cubism ['kju:bɪzəm]  [ˈkjuˌbɪzəm] 

cubism 基本解释

名词 立体派

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cubism 双语例句

1. cubism的近义词

1. The heritage that impressionism gave to modern man is more than just vivid colors; what is more important is that it opened a door for the expression of individual and diverse art. After that, cubism shattered classicalism`s mirror of the single perspective.

2. Henri Matisse(1869-1954)is the master of Paris Academy and the center figure of the Cubism.

3. Cubism is best defined as the exact reproduction of an image as seen from different angles simultaneously.

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4. Cubism was hard to read, willfully ambiguous, and yet demotic too.

5. cubism什么意思

5. In her work there is some existence of cubism, a slight shadow of the old master Picasso, along with some beautiful brush mark making, adding to the formerly colorful creation.

6. cubism的意思

6. During his exploration of Cubism, he created one of his most famous paintings, that of La Guernica.

7. H: It's the time of Cubism.

8. I have to say cubism is not something I know very much about.

9. cubism的翻译

9. The starting point of the Cubism is to regain the courage of finding the means of purity.

10. As we are more familiar with cubism, futurism, surrealism, abstract art, pop art, photo realism, and so on. Of course, no matter what kind of art form

11. Then, I was looking for Picasso, the master of Cubism and Modern Art.

12. His work before 1920 shows wide-ranging influences, including the bright colours of the Fauves, the broken forms of Cubism, and the powerful, flat two-dimensionality of Catalan folk art and Romanesque church frescoes of his native Spain.

13. You could see it as a kind of analytic cubism.

14. I've always admired some of the ideas behind Cubism.

15. His style of painting was a reaction against cubism.

16. H: And his Cubism led to a dramatic revolution in art.

17. cubism

17. The symbols and forms of this art style are reflected in my cubism, abstract images, abstract relief sculpture, seascape, drawing, pastels and watercolor painting.

18. From Cubism, Fauvism to Surrealism and Abstractionism, their art concept and pattern all have been embodied in fashion design.

19. H: And his Cubism led to a dramatic revolution in art. He put right family names, set up marriage mode, started the marriage system in line with go between and advocated family revolution of ethnics.

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20. Impressionism changed to Fauvism in Braque's hallucinatory forests, where solitary walkers lose themselves in oneiric expanses of yellow and purple & and then to Cubism.

cubism 词典解释

1. 立体主义,立体派(20世纪初的一种艺术流派,运用线条和几何图形表现物体)
    Cubism is a style of art, begun in the early twentieth century, in which objects are represented as if they could be seen from several different positions at the same time, using many lines and geometric shapes.


cubism 单语例句

1. And the two men developed what would come to be called Cubism.

2. She is well acquainted with modern trends in sculpture, particularly cubism and surrealism.

cubism 英英释义


1. an artistic movement in France beginning in 1907 that featured surfaces of geometrical planes


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