. cross-check什么意思

6. Western Zhou Dynasty's casual set for the late Western Zhou Dynasty Bronze King Li time, the odd structure of the ancient inscriptions, rounded lines and simple, due to cross-check potential and low center of gravity, so thick it has become simpler.

7. cross-check的反义词

7. It`s just that there are lots of details I need to cross-check... I`m really not sure... Attribution: Ms.

8. Smith…I didn`t realize the deadline was so soon…I will try my best to get it done as soon as possible. It`s just that there are lots of details I need to cross-check.. I`m really not sure
    小R来自中国,在和美国上级交谈是沿袭了中国式的作风,谈度摸棱两可,频频用well,maybe ,I`m not really sure…对于上司提出的问题也不予正面回答,而是希望让上司去揣摩他的意图和思想。

9. cross-check的近义词

9. But viewpoint that useing varying cross-check flank instead of flake one is the first time.

10. Sorry, I mean: `Doors to automatic and cross-check`.

11. cross-check的翻译

11. You can, however, do a cross-check to see if all the activities you recalled in step 2 would actually be possible in the time that has passed between your fixture time and now.

12. Most of these projects are commissioned by Western headquarters, who often seek a cross-check to the information they receive internally.

13. My son's social language improved from nothing to the 3 year old stage. His reading comprehension ability improved from the 5 year to 6 the year old level. He is like an over-grown toddler. Sometimes his questions surprise me. When I cross-check his questions and answers I understand the confusion he has. His questions and answers are at the 6 year old level and do not match with his actual 17 year age level.

14. It provides a cross-check to the official quarterly income reports from the National Bureau of Statistics.

15. Cross-check of caloric test and head shaking nystagmus

16. You have to scrupulously check and cross-check everything you hear

17. If I give you the address, can you do a cross-check?

18. I am not trying to run a cross-check on the admissions process.

19. cross-check的意思

19. Cross-check your answers with a calculator.

20. This cumulative testing is seen as part of current work, a cross-check and not a ritual ordeal.

cross-check 词典解释

1. (用不同方法或从不同出处)反复核对,交叉检查
    If you cross-check information, you check that it is correct using a different method or source from the one originally used to obtain it.

    e.g. You have to scrupulously check and cross-check everything you hear...
    e.g. His version will later be cross-checked against that of the university...

cross-check 英英释义


1. check out conflicting sources
    crosscheck facts, for example


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