debauch [dɪ'bɔ:tʃ]  [dɪ'bɔ:tʃ] 

debauch 基本解释

及物动词 使堕落,败坏


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debauch 网络解释

1. debauch的意思

1. 使失落,放荡:16. gratuitous 无偿的,没有理由的. | 17. debauch 使失落,放荡 | 18. sanction 支持,鼓励,认可

2. debauch的翻译

2. 使堕落:debate 论辩 | debauch 使堕落 | debauchery 放荡

3. 使误入歧途;败坏:dazzle#使目眩;使迷惑 | debauch#使误入歧途;败坏 | debilitate#使衰弱

4. 使放荡,堕落:debase 贬低,贬损 | debauch 使放荡,堕落 | debauchery 放荡,沉缅酒色

debauch 双语例句

1. To destroy the capitalist system was to debauch the currency.

2. debauch什么意思

2. Then, disguised as a man, she would go to infamous houses and look on at scenes of debauch to while away hours of boredom.

3. It is popular in Shanghai. My understanding is to how to express the debauch and licentious life style of these hooligan foreigners in Shanghai through photographs.

4. debauch在线翻译

4. A cousin, the handsome Oscar de Saint-Firmin, introduces her and hopes to be able to debauch her.

5. When investors lose trust in conventional currencies, because monetary policy appears set to debauch them, gold is the immediately available safe haven.

6. When reason returned with the morning --when I had slept off the fumes of the night`s debauch --I experienced a sentiment half of horror, half of remorse, for the crime of which I had been guilty; but it was, at best, a feeble and equivocal feeling, and the soul remained untouched.

7. Veer abortive pale draught oracle antidote correlate dislocate gratuitous debauch sanction impede ineptitude insinuate remould aspiration arrogate literal intelligible conceit

8. debauch

8. Erect and correct SEO concept is just like a hacker to do not have essential hacker rules same, can feel blind eventually one day however debauch, final absurd nots oneself thin leave, and evil consequence is autogenous.

9. debauch的翻译

9. The debauch of those star is mean, do you also want to search to look very much?

10. debauch的翻译

10. After a long time of debauch, I became to realise I should not live in that way any longer if I didn't want to ruin my self completely.

11. You thought Uncle Sam was gonna pay for your great debauch forever?

12. Over-fed women and their gluttonous husbands; a gluttonous debauch; a gluttonous appetite for food and praise and pleasure.


13. All the blood and lymph had been drained out of him by an enormous debauch of work, leaving only a frail structure of nerves, bones, and skin.

14. Why on earth should we take this market sentiment any more seriously than that which led to the great debauch of 2007?

15. 911查询·英语单词

15. The cost of preserving highly leveraged financial behemoths still has the potential to bankrupt governments and debauch their currencies, wreaking yet more damage to their economies.

debauch 英英释义



1. a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity

    Synonym: orgy debauchery saturnalia riot bacchanal bacchanalia drunken revelry


1. corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality

    e.g. debauch the young people with wine and women
           Socrates was accused of corrupting young men
           Do school counselors subvert young children?
           corrupt the morals

    Synonym: corrupt pervert subvert demoralize demoralise debase profane vitiate deprave misdirect


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