crosswalk [ˈkrɒswɔ:k]  [ˈkrɔ:swɔ:k] 


crosswalk 基本解释

名词 人行横道(供行人穿越道路用)


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crosswalk 网络解释

1. 斑马线:随著下周复课,安省中南部地区超过25,000名、年龄由10岁至14岁的学生,将会成为学校安全巡逻队义务成员(School Safety Patrollers),在学校区域站岗,确保同学们安全横过斑马线(Crosswalk)及上落校巴.


2. 人行横道:crosstrees 船的桅顶横桁 | crosswalk 人行横道 | crossway 交叉路

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 行人穿越道:crossview 串像 | crosswalk 行人穿越道 | crosswaysfrowardlypersistently 固执地

4. 行人穿越道,斑马线,人行横道:cross examination 盘问 | crosswalk 行人穿越道,斑马线,人行横道 | curfew 宵禁,戒严

crosswalk 双语例句

1. It is also across the crosswalk line, pull your generous pair of strong hands.

2. If there is no crosswalk or stop line, stop at a place where all approaching traffic can be seen.

3. In Beijing city, going up without a section of a highway of red light pilot, everywhere sees drivers lose with strong bully at pedestrian of pedestrian crosswalk on-line to walking the ground dash around madly.

4. crosswalk

4. Formula of minimum distance from pedestrian crosswalk to bus station is presented.

5. When a pedestrian is in a crosswalk B.
    有行人正在经过斑马线 B。

6. You horn hard when you are driving cause somebody block your way on pedestrian crosswalk.

7. If the light changes after the pedestrian has already entered the crosswalk, you should still give the pedestrian the right-of-way.

8. Fire Door is necessary for fire prevention in pedestrian crosswalk.

9. First, the relation of the number of foreground pixels and the number of foreground objects can be obtained by using perspective transformation. With the pre-constructed ellipse human template, the number of pedestrian on a crosswalk can be estimated approximately.

10. 8 The picture is a crosswalk sign. 图中是人行横道标志。

11. crosswalk什么意思

11. You don't want to try to remember the formula for forces and vectors as a large car runs a red light while you are in the middle of the crosswalk. You want the limbic system to push the appropriate hormonal buttons to get you out of the way first.

12. Article 34 Where a road in front of the gate of a school, kindergarten, hospital or a home for the aged has no pedestrian crossing facilities, crosswalk lines shall be delimited, and indication marks shall be set up.

13. This crosswalk means that GIS professionals will have new places to publish their maps, visualizations and analytics.

14. Pedestrians have the right of way in a crosswalk.

15. The safety of pedestrians cross - ing the street can be improved by such measures as designing the width of the crosswalk, obstacle free crosswalk, establishment of safety island, guidance by flyover, etc..

16. So we can treat crosswalk as two-phase intersection. The simulation of the two crosswalks with some field data from Peace Building in Taiping North Road and Zhujiang Road intersection has a satisfactory result.

17. Encoding Application Profiles in a Computational Model of the Crosswalk

18. Based on field investigation, the paper analyzed the pedestrian and vehicle traffic in the representative section of ideal artery with timing linear control system theory to optimize the crosswalk and intersection signal timing.

19. I always walk to the traffic light and use the crosswalk.

20. We need a crosswalk.

crosswalk 词典解释

1. 人行横道
    A crosswalk is a place where pedestrians can cross a street and where drivers must stop to let them cross.

in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 pedestrian crossing

crosswalk 单语例句


1. Pedestrians pass the new yellow and white crosswalk in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province.

2. One is infinitely more likely to be killed crossing a pedestrian crosswalk in the city than die in a controlled flight of an aeroplane.

3. Sullivan said Moffett and the others weren't in a crosswalk, but said he didn't know why the bus stop was in an area without one.

crosswalk 英英释义


1. a path (often marked) where something (as a street or railroad) can be crossed to get from one side to the other

    Synonym: crossing crossover


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