cubist ['kju:bɪst]  ['kju:bɪst] 

cubist 基本解释

名词 立体派艺术家

形容词 立体派的

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cubist 网络解释

1. 立体派者:cubism 立体派 | cubist 立体派者 | cubit 腕尺

2. 立体派艺术家:cubist 立体派的 | cubist 立体派艺术家 | cubit 腕尺

3. 好好学单词·英语单词

3. 立体派艺术家 立体派的:cubism /立体派/ | cubist /立体派艺术家/立体派的/ | cubit /腕尺/

4. 立体派的:cubism 立体派 | cubist 立体派的 | cubist 立体派艺术家

cubist 双语例句

1. cubist的意思

1. Some had a deep interest in traditional Western art and culture, while others looked to the avant-garde elements of that culture, such as surrealist and cubist painting, symbolist poetry, graphic design, realist drama, and new fashions in dress and interior decoration.

2. This cubist vision of the world introduced a new period in the history of art.

3. It remains today as one of the greatest examples of the Cubist influence in commercial art.

4. cubist什么意思

4. Picasso and his cubist came into being.

5. Cubist artists painted objects and people, with different aspects of the object or person showing at the same time.

6. cubist

6. Cubist artists painted objects and people, with differentaspects of the object or person showing at the same time.

7. cubist的意思

7. Cubist Picasso in the screen, its performance modeling There are four main ways.

8. cubist的意思

8. Shortly after that, Picasso started the Cubist movement with fellow artists Georges Braque and Joan Miro.
    在之后不久,毕卡索开始了立体派艺术家和人的运动艺术家乔治 Braque 和琼 Miro。

9. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

9. In the Cubist tradition, Caro has long seized on found objects and used them as the basis for his sculptures.

10. cubist

10. Even the zig-zag camouflage used in modern warfare was suggested by Cubist art.

11. The museum houses several of his Cubist masterpieces.

12. This Cubist vision of the world introduced a new period in the history of art and influenced all the forms of self-expression in the first half of the twentieth century: sculpture, architecture, ballet, theater design, and all the decorative arts.

13. In both style and subject, his Cubist works became even more unrestricted.

14. cubist

14. By this time it was less easy to discern a single Cubist school.

15. He started off with kinematic experiments derived from the still novel cinema and used its special capability of showing successive sequences in the course of motion in a cubist or futuristic manner.

16. The chaos and panic of the bomb scene is shown in flat, Cubist planes.

17. From the Cubist collages of Picasso and Braque to the final works of Matisse, artists in the West have used cut paper forms for a wide variety of formal and expressive purposes.

18. cubist

18. Eliot's Waste Land (1922); the Cubist paintings of Picasso and Braque; and the12-note music of Webern and Schoenberg.

19. cubist的翻译

19. Clearly, so-called QR codes small square patterns that look like Cubist renderings of a traditional barcode (right) have become ubiquitous.

20. Cubism artists directly to the canvas are finished collage to form a so-called " comprehensive painting ", this collage has become a symbol of integrated Cubist painting.

cubist 词典解释

1. 立体派画家
    A Cubist is an artist who painted in the style of Cubism.

2. 立体派的;立体主义的
    Cubist art is art in the style of Cubism.

    e.g. ...Picasso's seminal Cubist painting, 'The Poet'.

cubist 单语例句

1. Within this large holding, the Cubist Collection is considered the flagship due to its historic and artistic value.

2. Maya and the Doll is a colorful portrait of a young blonde girl in pigtails, eyes askew in a Cubist perspective.

cubist 英英释义


1. an artist who adheres to the principles of cubism



1. relating to or characteristic of cubism

    e.g. cubist art

    Synonym: cubistic


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