define [dɪˈfaɪn]  [dɪˈfaɪn] 


define 基本解释

及物动词 规定; 使明确; 精确地解释; 画出…的线条

不及物动词 (给词、短语等)下定义,构成释义


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define 相关例句


1. The powers of the courts are defined by law.

2. Reason defines man.

3. The mountain was clearly defined against the light of the eastern sky.

4. The mountain was clearly defined against the eastern sky.

5. define的反义词

5. Do you know who defined man as a rational animal?

define 网络解释

1. 定义阶段:定义阶段(Define) 定义阶段将会获取和核实企业的各项需求,然后按重要性先后实施执行. 该阶段将编制功能阵列、架设软硬件,以及评估资料量. 编制功能阵列的好处,是可以把各项功能详细列出来,优先处理重要功能. 架设软硬件时,

2. 规定:我们知道当看到ISO9001:2000版标准中出现确定(determing)时,它的内涵是:你必须设法找到全部的影响因素,而且这种因素是客观存在的,是不以人的意志为转移的,而标准若出现规定(define)时,它的内函是:要将已经确定的全部要求,

3. 下定义:在需要读写rt_clock变量的中断处理程序里面,应该如下定义(define)此变量:而在提供给外部用户使用的头文件里面,可以将此变量声明(declare)为:

define 双语例句

1. Brazil and India define themselves as non-aligned developing economies.

2. Supports record to WMV file, all the video setting and audio setting can be configured, in other words, you can define your custom profile.

3. This is used to define an HTML form, and you can have more than one form in the same document.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. In the assessment of a program and a degree of comparison, we define an index called busy degree for every track.

5. We should clearly define the scope of our research.

6. The purpose of our method is to define exon region and gene region boundary.

7. define的解释

7. All you need is to get rid of the tendency to define your self.

8. define的翻译

8. Inductive logic set out to define the probabilities of different theories according to the available total evidence.

9. If we have a straight nose, we can use it and we can define it.

10. define的翻译

10. Securities laws do define debt as a type of security.

11. define的近义词

11. I have a very simple question at first, how do you define your target group?

12. You can define an event handling function and set to the event you care about.

13. 911查询·英语单词

13. Another thing to take into account is that you need to see enough of each source poly so it can be given enough pixels to clearly define it on the normal map.

14. For example, the Oracle E*Business suite can define a service for each responsibility, such as general ledger, accounts receivable, order entry, and so on.
      例如,在 Oracle E*Business 套件中可以按功能划分服务,例如总帐功能,应收帐款功能,订单功能等。

15. And the following articl analyse tour contract from its define, quality, party's human rights, bother and rdsponsibility, and the contract's formatting, the compensate for damage of vital spark, and legislation etc, to find out the current situation and the existing problem.

16. Chapter one attempts to define concepts of work accident and the nature of work accident; then reviews the origin and history of the legal system of work accident compensation; finally, introduce and Analysis the four modes of overseas work accidents compensation.

17. define什么意思

17. But for investors, the imperative is to define one's time horizon.

18. We may define savings and investment as constituting respectively the supply of and demand for new capital.

19. define


20. Topotecan is an effective agent for SCLC when used as monotherapy or in combined treatment, but myelosuppression such as leucopenia and thrombopenia was relatively severe. Although it has been recommended as a second-line agent for recurrence of sensitive SCLC, more clinical trials are needed to define its role in first-line treatment.

define 词典解释

1. 阐明;规定;限定;使明确
    If you define something, you show, describe, or state clearly what it is and what its limits are, or what it is like.

    e.g. We were unable to define what exactly was wrong with him...
    e.g. He was asked to define his concept of cool.

...a party with a clearly defined programme and strict rules of membership.

2. 给…下定义;解释
    If you define a word or expression, you explain its meaning, for example in a dictionary.

    e.g. When people are asked 'What is intelligence?' they tend to reply: 'I don't know how to define it, but I can certainly recognize it when I see it.'...
    e.g. Collins English Dictionary defines a workaholic as 'a person obsessively addicted to work'.

define 单语例句

1. The regulations define that any act of using the IPRs for commercial purpose without authorization constitutes wrongdoing.

2. Easier access to information worldwide subverts people's reference system by which they define their happiness.

3. " It's hard to define what we mean by'intentional', " He said.

4. The second should define the pollutant carrying capacity of water bodies, and controlling the volume of pollutants discharged into them.

5. According to the current widely practiced worldwide standard, medical authorities define brain death as irreversible cessation of all brain activity.

6. But sometimes it is hard to define whether it is insider trading due to a lack of clear evidence.

7. To define protection of private properties in stronger and clearer terms is also a demand of the new situation.

8. The civil society wrote a letter to the Ministry of Health, appealing for the ministry to clearly define which occupations are not suitable for HIV carriers.

9. UNESCO wants to take the upcoming Rio + 20 summit as an opportunity to define new guidelines on priorities in coastal and ocean sciences for global sustainability.

10. Success will come from the balance between the different types of relationships and networks that define your work.

define 英英释义


1. decide upon or fix definitely

    e.g. fix the variables
           specify the parameters

    Synonym: specify set determine fix limit

2. give a definition for the meaning of a word

    e.g. Define `sadness'

3. determine the essential quality of

    Synonym: specify delineate delimit delimitate

4. determine the nature of

    e.g. What defines a good wine?

5. show the form or outline of

    e.g. The tree was clearly defined by the light
           The camera could define the smallest object

    Synonym: delineate


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