demur [dɪˈmɜ:(r)]  [dɪˈmə:] 


demur 基本解释

不及物动词 表示异议,反对

名词 反对,异议

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demur 相关例句


1. They demurred at working on Sundays.

2. demur是什么意思

2. They demurred at the proposal.

3. He demured at the difficulty.

demur 网络解释

1. 反对,犹豫:demonstrate 证明,演示,作示威运动 | demur 反对,犹豫 | denude 剥下,脱去,剥夺

2. 迢异议:demulsify 反乳化 | demur 迢异议 | demure 端庄的

3. 表示异议:demultiplier 递减器 | demur 表示异议 | demurrage and despatch 滞期费与速遣费

4. 公然反对:debut 初次登台 | defy 公然反对 demur | aggrieve 侵害

demur 双语例句

1. Although he may demur, he must have been with her!

2. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

2. If do not have demur, those who ask you to bear the blame is direct face.

3. As soon as the suggestion was announced, she stood up and made a demur.

4. This people is done not have it seems that on surface layer understanding how old demur.

5. He demur red to my statement.

6. C and as she did not demur, I pushed on, getting in maybe an inch.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. Very, extremely. PROF.: At this point it is perfectly understandable for people to demur, 5 Well, you're not

8. Dan Yong introduces, to do not affect the normal order that admit by examination, inside examination room, supervisor cannot chat with other at will, although be put in demur to the practice of official of be in charge of an examination, also cannot refute on the spot.

9. The third chapter analyzes and demonstrates the enterprises how to demur and quote using the accounting information in anti-dumping pendente lite; and discusses the effects of the differences of accounting standards, exchange rate, and others.

10. demur的反义词

10. O'Brien's servant, however, had admitted the two of them without demur

11. This is done without demur in much of Europe and Asia, where municipalities often collect paper, plastics, metal and glass separately.

12. In the end Nixon accepted our unanimous advice without demur.

13. Without demur, they joined the party in my rooms

14. His own possessions, safety, life, he would have hazarded for Lucie and her child, without a moment's demur; but the great trust he held was not his own, and as to that business charge he was a strict man of business.

15. Supposing there was a chocolate that could make you taller, slimmer and more beautiful, would you eat it without demur?

16. demur

16. A bar business that is located in skyscraper is thriving, one day some armour seedily, here drink down drinks frowsty wine, suddenly, walk along a drunkard from outside, the wine stink of all over the body, he goes over there the stage, wanted a cup of maguey to barkeeper, the demur after be being drunk does not say, the window that did not close to goes, jumped next.


17. If the bargainor responsibility, you should reply and give treatment in 20 days since you receivs the demur.

18. demur的近义词

18. Many accused in China would like to demur on the prior art in patent infringement cases.

19. On December 16, court of people of division of Shenzhen blessing cropland rejected the demur of Baidu to apply for.

20. However, people whom want faster demur as, there still have lot of prole even following currently develop speed.

demur 词典解释

1. 表示反对;提出异议
    If you demur, you say that you do not agree with something or will not do something that you have been asked to do.

    e.g. Hunt wanted to know, would I be prepared to take over the whole operation and supervise it? At first I demurred...
    e.g. The doctor demurred, but Piercey was insistent.

2. 毫无异议地;毫不犹豫地
    If you do something without demur, you do it immediately and without making any protest.

    e.g. When Scobie opened the door and stood aside for her to enter, she did so without demur.

demur 英英释义



1. (law) a formal objection to an opponent's pleadings

    Synonym: demurral demurrer


1. take exception to

    e.g. he demurred at my suggestion to work on Saturday

    Synonym: except

2. enter a demurrer


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